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4 results for "onwizardcancel":
Creating a Wizard - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXULTutorialCreating a Wizard
there are also related onwizardback, onwizardnext and onwizardcancel attributes, which are called when the back, next and cancel buttons are pressed respectively.
...these methods will be called when the page is hidden or shown, regardless of which button was pressed (except when cancel is pressed -- you need to use onwizardcancel to check for this.) these three methods should provide enough flexibility to handle navigation as you need to.
Attribute (XUL) - Archive of obsolete content
ogaccept ondialogcancel ondialogclosure ondialogextra1 ondialogextra2 ondialoghelp onerror onerrorcommand onextra1 onextra2 oninput onload onnewtab onpageadvanced onpagehide onpagerewound onpageshow onpaneload onpopuphidden onpopuphiding onpopupshowing onpopupshown onsearchcomplete onselect ontextcommand ontextentered ontextrevert ontextreverted onunload onwizardback onwizardcancel onwizardfinish onwizardnext open ordinal orient pack pageid pageincrement pagestep parent parsetype persist persistence phase pickertooltiptext placeholder popup position predicate preference preference-editable primary priority properties querytype readonly ref rel removeelement resizeafter resizebefore rows screenx screeny searchbutton searchsessions search...
Index - Archive of obsolete content
254 onwizardcancel xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
cancel - Archive of obsolete content
the code in the onwizardcancel attribute is called before the wizard is cancelled.