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syntax #include <prio.h> prfiledesc* pr_newtcpsocket(void); returns the function returns one of the following values: upon successful completion, a pointer to the prfiledesc object created for the newly opened ipv4 tcp socket.
...pr_newtcpsocket creates a new ipv4 tcp socket.
... see also pr_newtcpsocket is deprecated because it is hardcoded to create an ipv4 tcp socket.
syntax #include <prio.h> prfiledesc* pr_newudpsocket(void); returns the function returns one of the following values: upon successful completion, a pointer to the prfiledesc object created for the newly opened udp socket.
... pr_newudpsocket creates a new udp socket.
... see also pr_newudpsocket is deprecated because it is hardcoded to create an ipv4 udp socket.
syntax #include <prlock.h> prlock* pr_newlock(void); returns the function returns one of the following values: if successful, a pointer to the new lock object.
... description pr_newlock creates a new opaque lock.
syntax #include <prthread.h> prstatus pr_newthreadprivateindex( pruintn *newindex, prthreadprivatedtor destructor); parameters pr_newthreadprivateindex has the following parameters: newindex on output, an index that is valid for all threads in the process.
... description if pr_newthreadprivateindex is successful, every thread in the same process is capable of associating private data with the new index.
syntax #include <prmem.h> _type * pr_new(_struct); parameter _struct the name of a type.
syntax #include <prmem.h> _type * pr_newzap(_struct); parameter _struct the name of a type.
syntax #include <prcvar.h> prcondvar* pr_newcondvar(prlock *lock); parameter pr_newcondvar has one parameter: lock the identity of the mutex that protects the monitored data, including this condition variable.
syntax #include <prlog.h> prlogmoduleinfo* pr_newlogmodule(const char *name); parameters the function has this parameter: name the name to be assigned to the prlogmoduleinfo structure.
syntax #include <prmon.h> prmonitor* pr_newmonitor(void); returns the function returns one of the following values: if successful, a pointer to a prmonitor object.
syntax nspr_api(prfiledesc *) pr_newpollableevent( void); parameter none.
Nonblocking IO In NSPR
in nspr, a new socket returned by <tt>pr_newtcpsocket()</tt> or <tt>pr_newudpsocket()</tt> is always created in blocking mode.
... one can make the new socket nonblocking by using <tt>pr_setsockopt()</tt> as in the example below (error checking is omitted for clarity): <tt>prfiledesc *sock;</tt> <tt>printn optval = 1;</tt> <tt>sock = pr_newtcpsocket();</tt> /* * make the socket nonblocking */ pr_setsockopt(sock, pr_sockopt_nonblocking, &optval, sizeof(optval)); programming constraints there are some constraints due to the use of nt asynchronous i/o in the nspr.
I/O Functions
list of functions: pr_openudpsocket pr_newudpsocket pr_opentcpsocket pr_newtcpsocket pr_importtcpsocket pr_connect pr_connectcontinue pr_accept pr_bind pr_listen pr_shutdown pr_recv pr_send pr_recvfrom pr_sendto pr_transmitfile pr_acceptread pr_getsockname pr_getpeername pr_getsocketoption pr_setsocketoption converting between host and network addresses pr_ntohs pr_ntohl pr_htons pr_htonl pr_familyinet me...
... pr_newpollableevent pr_destroypollableevent pr_setpollableevent pr_waitforpollableevent one can call pr_poll with the pr_poll_read flag on a pollable event.
log types and variables two types supporting nspr logging are exposed in the api: prlogmoduleinfo prlogmodulelevel two environment variables control the behavior of logging at execution time: nspr_log_modules nspr_log_file logging functions and macros the functions and macros for logging are: pr_newlogmodule pr_setlogfile pr_setlogbuffering pr_logprint pr_logflush pr_log_test pr_log pr_assert pr_assert pr_static_assert (new in nspr 4.6.6xxx this hasn't been released yet; the number is a logical guess) pr_not_reached use example the following sample code fragment demonstrates use of the logging and debugging aids.
... before running the compiled program, set the environment variable nspr_log_modules to userstuff:5 static void userlogstuff( void ) { prlogmoduleinfo *mylm; printn i; pr_static_assert(5 > 4); /* nspr 4.6.6 or newer */ mylm = pr_newlogmodule( "userstuff" ); pr_assert( mylm ); pr_log( mylm, pr_log_notice, ("log a notice %d\n", 999 )); for (i = 0; i < 10 ; i++ ) { pr_log( mylm, pr_log_debug, ("log debug number: %d\n", i)); pr_sleep( 500 ); } pr_log( mylm, pr_log_notice, "that's all folks\n"); } /* end userlogstuff() */ see also nspr logging reference ...
monitor type with the exception of pr_newmonitor, which creates a new monitor object, all monitor functions require a pointer to an opaque object of type prmonitor.
... pr_newmonitor creates a new monitor.
syntax modulename:level[, modulename:level]* modulename is the name specified in a pr_newlogmodule call or one of the handy magic names listed below.
... description specify a modulename that is associated with the name argument in a call to pr_newlogmodule and a non-zero level value to enable logging for the named modulename.
Using addresses of stack variables with NSPR threads on win16 - Archive of obsolete content
ruct shareddata { prlock *ml; prcondvar *cv; print32 counter; } shareddata; static void forkedthread(void *arg) { shareddata *shared = (shareddata*)arg; while (--shared->counter > 0) pr_waitcondvar(shared->cv, pr_interval_no_timeout); return; } /* forkedthread */ printn main(printn argc, char **argv) { prthread *thread; shareddata shared; = pr_newlock(); = pr_newcondvar(; shared.counter = 10; thread = pr_createthread( pr_user_thread, forkedthread, &shared, pr_priority_normal, pr_local_thread, pr_joinable_thread, 0); do { pr_sleep(pr_secondstointerval(1)); pr_lock(; if (0 == shared.counter) break; pr_notifycondvar(; pr_unlock...
Choosing the right memory allocator
pr_alloc() (do not use, no users and only exists in /security/; use pr_malloc() instead) pr_malloc() == pr_malloc pr_calloc() == pr_calloc pr_realloc() == pr_realloc pr_free() pr_new (pass in a struct to allocate its size) pr_newzap (same as pr_new, but zeros memory) pr_delete (pr_free() and also clears the pointer) pr_freeif special cases pr_smprintf(), pr_sprintf_append(), pr_vsmprintf() and pr_vsprintf_append() must be freed with pr_smprintf_free() pl_strdup(), pl_strndup() must be freed with pl_strfree() nscrt::strdup/nscrt::strndup must be freed with n...
Anonymous Shared Memory
first protocol server: fm = pr_openanonfilemap(dirname, size, filemapprot); addr = pr_memmap(fm); attr = pr_newprocessattr(); pr_processattrsetinheritablefilemap( attr, fm, shmname ); pr_createprocess(client); pr_destroyprocessattr(attr); ...
Condition Variables
condition variable type prcondvar condition variable functions pr_newcondvar pr_destroycondvar pr_waitcondvar pr_notifycondvar pr_notifyallcondvar ...
lock type prlock lock functions pr_newlock creates a new lock object.
Memory Management Operations
memory allocation macros macro versions of the memory allocation functions are available, as well as additional macros that provide programming convenience: pr_malloc pr_new pr_realloc pr_calloc pr_newzap pr_delete pr_freeif ...
otherwise, you use functions such as pr_open and pr_newtcpsocket to obtain a file descriptor, which you should treat as an opaque structure.
to log your program's activity, create a prlogmoduleinfo structure using pr_newlogmodule .
the destructor function passed to pr_newthreadprivateindex that is associated with the resulting thread private index.
syntax nspr_api(prstatus) pr_destroypollableevent(prfiledesc *event); parameter the function has the following parameter: event pointer to a prfiledesc structure previously created via a call to pr_newpollableevent.
PR ImportTCPSocket
of course, it is best if you just use pr_opentcpsocket or pr_newtcpsocket.
PR NewProcessAttr
syntax #include <prlink.h> prprocessattr *pr_newprocessattr(void); parameters the function has no parameters.
syntax nspr_api(prstatus) pr_setpollableevent(prfiledesc *event); parameter the function has the following parameter: event pointer to a prfiledesc structure previously created via a call to pr_newpollableevent.
syntax nspr_api(prstatus) pr_waitforpollableevent(prfiledesc *event); parameter the function has the following parameter: event pointer to a prfiledesc structure previously created via a call to pr_newpollableevent.
Process Management and Interprocess Communication
anagement types and constants the types defined for process management are: prprocess prprocessattr process management functions the process manipulation function fall into these categories: setting the attributes of a new process creating and managing processes setting the attributes of a new process the functions that create and manipulate attribute sets of new processes are: pr_newprocessattr pr_resetprocessattr pr_destroyprocessattr pr_processattrsetstdioredirect pr_processattrsetcurrentdirectory pr_processattrsetinheritablefd creating and managing processes the functions that create and manage processes are: pr_createprocess pr_detachprocess pr_waitprocess pr_killprocess ...
after a thread has been created, you can get and set its priority with these functions: pr_getthreadpriority pr_setthreadpriority controlling per-thread private data you can use these functions to associate private data with each of the threads in a process: pr_newthreadprivateindex allocates a unique index.
NSPR API Reference
prprocessattr process management functions setting the attributes of a new process creating and managing processes multiwait receive system information and environment variables logging conditional compilation and execution log types and variables prlogmoduleinfo prlogmodulelevel nspr_log_modules nspr_log_file logging functions and macros pr_newlogmodule pr_setlogfile pr_setlogbuffering pr_logprint pr_logflush pr_log_test pr_log pr_assert pr_assert pr_not_reached use example instrumentation counters named shared memory shared memory protocol named shared memory functions anonymous shared memory anonymous memory protocol anonymous shared memory functions ipc semaphores ipc semaphore funct...
configuration the configuration portion of an ssl-enabled application typically begins by opening a new socket and then importing the new socket into the ssl environment: pr_newtcpsocket.
XPCOM Thread Synchronization
prlock* mlock; prmonitor* mmonitor; prcondvar* mcvar; fooconstructor() { } nsresult init() { mlock = nsautolock::newlock("foo lock"); // check for null mmonitor = nsautomonitor::newmonitor("foo monitor"); // check for null mcvar = pr_newcondvar(mrawlock); // check for null // ...