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CSSStyleSheet.cssRules - Web APIs
the read-only cssstylesheet property cssrules returns a live cssrulelist which provides a real-time, up-to-date list of every css rule which comprises the stylesheet.
... syntax var rules = cssstylesheet.cssrules; value a live-updating cssrulelist containing each of the css rules making up the stylesheet.
... examples individual rules within the stylesheet can then be accessed by index: let rulelist = document.stylesheets[0].cssrules; for (let i=0; i < rulelist.length; i++) { processrule(rulelist[i]); } rules can also be accessed using for...of: let rulelist = document.stylesheets[0].cssrules; for (let rule of rulelist) { processrule(rule); } however, because cssrule is not a proper array, you can't use foreach().
... specifications specification status comment css object model (cssom)the definition of 'cssstylesheet.cssrules' in that specification.
CSSStyleSheet - Web APIs
the rules are contained in a cssrulelist, which can be obtained from the stylesheet's cssrules property.
... cssrules read only returns a live cssrulelist which maintains an up-to-date list of the cssrule objects that comprise the stylesheet.
... this is normally used to access individual rules like this: stylesheet.cssrules[i] // where i = 0..cssrules.length-1 to add or remove items in cssrules, use the cssstylesheet's insertrule() and deleterule() methods.
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CSSRuleList - Web APIs
description each cssrule can be accessed as rules.item(index), or simply rules[index], where rules is an object implementing the cssrulelist interface (such as cssstylesheet.cssrules), and index is the 0-based index of the rule, in the order as it appears in the style sheet css.
...if however, for some reason the list does need to be modified but has no parent stylesheet (perhaps being a livecopy of a list that does), it cannot just be assigned one (as it has no such property), and neither can it be assigned to one (as stylesheet.cssrules is read-only), but it must unfortunately be inserted into one, rule by rule, and unless combining lists, after any existing list therein is deleted, rule by rule.
... example // get the first style sheet’s first rule var first_rule = document.stylesheets[0].cssrules[0]; see also cssrule cssrulelist implementations there are multiple properties in the cssom that will return a cssrulelist.
... they are: cssstylesheet property cssrules cssmediarule property cssrules csskeyframesrule property cssrules cssmozdocumentrule property cssrules specifications specification status comment css object model (cssom)the definition of 'cssrulelist' in that specification.
CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() - Web APIs
note: although insertrule() is exclusively a method of cssstylesheet, it actually inserts the rule into cssstylesheet.cssrules — its internal cssrulelist.
... index optional a positive integer less than or equal to stylesheet.cssrules.length, representing the newly inserted rule's position in cssstylesheet.cssrules.
...' !important' : '') + ';\n'; } // insert css rule stylesheet.insertrule(selector + '{' + propstr + '}', stylesheet.cssrules.length); } } polyfill the below polyfill will correct the input of the arguments of insertrule() to standardize them in internet explorer 5–8.
CSSGroupingRule - Web APIs
interface cssgroupingrule : cssrule { readonly attribute cssrulelist cssrules; unsigned long insertrule (domstring rule, unsigned long index); void deleterule (unsigned long index); } properties common to all cssgroupingrule instances the cssgroupingrule derives from cssrule and inherits all properties of this class.
... it has one specific property: cssgroupingrule.cssrules read only returns a cssrulelist of the css rules in the media rule.
CSSRule.cssText - Web APIs
therefore, to modify it, use the stylesheet's cssrules[index] properties .selectortext and .style (or its sub-properties).
... syntax string = cssrule.csstext example <style> body { background-color: darkblue; } </style> <script> var stylesheet = document.stylesheets[0]; alert(stylesheet.cssrules[0].csstext); // body { background-color: darkblue; } </script> specifications specification status comment css object model (cssom)the definition of 'cssrule: csstext' in that specification.
CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty() - Web APIs
we then loop through the different rules contained inside the stylesheet, which are contained in the array found at stylesheet.cssrules; for each one, we check whether its cssstylerule.selectortext property is equal to the selector .box p, which indicates it is the one we want. colorbtn = document.queryselector('.color'); const box = document.queryselector('.box'); function random(min,max) { const num = math.floor(math.random()*(max-min)) + min; return num; } function randomcolor() { return 'rgb(' + random(0,255) + ', ' + random(0,255) + ', ' + random(0,255) + ')'; } const stylesheet = document.stylesheets[1]; let boxpararule; for(let i = 0; i < stylesheet.cssrules.length; i++) { if(stylesheet.cssrules[i].selectortext === '.box p') { boxpararule = stylesheet.cssrules[i]; } } function setrandomborder() { const newborder = random(1, 50) + 'px solid ' + randomcolor();'border', newborder); } function setrandombgcolor() { const newbgcolor = randomcolor();'background-color', newbgcolo...
CSSStyleDeclaration - Web APIs
for example, document.stylesheets[0].cssrules[0].style returns a cssstyledeclaration object on the first css rule in the document's first stylesheet.
... example var styleobj = document.stylesheets[0].cssrules[0].style; console.log(styleobj.csstext); for (var i = styleobj.length; i--;) { var namestring = styleobj[i]; styleobj.removeproperty(namestring); } console.log(styleobj.csstext); specifications specification status comment css object model (cssom)the definition of 'cssstyledeclaration' in that specification.
CSSStyleSheet.rules - Web APIs
functionally identical to the preferred cssrules property, it provides access to a live-updating list of the css rules comprising the stylesheet.
... note: as a legacy property, you not use rules and should instead use the preferred cssrules.
Index - Web APIs
471 cssstylesheet.cssrules api, css, cssom, cssom api, cssstylesheet, layout, object model, property, read-only, reference, stylesheet the read-only cssstylesheet property cssrules returns a live cssrulelist which provides a real-time, up-to-date list of every css rule which comprises the stylesheet.
...functionally identical to the preferred cssrules property, it provides access to a live-updating list of the css rules comprising the stylesheet.
jspage - Archive of obsolete content
,b){if($type(c)!="fx:css:value"){c=this.parse(c);}var a=[];c.each(function(d){a=a.concat(d.parser.serve(d.value,b)); });return a;},render:function(a,d,c,b){a.setstyle(d,this.serve(c,b));},search:function(a){if(fx.css.cache[a]){return fx.css.cache[a];}var b={};array.each(document.stylesheets,function(e,d){var c=e.href; if(c&&c.contains("://")&&!c.contains(document.domain)){return;}var f=e.rules||e.cssrules;array.each(f,function(j,g){if(!{return;}var h=(j.selectortext)?j.selectortext.replace(/^\w+/,function(i){return i.tolowercase(); }):null;if(!h||!h.test("^"+a+"$")){return;}element.styles.each(function(k,i){if(![i]||element.shortstyles[i]){return;}k=string([i]);b[i]=(k.test(/^rgb/))?k.rgbtohex():k; });});});return fx.css.cache[a]=b;}});fx.css.cache={};fx.css.parsers=new hash(...
CSSKeyframesRule - Web APIs
csskeyframesrule.cssrules read only returns a cssrulelist of the css rules in the media rule.
CSSRule - Web APIs
references to a cssrule may be obtained by looking at a cssstylesheet's cssrules list.
CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyPriority() - Web APIs
example the following javascript code checks whether margin is marked as important in a css selector rule: var declaration = document.stylesheets[0].cssrules[0].style; var isimportant = declaration.getpropertypriority('margin') === 'important'; specifications specification status comment css object model (cssom)the definition of 'cssstyledeclaration.getpropertypriority()' in that specification.
CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyValue() - Web APIs
example the following javascript code queries the value of the margin property in a css selector rule: var declaration = document.stylesheets[0].cssrules[0].style; var value = declaration.getpropertyvalue('margin'); // "1px 2px" specifications specification status comment css object model (cssom)the definition of 'cssstyledeclaration.getpropertyvalue()' in that specification.
CSSStyleRule.selectorText - Web APIs
syntax string = cssrule.selectortext example // for cssrule: body { background-color: darkblue; } var stylesheet = document.stylesheets[0]; alert(stylesheet.cssrules[0].selectortext); // body notes the implementation may have stripped out insignificant whitespace while parsing the selector. - Web APIs
syntax styleobj = example function stilo() { alert(document.stylesheets[0].cssrules[0].style.csstext); } // displays "background-color: gray;" notes the declaration block is that part of the style rule that appears within the braces and that actually provides the style definitions (for the selector, the part that comes before the braces).
CSSStyleSheet.addRule() - Web APIs
if index is not specified, the next index after the last item currently in the list is used (that is, the value of cssstylesheet.cssrules.length).
CSSStyleSheet.ownerRule - Web APIs
let rulelist = document.stylesheets[0].cssrules; for (let rule of rulelist) { if (!rule.ownerrule) { /* rule is not imported */ } } this snipped obtains a reference to the stylesheet associated with the @import and processes it in some manner: let rulelist = document.stylesheets[0].cssrules; for (let rule of rulelist) { if (rule.ownerrule) { checkstylesheet(rule.ownerrule.stylesheet); } } specifications specific...
CSSValue.cssText - Web APIs
example var styledeclaration = document.stylesheets[0].cssrules[0].style; var cssvalue = styledeclaration.getpropertycssvalue("color"); console.log(cssvalue.csstext); specifications specification status comment document object model (dom) level 2 style specificationthe definition of 'cssvalue.csstext' in that specification.
CSSValue.cssValueType - Web APIs
example var styledeclaration = document.stylesheets[0].cssrules[0].style; var cssvalue = styledeclaration.getpropertycssvalue("color"); console.log(cssvalue.cssvaluetype); specifications specification status comment document object model (dom) level 2 style specificationthe definition of 'cssvalue.cssvaluetype' in that specification.
Using dynamic styling information - Web APIs
modify a stylesheet rule with cssom <html> <head> <title>modifying a stylesheet rule with cssom</title> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: red; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> var stylesheet = document.stylesheets[0]; stylesheet.cssrules[0].style.backgroundcolor="blue"; </script> </head> <body> the stylesheet declaration for the body's background color is modified via javascript.
Document.readyState - Web APIs
console.log("the first css rule is: " + document.stylesheets[0].cssrules[0].csstext); break; } readystatechange as an alternative to domcontentloaded event // alternative to domcontentloaded event document.onreadystatechange = function () { if (document.readystate === 'interactive') { initapplication(); } } readystatechange as an alternative to load event // alternative to load event document.onreadystatechange = function () { if (document.readysta...
Examples of web and XML development using the DOM - Web APIs
var ss = document.stylesheets; for(var i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { for(var j = 0; j < ss[i].cssrules.length; j++) { dump( ss[i].cssrules[j].selectortext + "\n" ); } } for a document with a single stylesheet in which the following three rules are defined: body { background-color: darkblue; } p { font-face: arial; font-size: 10pt; margin-left: .125in; } #lumpy { display: none; } this script outputs the following: body p #lumpy example 5: event propagation this example demonstrates ho...
StyleSheetList - Web APIs
examples get document stylesheet objects with for loop for (let i = 0; i < document.stylesheets.length; i++) { let stylesheet = document.stylesheets[i]; } get all css rules for the document using array methods const allcss = [...document.stylesheets] .map(stylesheet => { try { return [...stylesheet.cssrules] .map(rule => rule.csstext) .join(''); } catch (e) { console.log('access to stylesheet %s is denied.
CSS reference - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
alue definition syntax css unit and value types values actual value computed value initial value resolved value specified value used value layout block formatting context box model containing block layout mode margin collapsing replaced elements stacking context visual formatting model dom-css / cssom major object types documentorshadowroot.stylesheets stylesheets[i].cssrules cssrules[i].csstext (selector & style) cssrules[i].selectortext (just style) element.classname element.classlist important methods cssstylesheet.insertrule() cssstylesheet.deleterule() ...