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3 results for "queryCommandIndeterm":
); void clear(); boolean execcommand(in domstring commandid, in boolean doshowui, in domstring value); boolean execcommandshowhelp(in domstring commandid); obsolete since gecko 14.0 domstring getselection(); nsidomdocument open(in acstring acontenttype, in boolean areplace); boolean querycommandenabled(in domstring commandid); boolean querycommandindeterm(in domstring commandid); boolean querycommandstate(in domstring commandid); boolean querycommandsupported(in domstring commandid); domstring querycommandtext(in domstring commandid); obsolete since gecko 14.0 domstring querycommandvalue(in domstring commandid); void releaseevents(in long eventflags); void routeevent(in nsidomevent evt); ...
...querycommandindeterm() boolean querycommandindeterm( in domstring commandid ); parameters commandid the name of the command to query.
document.querycommandindeterm determines whether the current selection is in an indetermined state.
Document - Web APIs
document.querycommandindeterm() returns true if the formating command is in an indeterminate state on the current range.