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XRInputSourceEventInit.frame - Web APIs
the xrinputsourceeventinit dictionary's property frame specifies an xrframe providing information about the timestamp at which the new input source event took place, as well as access to the xrframe method getpose() which can be used to map the coordinates of any xrreferencespace to the space in which the event took place.
... of course, as a general rule, you won't need to create xrinputsourceeventinit objects yourself.
... syntax xrinputsourceeventinit.frame = xrframe; let xrinputsourceeventinit = { frame: xrframe }; let xrinputsourceevent = new xrinputsourceevent(type, { frame: xrframe }); value an xrframe indicating the time at which the event took place, and providing a getpose() method which can be used to map reference spaces to the world reference space.
... let event = new xrinputsourceevent("select", { frame: eventframe, inputsource: source }; if (event) { xrsession.dispatchevent(event); } specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrinputsourceeventinit.frame' in that specification.
XRInputSourceEventInit.inputSource - Web APIs
the xrinputsourceeventinit dictionary's inputsource property is used when calling the xrinputsourceevent() constructor to specify the xrinputsource from which the newly-created event is being sent.
... of course, as a general rule, you won't need to create xrinputsourceeventinit objects yourself.
... syntax let xrinputsourceeventinit.inputsource = xrinputsource; let xrinputsourceeventinit = { inputsource: xrinputsource }; let xrinputsourceevent = new xrinputsourceevent(type, { inputsource: xrinputsource }); value an xrinputsource object indicating the source of the newly-created xrinputsourceevent to be created.
... let event = new xrinputsourceevent("select", { frame: eventframe, inputsource: source }; if (event) { xrsession.dispatchevent(event); } specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrinputsourceeventinit.inputsource' in that specification.
RTCTrackEventInit.receiver - Web APIs
the rtctrackeventinit dictionary's receiver property specifies the rtcrtpreceiver associated with the event.
... syntax var trackeventinit = { receiver: rtpreceiver, track: mediastreamtrack, streams: [videostream], transceiver: rtptransceiver }; var rtpreceiver = trackeventinit.receiver; value the rtcrtptransceiver which pairs the receiver with a sender and other properties which establish a single bidirectional srtp stream for use by the track associated with the rtctrackevent.
... specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtctrackeventinit.receiver' in that specification.
RTCTrackEventInit.streams - Web APIs
the rtctrackeventinit dictionary's optional streams property provides an array containing a mediastream object for each of the streams associated with the event's track.
... syntax var trackeventinit = { receiver: rtpreceiver, track: mediastreamtrack, streams: [videostream], transceiver: rtptransceiver }; var streamlist = trackeventinit.streams; value an array of mediastream objects, one for each stream which make up the track.
... specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtctrackeventinit.streams' in that specification.
RTCTrackEventInit.track - Web APIs
the rtctrackeventinit dictionary's track property specifies the mediastreamtrack associated with the track event.
... syntax var trackeventinit = { receiver: rtpreceiver, track: mediastreamtrack, streams: [videostream], transceiver: rtptransceiver }; var track = trackeventinit.track; value a mediastreamtrack representing the track with which the event is associated.
... specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtctrackeventinit.track' in that specification.
RTCTrackEventInit.transceiver - Web APIs
the rtctrackeventinit dictionary's transceiver property specifies the rtcrtptransceiver associated with the track event.
... syntax var trackeventinit = { receiver: rtpreceiver, track: mediastreamtrack, streams: [videostream], transceiver: rtptransceiver }; var rtptransceiver = trackeventinit.transceiver; value the rtcrtptransceiver which pairs the receiver with a sender and other properties which establish a single bidirectional srtp stream for use by the track associated with the rtctrackevent.
... specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtctrackeventinit.transceiver' in that specification.
RTCTrackEventInit - Web APIs
the webrtc api's rtctrackeventinit dictionary is used to provide information describing an rtctrackevent when instantiating a new track event using new rtctrackevent().
... properties rtctrackeventinit inherits properties from the eventinit dictionary, and also includes the following properties: receiver the rtcrtpreceiver which is being used to receive the track's media.
... specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtctrackeventinit' in that specification.
XRInputSourceEventInit - Web APIs
the xrinputsourceeventinit dictionary is used when calling the xrinputsourceevent() constructor to provide configuration options for the newly-created xrinputsourceevent object to take on.
... properties the xrinputsourceeventinit dictionary inherits properties from the eventinit dictionary.
... specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrinputsourceeventinit' in that specification.
XRInputSourcesChangeEventInit.added - Web APIs
the xrinputsourceschangeeventinit property added specifies a list of input sources, each identified using an xrinputsource object, which the represented inputsourceschange event is to indicate are newly available for use.
... syntax let inputsourceseventinit = { session: xrsession, added: [newdevice1, ..., newdevicen], removed: [removeddevice1, ..., newdevicen], }; myinputsourceschangeevent = new xrinputsourceschangeeventinit("inputsourceschange", inputsourceseventinit); myinputsourceschangeevent = new xrinputsourceschangeeventinit("inputsourceschange", { session: xrsession, added: addeddevicelist, removed: removeddevicelist }); value an array of zero or more xrinputsource objects, each representing one input device added to the xr system.
... specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrinputsourceschangeeventinit.added' in that specification.
XRInputSourcesChangeEventInit.removed - Web APIs
the xrinputsourceschangeeventinit property removed is an array of zero or more xrinputsource objects, each representing one input source which has been removed from the xrsession.
... syntax let inputsourceseventinit = { session: xrsession, added: [newdevice1, ..., newdevicen], removed: [removeddevice1, ..., newdevicen], }; myinputsourceschangeevent = new xrinputsourceschangeeventinit("inputsourceschange", inputsourceseventinit); myinputsourceschangeevent = new xrinputsourceschangeeventinit("inputsourceschange", { session: xrsession, added: addeddevicelist, removed: removeddevicelist }); value an array of zero or more xrinputsource objects, each representing one input device removed from the xr system.
... specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrinputsourceschangeeventinit.removed' in that specification.
XRInputSourcesChangeEventInit.session - Web APIs
the xrinputsourceschangeeventinit property session specifies the xrsession to which the input source list change event applies.
... syntax let inputsourceseventinit = { session: xrsession, added: [newdevice1, ..., newdevicen], removed: [removeddevice1, ..., newdevicen], }; myinputsourceschangeevent = new xrinputsourceschangeeventinit("inputsourceschange", inputsourceseventinit); myinputsourceschangeevent = new xrinputsourceschangeeventinit("inputsourceschange", { session: xrsession, added: addeddevicelist, removed: removeddevicelist }); value an xrsession indicating the webxr session to which the input source list change applies.
... specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrinputsourceschangeeventinit.session' in that specification.
XRReferenceSpaceEventInit.referenceSpace - Web APIs
the xrreferencespaceeventinit property referencespace is used to establish the value of a newly-constructed xrreferencespaceevent object when calling the xrreferencespaceevent() constructor.
... syntax let eventinitdict = { referencespace: xrreferencespace, transform: xrrigidtransform }); value an xrreferencespace indicating the source of the event.
... let refspaceevent = new xrreferencespaceevent("reset", { referencespace: myrefspace, transform: mytransform }); specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrreferencespaceeventinit.referencespace' in that specification.
XRReferenceSpaceEventInit.transform - Web APIs
the xrreferencespaceeventinit property transform indicates the position and orientation of the affected reference space's native origin after the changes the event represents are applied.
... syntax let eventinitdict = { referencespace: xrreferencespace, transform: xrrigidtransform }); value an xrrigidtransform object providing a transform that can be used to convert coordinates from the pre-event coordinate system to the post-event coordinate system.
... let refspaceevent = new xrreferencespaceevent("reset", { referencespace: myrefspace, transform: mytransform }); specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrreferencespaceeventinit.transform' in that specification.
XRSessionEventInit.session - Web APIs
the xrsessioneventinit dictionary's session property specifies the xrsession for which the event describes a state change.
... syntax let sessioneventinit = { session: xrsession }; mysessionevent = new xrsessionevent(type, sessioneventinit); mysessionevent = new xrsessionevent(type, { session: xrsession }); value an xrsession object indicating which webxr session the event is referring to.
... specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrsessioneventinit.session' in that specification.
XRInputSourcesChangeEventInit - Web APIs
the xrinputsourceschangeeventinit dictionary is used to provide options to the xrinputsourceschangeevent() constructor in order to set the initial state of the new xrinputsourceschangeevent object.
... examples <tbd> specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrinputsourceschangeeventinit' in that specification.
XRReferenceSpaceEventInit - Web APIs
the xrreferencespaceeventinit dictionary is used when calling the xrreferencespaceevent() constructor to provide the values for its properties.
... let refspaceevent = new xrreferencespaceevent("reset", { referencespace: myrefspace, transform: mytransform }); specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrreferencespaceeventinit' in that specification.
XRSessionEventInit - Web APIs
the xrsessioneventinit dictionary is used when calling the xrsessionevent() constructor to provide the new event's initial values.
... examples <tbd> specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrsessioneventinit' in that specification.
Index - Web APIs
1412 fontfacesetloadevent.fontfaces api, cssfontloading, experimental, fontfaceloadevent, fonts, property, reference, fontfaces the fontfaces read-only property of the fontfaceloadeventinit interface returns an array of fontface instances, each of which represents a single usable font.
... 3546 rtctrackeventinit api, dictionary, interface, media, rtctrackeventinit, reference, webrtc, webrtc api, events, track the webrtc api's rtctrackeventinit dictionary is used to provide information describing an rtctrackevent when instantiating a new track event using new rtctrackevent().
... 3547 rtctrackeventinit.receiver api, property, rtctrackeventinit, rtp, reference, webrtc, webrtc api, events, receiver, track the rtctrackeventinit dictionary's receiver property specifies the rtcrtpreceiver associated with the event.
...And 3 more matches
CustomEvent() - Web APIs
syntax event = new customevent(typearg, customeventinit); parameters typearg a domstring representing the name of the event.
... customeventinit optional a customeventinit dictionary, having the following fields: "detail", optional and defaulting to null, of type any, that is an event-dependent value associated with the event.
... the customeventinit dictionary also accepts fields from the eventinit dictionary.
... return value a new customevent object of the specified type, with any other properties configured according to the customeventinit dictionary (if one was provided).
MediaStreamEvent() - Web APIs
syntax var event = new mediastreamevent(type, mediastreameventinit); values type is a domstring containing the name of the event, like addstream or removestream.
... mediastreameventinit is a mediastreameventinit dictionary, having the following fields: "stream" of type mediastream representing the stream being concerned by the event.
... "bubbles", optional and defaulting to false, inherited from eventinit, and indicating if the event must bubble or not.
... "cancelable", optional and defaulting to false, inherited from eventinit, and indicating if the event can be canceled or not.
RTCDataChannelEvent() - Web APIs
syntax var event = new rtcdatachannelevent(type, rtcdatachanneleventinit); parameters type a domstring which specifies the name of the event.
... rtcdatachanneleventinit a rtcdatachanneleventinit dictionary, which has following fields: "channel" of type rtcdatachannel, representing the data channel being concerned by the event.
... "bubbles", optional, inherited from eventinit.
... "cancelable", optional, inherited from eventinit.
CloseEvent() - Web APIs
syntax var event = new closeevent(typearg, closeeventinit); values typearg is a domstring representing the name of the event.
... closeeventinit optional is a closeeventinit dictionary, having the following fields: "wasclean", optional and defaulting to false, of type long, indicates if the connection has been closed cleanly or not.
... the closeeventinit dictionary also accepts fields from the eventinit dictionary.
CompositionEvent.CompositionEvent() - Web APIs
syntax const myevent = new compositionevent(typearg [, compositioneventinit]) values typearg is a domstring representing the name of the event.
... compositioneventinit optional a compositioneventinit dictionary object, which can contain the following members: data initializes the data attribute of the compositionevent object to the characters generated by the ime composition.
... note: the compositioneventinit dictionary inherits from the uieventinit dictionary, so can also accept members defined on there.
DragEvent() - Web APIs
syntax event = new dragevent(type, drageventinit); arguments type is a domstring representing the name of the event (see dragevent event types).
... drageventinitoptional is a drageventinit dictionary, having the following fields: "datatransfer", optional and defaults to "null".
... the drageventinit dictionary inherits from the mouseeventinit dictionary.
FocusEvent() - Web APIs
syntax var focusevent = new focusevent(typearg[, focuseventinit]); properties the focusevent() constructor also inherits arguments from uievent() and from event().
... focuseventinit optional is a focuseventinit dictionary, having the following fields: "relatedtarget", optional and defaulting to null, is an eventtarget representing the secondary target of a focusevent.
... the focuseventinit dictionary also accepts fields from the uieventinit and eventinit dictionaries.
InputEvent() - Web APIs
syntax event = new inputevent(typearg, inputeventinit); values typearg is a domstring representing the name of the event.
... inputeventinitoptional is a inputeventinit dictionary, having the following fields: inputtype: (optional) a string specifying the type of change for editible content such as, for example, inserting, deleting, or formatting text.
... the inputeventinit dictionary also accepts fields from uieventinit and from eventinit dictionaries.
KeyboardEvent() - Web APIs
syntax event = new keyboardevent(typearg, keyboardeventinit); values typearg is a domstring representing the name of the event.
... keyboardeventinitoptional is a keyboardeventinit dictionary, having the following fields: "key", optional and defaulting to "", of type domstring, that sets the value of keyboardevent.key.
... the keyboardeventinit dictionary also accepts fields from the uieventinit and eventinit dictionaries.
MouseEvent() - Web APIs
syntax event = new mouseevent(typearg, mouseeventinit); values typearg is a domstring representing the name of the event.
... mouseeventinit optional is a mouseeventinit dictionary, having the following fields: "screenx", optional and defaulting to 0, of type long, that is the horizontal position of the mouse event on the user's screen; setting this value doesn't move the mouse pointer.
... the mouseeventinit dictionary also accepts fields from uieventinit and from eventinit dictionaries.
PointerEvent.PointerEvent() - Web APIs
syntax event = new pointerevent(type, pointereventinit); arguments type is a domstring representing the name of the event (see pointerevent event types).
... pointereventinitoptional is a pointereventinit dictionary, having the following fields: pointerid — optional and defaulting to 0, of type long, that sets the value of the instance's pointerevent.pointerid.
... note: the pointereventinit dictionary also accepts fields from the mouseevent, uieventinit and eventinit dictionaries.
PushEvent.PushEvent() - Web APIs
syntax var mypushevent = new pushevent(type, eventinitdict); parameters type a domstring defining the type of pushevent.
... eventinitdict optional an options object containing any initialization data you want to populate the pushevent object with.
...when the constructor is invoked, the property of the resulting object will be set to a new pushmessagedata object containing bytes extracted from the eventinitdict data member.
SecurityPolicyViolationEvent.SecurityPolicyViolationEvent() - Web APIs
syntax let spvevt = new securitypolicyviolationevent(type, eventinitdict); properties type a domstring representing the type of security policy violation that occurred.
... eventinitdict optional a dictionary object containing information about the properties of the securitypolicyviolationevent to be constructed.
... this can include the following properties, but bear in mind that if you do include an eventinitdict, certain properties must be included (marked below with required): blockeduri: the blockeduri of the securitypolicyviolationevent.
TouchEvent() - Web APIs
syntax event = new touchevent(typearg, toucheventinit); values typearg is a domstring representing the name of the event.
... toucheventinit optional is a toucheventinit dictionary, having the following fields: "touches", optional and defaulting to [], of type touch[], that is a list of objects for every point of contact currently touching the surface.
... the toucheventinit dictionary also accepts fields from uieventinit and from eventinit dictionaries.
UIEvent() - Web APIs
syntax event = new uievent(typearg [, uieventinit]) values typearg is a domstring representing the name of the event.
... uieventinit optional is a uieventinit dictionary, having the following fields: detail: optional and defaulting to 0, of type long, that is a event-dependant value associated with the event.
... the uieventinit dictionary also accepts fields from the eventinit dictionary.
WheelEvent() - Web APIs
syntax var wheelevent = new wheelevent(typearg, wheeleventinit); properties typearg is a domstring representing the name of the event.
... wheeleventinit optional is a wheeleventinit dictionary, having the following fields: "deltax", optional and defaulting to 0.0, is a double representing the horizontal scroll amount in the deltamode unit.
... the wheeleventinit dictionary also accepts fields from the mouseeventinit, uieventinit and eventinit dictionaries.
XRInputSourceEvent() - Web APIs
syntax newinputsourceevent = new xrinputsourceevent(type, eventinitdict); parameters type a domstring indicating which of the input source events the new object will represent.
... eventinitdict an object based on the xrinputsourceeventinit dictionary which contains the values to assign to the new event's properties.
... return value a new xrinputsourceevent object representing the event described by the given type and eventinitdict.
XRSessionEvent() - Web APIs
syntax newxrsessionevent = new xrsessionevent(type, eventinitdict); parameters type a domstring indicating which of the events represented by objects of type xrsessionevent this particular object represents.
... eventinitdict an object conforming to the xrsessioneventinit dictionary which contains values to be applied to the newly-created event object.
... return value a newly-created xrsessionevent object representing an object of the specfied type and configured as described by the eventinitdict parameter.
WebIDL bindings
so for example, this idl: void passunion((object or long) arg); (object or long) receiveunion(); void passsequenceofunions(sequence<(object or long)> arg); void passotherunion((htmldivelement or arraybuffer or eventinit) arg); would correspond to these c++ function declarations: void passunion(const objectorlong& aarg); void receiveunion(owningobjectobjectorlong& aarg); void passsequenceofunions(const sequence<owningobjectorlong>& aarg); void passotherunion(const htmldivelementorarraybufferoreventinit& aarg); union structs expose accessors to test whether they're of a given type and to get hold of the data ...
...tion (header file), you use the handy "impl_event_handler" macro: impl_event_handler(onthingchange); the "onthingchange" needs to be added to the file: atom("onthingchange", "onthingchange") the actual implementation (.cpp) for firing the event would then look something like: nsresult myinterface::dispatchthingchangeevent() { ns_named_literal_string(type, "thingchange"); eventinit init; init.mbubbles = false; init.mcancelable = false; refptr<event> event = event::constructor(this, type, init); event->settrusted(true); errorresult rv; dispatchevent(*event, rv); return rv.stealnsresult(); // assuming the caller cares about the return code.
AnimationPlaybackEvent.AnimationPlaybackEvent() - Web APIs
syntax var animationplaybackevent = new animationplaybackevent(type, eventinitdict); parameters type a domstring representing the name of the event.
... eventinitdict optional an optional eventinit dictionary object containing the following fields: bubbles optional defaults to false, of type boolean, indicating if the event bubbles or not.
ContentIndexEvent() - Web APIs
syntax var contentindexevent = new contentindexevent(type, contentindexeventinit); parameters type a domstring indicating the event which occurred.
... eventinitdict optional an options object containing any initialization data you want to populate the contentindexevent object with.
Event() - Web APIs
syntax new event(typearg[, eventinit]); values typearg this is a domstring representing the name of the event.
... eventinit optional this is an eventinit dictionary, having the following optional fields: bubbles optional a boolean indicating whether the event bubbles.
FormDataEvent() - Web APIs
syntax new formdataevent(type[, formeventinit]); values type a domstring representing the name of the event.
... formeventinit optional a formeventinit dictionary, which can take the following optional fields: bubbles: a boolean indicating whether the event bubbles.
RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent() - Web APIs
"bubbles" (optional, default is false): inherited from eventinit(), this boolean option indicates whether or not the event must bubble.
... "cancelable" (optional, default is false, inherited from eventinit(), this boolean indicates whether or not the event can be canceled.
SubmitEvent() - Web APIs
syntax let submitevent = new submitevent(type,eventinitdict); parameters type a domstring indicating the event which occurred.
... eventinitdict optional an optional dictionary of initial values for the event's properties.
XRInputSourcesChangeEvent() - Web APIs
syntax newinputsourceschangeevent = new xrinputsourceschangeevent(type, eventinitdict); parameters type a domstring indicating the type of event which has occurred.
... eventinitdict an object conforming to the xrinputsourceschangeeventinit dictionary, prodividing the initial values for the event.
XRReferenceSpaceEvent() - Web APIs
syntax let refspaceevent = new xrreferencespaceevent(type, eventinitdict); parameters type a domstring indicating the event type which has occurred.
... eventinitdict an object based on the xrreferencespaceeventinit dictionary, containing data used to initialize the new event object.
Web APIs
gsource rtcrtpencodingparameters rtcrtpparameters rtcrtpreceiveparameters rtcrtpreceiver rtcrtpsendparameters rtcrtpsender rtcrtpstreamstats rtcrtpsynchronizationsource rtcrtptransceiver rtcrtptransceiverdirection rtcrtptransceiverinit rtcsctptransport rtcsessiondescription rtcsessiondescriptioncallback rtcstats rtcstatsicecandidatepairstate rtcstatsreport rtcstatstype rtctrackevent rtctrackeventinit radionodelist range readablebytestreamcontroller readablestream readablestreambyobreader readablestreambyobrequest readablestreamdefaultcontroller readablestreamdefaultreader relativeorientationsensor renderingcontext report reportingobserver reportingobserveroptions request requestdestination resizeobserver resizeobserverentry response rsahashedimportparams rsahashedkeygenparams ...
...faultcontroller writablestreamdefaultwriter x xdomainrequest xmldocument xmlhttprequest xmlhttprequesteventtarget xmlhttprequestresponsetype xmlserializer xpathevaluator xpathexception xpathexpression xpathnsresolver xpathresult xrboundedreferencespace xrenvironmentblendmode xreye xrframe xrframerequestcallback xrhandedness xrinputsource xrinputsourcearray xrinputsourceevent xrinputsourceeventinit xrinputsourceschangeevent xrinputsourceschangeeventinit xrpermissiondescriptor xrpermissionstatus xrpose xrreferencespace xrreferencespaceevent xrreferencespaceeventinit xrreferencespacetype xrrenderstate xrrenderstateinit xrrigidtransform xrsession xrsessionevent xrsessioneventinit xrsessioninit xrsessionmode xrspace xrsystem xrtargetraymode xrview xrviewerpose xrviewport xrvisibilitystate...
FetchEvent() - Web APIs
init optional an object conforming to the fetcheventinit dictionary, containing options to apply to the event object.
FontFaceSetLoadEvent.fontfaces - Web APIs
the fontfaces read-only property of the fontfaceloadeventinit interface returns an array of fontface instances, each of which represents a single usable font.
NotificationEvent.NotificationEvent() - Web APIs
syntax var mynotificationevent = new notificationevent(type, notificationeventinit); parameters type tbd notificationeventinit optional a dictionary object containing a notification object to be used as the notification the event is dispatched on.
PaymentMethodChangeEvent - Web APIs
options optional an optional paymentmethodchangeeventinit dictionary which may contain zero or more of the following properties: methodname optional a domstring containing the payment method identifier for the payment handler being used.
PaymentMethodChangeEvent - Web APIs
constructor paymentmethodchangeevent() creates and returns a new paymentmethodchangeevent object, optionally initialized with values taken from a given paymentmethodchangeeventinit dictionary.
RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent.RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent() - Web APIs
options a dictionary of type rtcdtmftonechangeeventinit, which may contain one or more of the following fields: tone a domstring containing a single dtmf tone character which has just begun to play, or an empty string ("") to indicate that the previous tone has stopped playing.
RTCTrackEvent() - Web APIs
syntax trackevent = new rtctrackevent(eventinfo); parameters eventinfo an object based on the rtctrackeventinit dictionary, providing information about the track which has been added to the rtcpeerconnection.
RTCTrackEvent - Web APIs
constructor rtctrackevent() creates and returns a new rtctrackevent object, initialized with properties taken from the specified rtctrackeventinit dictionary.
XRInputSourceEvent - Web APIs
constructor xrinputsourceevent() creates and returns a new xrinputsourceevent object whose properties match those provided in the eventinitdict dictionary provided.
XRInputSourcesChangeEvent - Web APIs
constructor xrinputsourceschangeevent() creates and returns a new xrinputsourceschangeevent object configured as indicated by the given xrinputsourceschangeeventinit object.
XRReferenceSpaceEvent - Web APIs
constructor xrreferencespaceevent() returns a new xrreferencespaceevent with the specified type and configured using the values in the given xrreferencespaceeventinit dictionary.
XRSessionEvent - Web APIs
constructor xrsessionevent() creates and returns a new xrsessionevent object configured using the specified xrsessioneventinit object's values as available.