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7 results for "marginHeight":
HTMLIFrameElement - Web APIs
htmliframeelement.marginheight is a domstring being the height of the frame margin.
... recommendation the following properties are now obsolete: scrolling, marginwidth, marginheight, longdesc, frameborder, and align.
Style System Overview - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaFirefoxStyle System Overview
detail: !important declarations cause an extra rule object cssimportantrule to be created since they are in a separate part of the cascade other nsistylerule implementations nshtmlmappedattributes represents stylistic html attributes turned into a style rule (one instance per unique set of attributes) bodyrule handles marginwidth/marginheight mixes on body and on frame.
Mozilla Quirks Mode Behavior
MozillaMozilla quirks mode behavior
frames in quirks mode marginwidth and marginheight on a frame are propagated to the contained body.
marginheight long the value of the marginheight attribute on the frame element, or negative if it was not set.
HTMLImageElement.vspace - Web APIs
syntax htmlimageelement.vspace = marginheight; marginheight = htmlimageelement.vspace; value an integer value specifying the height, in pixels, of the vertical margin to apply to the top and bottom sides of the image.
<frame> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
marginheight this attribute defines the height of the margin between frames.
<iframe>: The Inline Frame element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
marginheight the amount of space in pixels between the frame's content and its top and bottom borders.