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4 results for "chOff":
HTMLTableCellElement - Web APIs
htmltablecellelement.choff a domstring containing a integer indicating how many characters must be left at the right (for left-to-right scripts; or at the left for right-to-left scripts) of the character defined by
... recommendation the following properties have been obsoleted: align, axis, bgcolor, height, width, ch, choff, nowrap, and valign.
HTMLTableColElement - Web APIs
htmltablecolelement.choff is a domstring representing the offset for the alignment character.
HTMLTableRowElement - Web APIs
htmltablerowelement.choff is a domstring containing a integer indicating how many characters must be left at the right (for left-to-right scripts; or at the left for right-to-left scripts) of the character defined by
HTMLTableSectionElement - Web APIs
htmltablesectionelement.choff is a domstring containing a integer indicating how many characters must be left at the right (for left-to-right scripts; or at the left for right-to-left scripts) of the character defined by