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1 results for "mozCreateFileHandle":
FileHandle API - Web APIs
WebAPIFile Handle API
api overview this api is based on the following interfaces: idbdatabase.mozcreatefilehandle (was called idbdatabase.mozcreatefilehandle.) idbmutablefile (was previously filehandle.) lockedfile filerequest it also has connections with the file api, especially the file and blob interfaces.
... var idbreq ="myfilestoragedatabase"); idbreq.onsuccess = function(){ var db = this.result; var buildhandle = db.mozcreatefilehandle("test.txt", "plain/text"); buildhandle.onsuccess = function(){ var myfilehandle = this.result; console.log('handle', myfilehandle); }; }; mozcreatefilehandle() takes two arguments: a name and an optional type.
... var idbreq ='myfilestoragedatabase'); // if necessary, let's create a datastore for the files idbreq.onupgradeneeded = function () { this.result.createobjectstore('files'); } idbreq.onsuccess = function () { var db = this.result; // let's create a new file var handlereq = db.mozcreatefilehandle("test.txt", "plain/text"); handlereq.onsuccess = function () { var myfilehandle = this.result; var store = db.transaction(['files'], 'readwrite').objectstore('files'); // let's store the file permanently // hint: it could be handy to use the file name as the storage key var storereq = store.add(myfilehandle,; storereq.onsuccess = function () { ...