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4 results for "JavaScriptNode":
AudioContext.createJavaScriptNode() - Web APIs
the audiocontext.createjavascriptnode() method creates a javascriptnode which is used for directly manipulating audio data with javascript.
... syntax var jsnode = audioctx.createjavascriptnode(buffersize, numinputchannels, numoutputchannels); parameters buffersize the buffer size must be in units of sample frames, i.e., one of: 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, or 16384.
... example the following script illustrates the use of createjavascriptnode(): var sinewave = function(context) { var that = this; this.x = 0; // initial sample number this.context = context; this.node = context.createjavascriptnode(1024, 1, 1); this.node.onaudioprocess = function(e) { that.process(e) }; } sinewave.prototype.process = function(e) { var data = e.outputbuffer.getchanneldata(0); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { data[i] = math.sin(this.x++); } } = function()...
Migrating from webkitAudioContext - Web APIs
WebAPIWeb Audio APIMigrating from webkitAudioContext
createjavascriptnode() has been renamed to createscriptprocessor.
... if your code uses either of these names, like in the example below : // old method names var gain = context.creategainnode(); var delay = context.createdelaynode(); var js = context.createjavascriptnode(1024); you can simply rename the methods to look like this: // new method names var gain = context.creategain(); var delay = context.createdelay(); var js = context.createscriptprocessor(1024); the semantics of these methods remain the same in the renamed versions.
Index - Web APIs
126 audiocontext.createjavascriptnode() api, audio, method, obsolete, reference, web, createjavascriptnode the following script illustrates the use of createjavascriptnode(): 127 audiocontext.createmediaelementsource() api, audiocontext, method, reference, référence(2), web audio api, createmediaelementsource for more details about media element audio source nodes, check out the mediaelementaudiosourc...
Web Audio API - Web APIs
WebAPIWeb Audio API
javascriptnode used for direct audio processing via javascript.