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5 results for "MediaConstraints":
Signaling and video calling - Web APIs
WebAPIWebRTC APISignaling and video calling
starting a call when the user clicks on a username they want to call, the invite() function is invoked as the event handler for that click event: var mediaconstraints = { audio: true, // we want an audio track video: true // ...and we want a video track }; function invite(evt) { if (mypeerconnection) { alert("you can't start a call because you already have one open!"); } else { var clickedusername =; if (clickedusername === myusername) { alert("i'm afraid i can't let you talk to yourself.
... that would be weird."); return; } targetusername = clickedusername; createpeerconnection(); navigator.mediadevices.getusermedia(mediaconstraints) .then(function(localstream) { document.getelementbyid("local_video").srcobject = localstream; localstream.gettracks().foreach(track => mypeerconnection.addtrack(track, localstream)); }) .catch(handlegetusermediaerror); } } this begins with a basic sanity check: is the user already connected?
... note: we could restrict the set of permitted media inputs to a specific device or set of devices by calling navigator.mediadevices.enumeratedevices() to get a list of devices, filtering the resulting list based on our desired criteria, then using the selected devices' deviceid values in the deviceid field of the the mediaconstraints object passed into getusermedia().
... function handlevideooffermsg(msg) { var localstream = null; targetusername =; createpeerconnection(); var desc = new rtcsessiondescription(msg.sdp); mypeerconnection.setremotedescription(desc).then(function () { return navigator.mediadevices.getusermedia(mediaconstraints); }) .then(function(stream) { localstream = stream; document.getelementbyid("local_video").srcobject = localstream; localstream.gettracks().foreach(track => mypeerconnection.addtrack(track, localstream)); }) .then(function() { return mypeerconnection.createanswer(); }) .then(function(answer) { return mypeerconnection.setlocaldescription(answer); }) .then(funct...
Using DTMF with WebRTC - Web APIs
let dialstring = "12024561111"; let callerpc = null; let receiverpc = null; let dtmfsender = null; let hasaddtrack = false; let mediaconstraints = { audio: true, video: false }; let offeroptions = { offertoreceiveaudio: 1, offertoreceivevideo: 0 }; let dialbutton = null; let logelement = null; these are, in order: dialstring the dtmf string the caller will send when the "dial" button is clicked.
... mediaconstraints an object conforming to the mediaconstraints dictionary specifying the constraints to use when starting the connection.
...= handlecallersignalingstatechangeevent; callerpc.onicegatheringstatechange = handlecallergatheringstatechangeevent; receiverpc = new rtcpeerconnection(); receiverpc.onicecandidate = handlereceivericeevent; if (hasaddtrack) { receiverpc.ontrack = handlereceivertrackevent; } else { receiverpc.onaddstream = handlereceiveraddstreamevent; } navigator.mediadevices.getusermedia(mediaconstraints) .then(gotstream) .catch(err => log(err.message)); } after creating the rtcpeerconnection for the caller (callerpc), we look to see if it has an addtrack() method.
Capabilities, constraints, and settings - Web APIs
WebAPIMedia Streams APIConstraints
to collect a list of the available devices, you can call navigator.mediadevices.enumeratedevices(), then for each device which meets the desired criteria, add its deviceid to the mediaconstraints object that eventually gets passed into getusermedia().
RTCPeerConnection.addTrack() - Web APIs
var mediaconstraints = { audio: true, // we want an audio track video: true // ...and we want a video track }; var desc = new rtcsessiondescription(sdp); pc.setremotedescription(desc).then(function () { return navigator.mediadevices.getusermedia(mediaconstraints); }) .then(function(stream) { previewelement.srcobject = stream; stream.gettracks().foreach(track => pc.addtrack(track, s...
RTCPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription() - Web APIs
function handleoffer(msg) { createmypeerconnection(); mypeerconnection.setremotedescription(msg.description).then(function () { return navigator.mediadevices.getusermedia(mediaconstraints); }) .then(function(stream) { document.getelementbyid("local_video").srcobject = stream; return mypeerconnection.addstream(stream); }) .then(function() { return mypeerconnection.createanswer(); }) .then(function(answer) { return mypeerconnection.setlocaldescription(answer); }) .then(function() { // send the answer to the remote peer using the signaling server ...