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9 results for "mozNotification":
Navigator - Archive of obsolete content
navigator.moznotificationprovides support for creating notification objects, which are used to display desktop notification alerts to the user.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
6 navigator.moznotification api, deprecated, mobile, non-standard, property, reference provides support for creating notification objects, which are used to display desktop notification alerts to the user.
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveIndex of archived content
.htaccess ( hypertext access ) 2015 mdn fellowship program api navigator navigator.moznotification add-ons add-on sdk builder guides content scripts communicating with other scripts communicating using "port" communicating using "postmessage" cross-domain content scripts interacting with page scripts loading content scripts reddit example port self ...
Displaying notifications (deprecated) - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveWebDisplaying notifications (deprecated)
creating a notification the first thing you need to do is create the notification object by using the navigator.moznotification object's createnotification() method, as follows: var notification = navigator.moznotification.createnotification( "hey, check this out!", "this is a notification posted by " + "firefox 4.
473 nsidomdesktopnotificationcenter interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom, xpcom interface reference the nsidomdesktopnotificationcenter interface implements the dom navigator.moznotification interface.
the nsidomdesktopnotificationcenter interface implements the dom navigator.moznotification interface.
attributes attribute type description moznotification nsidomdesktopnotificationcenter read only.
Navigator - Web APIs
navigator.moznotification deprecated since gecko 22 ...