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6 results for "PaymentMethodData":
Using the Payment Request API - Web APIs
WebAPIPayment Request APIUsing the Payment Request API
so for example, you could create a new paymentrequest instance like so: var request = new paymentrequest(buildsupportedpaymentmethoddata(), buildshoppingcartdetails()); the functions invoked inside the constructor simply return the required object parameters: function buildsupportedpaymentmethoddata() { // example supported payment methods: return [{ supportedmethods: 'basic-card', data: { supportednetworks: ['visa', 'mastercard'], supportedtypes: ['debit', 'credit'] }... returns a promise that fulfills with a boolean indicating whether it is or not, for example: // dummy payment request to check whether payment can be made new paymentrequest(buildsupportedpaymentmethoddata(), {total: {label: 'stub', amount: {currency: 'usd', value: '0.01'}}}) .canmakepayment() .then(function(result) { if(result) { // real payment request var request = new paymentrequest(buildsupportedpaymentmethoddata(), checkoutobject); { // ...
... the code looks something like this: checkoutbutton.addeventlistener('click', function() { var request = new paymentrequest(buildsupportedpaymentmethoddata(), buildshoppingcartdetails()); { // here we would process the payment.
PaymentRequestEvent.methodData - Web APIs
the methoddata read-only property of the paymentrequestevent interface returns an array of paymentmethoddata objects containing payment method identifers for the payment methods that the web site accepts and any associated payment method specific data.
... syntax var methoddata[] = paymentrequestevent.methoddata value an array of paymentmethoddata objects.
AddressErrors - Web APIs
javascript payment request data first, we declare the variables supportedhandlers, which is compatible with paymentmethoddata, and defaultpaymentdetails, which is a paymentdetailsupdate object.
Index - Web APIs
2945 paymentrequestevent.methoddata the methoddata read-only property of the paymentrequestevent interface returns an array of paymentmethoddata objects containing payment method identifers for the payment methods that the web site accepts and any associated payment method specific data.
PaymentRequestEvent() - Web APIs
methoddata: an array of paymentmethoddata objects containing payment method identifers for the payment methods that the web site accepts and any associated payment method specific data.
PaymentRequestEvent - Web APIs
methoddataread only returns an array of paymentmethoddata objects containing payment method identifers for the payment methods that the web site accepts and any associated payment method specific data.