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3 results for "SVGICCColor":
Document Object Model (DOM) - Web APIs
WebAPIDocument Object Model
static type svgangle svgcolor svgicccolor svgelementinstance svgelementinstancelist svglength svglengthlist svgmatrix svgnamelist svgnumber svgnumberlist svgpaint svgpathseg svgpathsegclosepath svgpathsegmovetoabs svgpathsegmovetorel svgpathseglinetoabs svgpathseglinetorel svgpathsegcurvetocubicabs svgpathsegcurvetocubicrel svgpathsegcurvetoquadraticabs svgpathsegcurvetoquadraticrel svgpathsega...
Content type - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
WebSVGContent type
the grammar is as follows: icccolor ::= "icc-color(" name (, number)+ ")" the corresponding svg dom interface for <icccolor> is svgicccolor.
SVG 2 support in Mozilla - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
WebSVGSVG 2 support in Mozilla
svgexternalresourcesrequired removed never implemented svgelement.viewportelement and svgelement.ownersvgelement nullable implementation status unknown svgelement.getpresentationattribute() removed never implemented (prototype removed in bug 921456) svgcolor and svgicccolor removed never implemented svgelement.focus(), svgelement.blur() not implemented (bug 778654) svgelement.tabindex implemented (bug 778654) document.activeelement implementation status unknown globaleventhandlers on svgelement implementation status unknown options dictionary attribute for svggraphicselement.getbbox() implemented behind ...