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3 results for "USBTransferInResult":
USBDevice.transferIn() - Web APIs
the transferin() method of the usbdevice interface returns a promise that resolves with a usbtransferinresult when bulk or interrupt data is received from the usb device.
... return value a promise that resolves with a usbtransferinresult.
USBDevice - Web APIs
usbdevice.controltransferin() returns a promise that resolves with a usbtransferinresult when a command or status operation has been transmitted to the usb device.
... usbdevice.transferin() returns a promise that resolves with a usbtransferinresult when bulk or interrupt data is received from the usb device.
Index - Web APIs
4425 usbdevice.transferin() api, method, reference, usb, usbdevice, webusb, webusb api, transferin the transferin() method of the usbdevice interface returns a promise that resolves with a usbtransferinresult when bulk or interrupt data is transmitted to the usb device.