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11 results for "WebGLLayerInit":
XRWebGLLayerInit.alpha - Web APIs
the alpha property is a boolean value which, if present and set to true in the xrwebgllayerinit dictionary passed into the xrwebgllayer() constructor, specifies that the new layer's color buffer is to include an alpha channel.
... xrsession.updaterenderstate({ baselayer: new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, { alpha: false }); }); specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrwebgllayerinit.alpha' in that specification.
XRWebGLLayerInit.antialias - Web APIs
the boolean antialias property, if present and set to true in the xrwebgllayerinit object provided as the xrwebgllayer() constructor's layerinit parameter, requests that the new webgl rendering layer support anti-aliasing.
... specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrwebgllayerinit.antialias' in that specification.
XRWebGLLayerInit.framebufferScaleFactor - Web APIs
the xrwebgllayerinit dictionary's framebufferscalefactor property, when specified upon instantiating a new xrwebgllayer using its constructor, xrwebgllayer(), specifies the scaling factor to use when determining the size of the frame buffer to use when rendering the scene, relative to the default xr device display resolution.
... xrsession.updaterenderstate({ baselayer: new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, { framebufferscalefactor: 0.5 }); }); specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrwebgllayerinit.framebufferscalefactor' in that specification.
XRWebGLLayerInit.ignoreDepthValues - Web APIs
the xrwebgllayerinit dictionary's boolean ignoredepthvalues property can be provided in the options passed into the xrwebgllayer() constructor to indicate that the depth buffer, if it exists, should be ignored while composing the scene.
... xrsession.updaterenderstate({ baselayer: new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, { alpha: false, ignoredepthvalues: true }); }); specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrwebgllayerinit.ignoredepthvalues' in that specification.
XRWebGLLayerInit - Web APIs
the webxr device api's xrwebgllayerinit dictionary is used to provide configuration options when creating a new xrwebgllayer object with the xrwebgllayer() constructor.
... const layeroptions = { ignoredepthvalues: true }; xrsession.updaterenderstate({ baselayer: new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, layeroptions); }); specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrwebgllayerinit' in that specification.
XRWebGLLayerInit.depth - Web APIs
xrsession.updaterenderstate({ baselayer: new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, { depth: false }); }); specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrwebgllayerinit.depth' in that specification.
XRWebGLLayerInit.stencil - Web APIs
xrsession.updaterenderstate({ baselayer: new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, { stencil: false }); }); specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrwebgllayerinit.stencil' in that specification.
XRWebGLLayer.getNativeFramebufferScaleFactor() static method - Web APIs
this information can be used when creating a new xrwebgllayer to configure the xrwebgllayerinit property framebufferscalefactor in the options specified when calling the xrwebgllayer() constructor.
...when the returned promise resolves, we proceed by calling xrwebgllayer's getnativeframebufferscalefactor() static function to get the scale factor needed to reach the native resolution, and we then pass that into the webgllayer() constructor as the value of the framebufferscalefactor property in its layerinit dictionary, which is an xrwebgllayerinit object.
XRWebGLLayer() - Web APIs
layerinit optional an object conforming to the xrwebgllayerinit dictionary, providing configuration options for the new xrwebgllayer.
XRWebGLLayer.ignoreDepthValues - Web APIs
the value of ignoredepthvalues can only be set when the xrwebgllayer is instantiated, by setting the corresponding value in the xrwebgllayerinit object specified as the constructor's layerinit parameter.
Web APIs
ngeevent xrinputsourceschangeeventinit xrpermissiondescriptor xrpermissionstatus xrpose xrreferencespace xrreferencespaceevent xrreferencespaceeventinit xrreferencespacetype xrrenderstate xrrenderstateinit xrrigidtransform xrsession xrsessionevent xrsessioneventinit xrsessioninit xrsessionmode xrspace xrsystem xrtargetraymode xrview xrviewerpose xrviewport xrvisibilitystate xrwebgllayer xrwebgllayerinit xsltprocessor ...