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5 results for "DOMQuad":
DOMQuad - Web APIs
a domquad is a collection of four dompoints defining the corners of an arbitrary quadrilateral.
... returning domquads lets getboxquads() return accurate information even when arbitrary 2d or 3d transforms are present.
... constructor domquad.domquad() creates a new domquad object.
...And 6 more matches
Index - Web APIs
748 domquad api, dom, dom reference, domquad, experimental, geometry a domquad is a collection of four dompoints defining the corners of an arbitrary quadrilateral.
... returning domquads lets getboxquads() return accurate information even when arbitrary 2d or 3d transforms are present.
GeometryUtils - Web APIs
methods geometryutils.getboxquads() returns a list of domquad objects representing the css fragments of the node.
Window - Web APIs
window.domquad read only returns a reference to a domquad object, which provides represents a quadrilaterial object, that is one having four corners and four sides.
Web APIs
ontentindex contentindexevent convolvernode countqueuingstrategy crashreportbody credential credentialscontainer crypto cryptokey cryptokeypair customelementregistry customevent d domconfiguration domerror domexception domhighrestimestamp domimplementation domimplementationlist domlocator dommatrix dommatrixreadonly domobject domparser dompoint dompointinit dompointreadonly domquad domrect domrectreadonly domstring domstringlist domstringmap domtimestamp domtokenlist domuserdata datatransfer datatransferitem datatransferitemlist dedicatedworkerglobalscope delaynode deprecationreportbody devicelightevent devicemotionevent devicemotioneventacceleration devicemotioneventrotationrate deviceorientationevent deviceproximityevent directoryentrysync directoryreaders...