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12 results for "ontimeout":
XDomainRequest.ontimeout - Web APIs
syntax xdr.ontimeout = funcref; parameters funcref a function to be called when the event times out.
... example var xdr = new xdomainrequest();"post", ""); xdr.ontimeout = function(){ //handle timeout } xdr.onload = function(){ //handle response with xdr.responsetext } xdr.send("param1=value1&param2=value2"); specification not part of any specification.
MozillaJavaScript code modulesTask.jsm
let mypromise = getpromiseresolvedontimeoutwithvalue(1000, "value"); let result = yield mypromise; // this part is executed only after the promise above is resolved (after // one second, in this imaginary example).
... for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { result += yield getpromiseresolvedontimeoutwithvalue(50, "!"); } return "resolution result for the task: " + result; }).then(function (result) { // result == "resolution result for the task: value!!!" // the result is undefined if no special task.result exception was thrown.
XDomainRequest - Web APIs
xdomainrequest.ontimeout a handler for when the request times out.
... example if(window.xdomainrequest){ var xdr = new xdomainrequest();"get", ""); xdr.onprogress = function () { //progress }; xdr.ontimeout = function () { //timeout }; xdr.onerror = function () { //error occurred }; xdr.onload = function() { //success(xdr.responsetext); } settimeout(function () { xdr.send(); }, 0); } note: the xdr.send() call is wrapped in a timeout (see window.settimeout() to prevent an issue with the interface where some requests are lost if multiple xdomainrequests are being sent at the same time.
Synchronous and asynchronous requests - Web APIs
WebAPIXMLHttpRequestSynchronous and Asynchronous Requests
this is done by setting the value of the timeout property on the xmlhttprequest object, as shown in the code below: function loadfile(url, timeout, callback) { var args =, 3); var xhr = new xmlhttprequest(); xhr.ontimeout = function () { console.error("the request for " + url + " timed out."); }; xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.readystate === 4) { if (xhr.status === 200) { callback.apply(xhr, args); } else { console.error(xhr.statustext); } } };"get", url, true); xhr.timeout = timeout; xh...
...r.send(null); } notice the addition of code to handle the "timeout" event by setting the ontimeout handler.
XMLHttpRequest - Web APIs
xmlhttprequesteventtarget.ontimeout is an eventhandler that is called whenever the request times out.
... also available via the ontimeout property.
Mozprocess - Archive of obsolete content
cwd=none, # working directory for cmd; defaults to none env={}, # environment to use for the process; defaults to os.environ ) exit_code = process.waitforfinish(timeout=60) # seconds see an example in processhandler may be subclassed to handle process timeouts (by overriding the ontimeout() method), process completion (by overriding onfinish()), and to process the command output (by overriding processoutputline()).
Index - Web APIs
5159 xdomainrequest.ontimeout ajax, api, dom, ie, microsoft, obsolete, property, reference an event handler which is called when a pending xdomainrequest times out.
Functions and classes available to Web Workers - Web APIs
WebAPIWeb Workers APIFunctions and classes available to workers
basic: 3.5 (1.9.1) response and responsetype are available since 10 (10) timeout and ontimeout are available since 13 (13) (yes) (yes) (yes) ...
XMLHttpRequest.timeout - Web APIs
}; xhr.ontimeout = function (e) { // xmlhttprequest timed out.
XMLHttpRequest: timeout event - Web APIs
WebAPIXMLHttpRequesttimeout event
bubbles no cancelable no interface progressevent event handler property ontimeout examples const client = new xmlhttprequest();'get', ''); client.ontimeout = () => { console.error('timeout!!') }; client.send(); you could also set up the event handler using the addeventlistener() method: client.addeventlistener('timeout', () => { console.error("timeout!!"); }); specifications specification status comment xmlhttprequestthe definition of 'timeout event' in that specification.
XMLHttpRequest.upload - Web APIs
timeout ontimeout the upload timed out because a reply did not arrive within the time interval specified by the xmlhttprequest.timeout.
XMLHttpRequestEventTarget - Web APIs
xmlhttprequesteventtarget.ontimeout contains the function that is called if the event times out and the timeout event is received by this object; this only happens if a timeout has been previously established by setting the value of the xmlhttprequest object's timeout attribute.