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9 results for ":current":
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJS::CurrentGlobalOrNull
syntax jsobject * js::currentglobalornull(jscontext *cx); name type description cx jscontext * the context for which to return the global object.
... description js::currentglobalornull() returns the global object for whatever function is currently running on the context.
... see also mxr id search for js::currentglobalornull js_getglobalforobject bug 899245 ...
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJS GetGlobalForScopeChain
renamed to js::currentglobalornull.
...see also js_getglobalforobject js::currentglobalornull bug 899245 ...
Pseudo-classes - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
index of standard pseudo-classes :active :any-link :blank :checked :current :default :defined :dir() :disabled :drop :empty :enabled :first :first-child :first-of-type :fullscreen :future :focus :focus-visible :focus-within :has() :host :host() :host-context() :hover :indeterminate :in-range :invalid :is() :lang() :last-child :last-of-type :left :link :local-link :not() :nth-child() :nth-col() :nth-last-child() :nt...
... selectors level 4 working draft defined :any-link, :blank, :local-link, :scope, :drop, :current, :past, :future, :placeholder-shown, :user-invalid, :nth-col(), :nth-last-col(), :is() and :where().
Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements - Learn web development
LearnCSSBuilding blocksSelectorsPseudo-classes and pseudo-elements
:current matches the element, or an ancestor of the element, that is currently being displayed.
37 js::currentglobalornull jsapi reference, reference, référence(2), spidermonkey js::currentglobalornull() returns the global object for whatever function is currently running on the context.
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJS GetGlobalForCompartmentOrNull
see also mxr id search for js_getglobalforcompartmentornull js_getglobalforobject js::currentglobalornull bug 687724 ...
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJS GetGlobalObject
someone should document common use case "giving the global object a name", which can be done with js_getglobalobject and js_setproperty see also mxr id search for js_getglobalobject js_getglobalforobject js_getglobalforscopechain js::currentglobalornull bug 868110 ...
JSAPI reference
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI reference
options obsolete since jsapi 27 enum jsversion jsversion_ecma_3 jsversion_1_6 jsversion_1_7 jsversion_1_8 jsversion_ecma_5 jsversion_default jsversion_unknown jsversion_latest js_getimplementationversion js_getversion js_setversionforcompartment added in spidermonkey 31 js_stringtoversion js_versiontostring js_setversion obsolete since jsapi 25 js::currentglobalornull added in spidermonkey 31 js_getglobalforscopechain obsolete since jsapi 25 js_getglobalobject obsolete since jsapi 24 js_setglobalobject obsolete since jsapi 25 js_initclass js_initstandardclasses js_resolvestandardclass js_enumeratestandardclasses js_enumerateresolvedstandardclasses obsolete since jsapi 24 js_isrunning js_saveframechain js_restoreframechain ...
<color> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
WebCSScolor value
<div style="background:currentcolor; height:9px;"></div> this block is surrounded by a blue border.