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10 results for "msContentZoomFactor":
-ms-content-zoom-limit-max - Archive of obsolete content
remarks this property constrains the limit for touch zooming as well as values of the mscontentzoomfactor property.
-ms-content-zoom-limit-min - Archive of obsolete content
remarks this property constrains the limit for touch zooming as well as values of the mscontentzoomfactor property.
-ms-scroll-limit-x-max - Archive of obsolete content
the specified behavior of the -ms-scroll-limit-x-max property is only applicable at a mscontentzoomfactor of 1; the behavior of this property is undefined at other zoom factors.
-ms-scroll-limit-x-min - Archive of obsolete content
the specified behavior of the -ms-scroll-limit-x-min property is only applicable at a mscontentzoomfactor of 1; the behavior of this property is undefined at other zoom factors.
-ms-scroll-limit-y-max - Archive of obsolete content
the specified behavior of the -ms-scroll-limit-y-max property is only applicable at a mscontentzoomfactor of 1; the behavior of this property is undefined at other zoom factors.
-ms-scroll-limit-y-min - Archive of obsolete content
the specified behavior of the -ms-scroll-limit-y-min property is only applicable at a mscontentzoomfactor of 1; the behavior of this property is undefined at other zoom factors.
-ms-scroll-limit - Archive of obsolete content
the specified behavior of the -ms-scroll-limit property is only applicable at a mscontentzoomfactor of 1; the behavior of this property is undefined at other zoom factors.
Element: msContentZoom event - Web APIs
WebAPIElementmsContentZoom event
bubbles unknown cancelable unknown interface unknown event handler property unknown example contentzoom.addeventlistener("mscontentzoom", function(e) { zoomfactor.value = contentzoom.mscontentzoomfactor.tofixed(2); }); specifications not part of any specification.
Element.msZoomTo() - Web APIs
the scale factor (mscontentzoomfactor) to zoom to.
Microsoft CSS extensions - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
WebCSSMicrosoft extensions
lation -ms-text-autospace -ms-touch-select -ms-wrap-flow -ms-wrap-margin -ms-wrap-through zoom pseudo-elements ::-ms-browse ::-ms-check ::-ms-clear ::-ms-expand ::-ms-fill ::-ms-fill-lower ::-ms-fill-upper ::-ms-reveal ::-ms-thumb ::-ms-ticks-after ::-ms-ticks-before ::-ms-tooltip ::-ms-track ::-ms-value media features -ms-high-contrast css-related dom apis mscontentzoomfactor msgetpropertyenabled msgetregioncontent msrangecollection msregionoverflow ...