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4 results for "mprescripts":
MathML Torture Test
MozillaMathML ProjectMathML Torture Test" width="30" height="17" alt="texbook, 16.2-16.3" /></td> <td> <math display="block"> <!-- <mrow> <msub><mi></mi><mn>2</mn></msub> <msub><mi>f</mi><mn>3</mn></msub> </mrow> --> <mrow> <mmultiscripts> <mi>f</mi> <mn>3</mn><none/> <mprescripts/> <mn>2</mn><none/> </mmultiscripts> </mrow> </math> </td></tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td><img src="" width="58" height="47" alt="texbook, 17-17.1" /></td> <td> <math display="block"> <mrow> <mfrac> <mrow> <mi>x</mi> <mo>+</mo> ...
... </msup> </mrow> </math> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <math dir="rtl" display="block"> <!-- <mrow> <msub><mi></mi><mn>٢</mn></msub> <msub><mi>f</mi><mn>٣</mn></msub> </mrow> --> <mrow> <mmultiscripts> <mi>f</mi> <mn>٣</mn><none/> <mprescripts/> <mn>٢</mn><none/> </mmultiscripts> </mrow> </math> </td> <td> <math dir="rtl" display="block"> <!-- <mrow> <msub><mi></mi><mn>٢</mn></msub> <msub><mi>f</mi><mn>٣</mn></msub> </mrow> --> <mrow> <mmultiscripts> <mi>f</mi> <mn>٣</mn...
...><none/> <mprescripts/> <mn>٢</mn><none/> </mmultiscripts> </mrow> </math> </td> <td> <math display="block"> <!-- <mrow> <msub><mi></mi><mn>۲</mn></msub> <msub><mi>f</mi><mn>۳</mn></msub> </mrow> --> <mrow> <mmultiscripts> <mi>f</mi> <mn>۳</mn><none/> <mprescripts/> <mn>۲</mn><none/> </mmultiscripts> </mrow> </math> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <math dir="rtl" display="block"> <mrow> <mfrac> <mrow> <mi>&#x1ee0e;</mi> <mo>+</mo> <msup> <mi>&#x1ee11;</mi> ...
... </mfrac> </mrow> </mfrac> </mrow> </mfrac> </mrow> </math> </td></tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <math dir="rtl" display="block"> <mmultiscripts> <mo>ل</mo> <mrow> <mi>&#x1ee1f;</mi> <mo>/</mo> <mn>٢</mn> </mrow> <none/> <mprescripts/> <none/> <mi>&#x1ee1d;</mi> </mmultiscripts> </math> </td> <td> <math dir="rtl" display="block"> <mmultiscripts> <mo>ل</mo> <mrow> <mi>&#x1ee1f;</mi> <mo>/</mo> <mn>٢</mn> </mrow> <none/> <mprescripts/> <none/> <mi>&#x1ee1d;</mi> ...
<mmultiscripts> - MathML
mathml uses a special syntax to describe subscripts and superscripts for both, postscripts and prescripts, attached to a base expression: <mmultiscripts> base (subscript superscript)* [ <mprescripts/> (presubscript presuperscript)* ] </mmultiscripts> after the base expression you can specify a postsubscript and a postsuperscript.
... prescripts are optional and are separated by the empty tag <mprescripts/> (only one <mprescripts /> element is allowed, otherwise you will get an duplicatemprescripts error in the error console and "invalid-markup" in your rendering).
... examples using <mprescripts/> sample rendering: rendering in your browser: x d c b a <math> <mmultiscripts> <mi>x</mi> <!-- base expression --> <mi>d</mi> <!-- postsubscript --> <mi>c</mi> <!-- postsuperscript --> <mprescripts /> <mi>b</mi> <!-- presubscript --> <mi>a</mi> <!-- presuperscript --> </mmultiscripts> </math> using ...
...<none/> sample rendering: rendering in your browser: x c b <math> <mmultiscripts> <mi>x</mi> <!-- base expression --> <none /> <!-- postsubscript --> <mi>c</mi> <!-- postsuperscript --> <mprescripts /> <mi>b</mi> <!-- presubscript --> <none /> <!-- presuperscript --> </mmultiscripts> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mmultiscripts' in that specification.
MathML Demo: <mmultiscripts> - attach prescripts and tensor indices to a base
MozillaMathML Projectmmultiscripts
the scripts come in pairs, with <mprescripts/> used to indicate prescripts and <none/> used to hold an empty position as in f b a .
...for example m c d a b the scripts come in pairs, with <mprescripts/> used to indicate prescripts and <none/> used to hold an empty position as in f b a there are some variations possible: <mmultiscripts> a a b c d nested <msubsup>s a a b c d or &invisiblecomma; a a ⁣ c b ⁣ d ...
MathML element reference - MathML
ons) <annotation> (data annotations) <annotation-xml> (xml annotations) mathml presentation elements by category top-level elements <math> token elements <mglyph> <mi> <mn> <mo> <ms> <mspace> <mtext> general layout <menclose> <merror> <mfenced> <mfrac> <mpadded> <mphantom> <mroot> <mrow> <msqrt> <mstyle> script and limit elements <mmultiscripts> <mover> <mprescripts> <msub> <msubsup> <msup> <munder> <munderover> <none> tabular math <maligngroup> <malignmark> <mlabeledtr> <mtable> <mtd> <mtr> elementary math <mlongdiv> <mscarries> <mscarry> <msgroup> <msline> <msrow> <mstack> uncategorized elements <maction> semantic annotations <annotation> <annotation-xml> <semantics> ...