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refreshPlugins - Archive of obsolete content
refreshplugins refreshes the list of plug-ins registered for the browser.
... method of install object syntax int refreshplugins( [ areloadpages ] ); parameters the refreshplugins method has the following parameter: areloadpages areloadpages is an optional boolean value indicating whether you want to reload the open web pages after you have refreshed the plug-in list.
...description refreshplugins lets you register new plug-ins without having to restart the browser.
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Rendering and the WebXR frame animation callback - Web APIs
refresh rate and frame rate assuming you've called the xrsession method requestanimationframe() since the last time the screen refreshed, the browser will call your frame renderer callback every time it's ready to repaint your app or site window.
... hardare vertical refresh rate when the browser is ready to refresh the <canvas> within which your webxr content is displayed, it calls your frame rendering callback, which uses the specified timestamp and any other relevant data, such as models and textures, as well as application state, to render the scene—as it should appear at the specified time—into the webgl backbuffer.
... when your callback returns, the browser transfers that backbuffer to the display or xr device, along with anything else that's changed since the last time the screen was refreshed.
...And 12 more matches
Adding preferences to an extension - Archive of obsolete content
up: function() { // register to receive notifications of preference changes this.prefs = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefservice) .getbranch("extensions.stockwatcher2."); this.prefs.addobserver("", this, false); this.tickersymbol = this.prefs.getcharpref("symbol").touppercase(); this.refreshinformation(); window.setinterval(this.refreshinformation, 10*60*1000); } }, our object has two member variables.
... next, we call our own refreshinformation() method to immediately fetch and display the current information about the stock the extension is configured to monitor.
... the last thing the startup() method does is to call the window.setinterval() dom method to set up a callback that will automatically run our refreshinformation() method every 10 minutes.
...And 9 more matches
Creating a dynamic status bar extension - Archive of obsolete content
ing="utf-8"?> <!doctype overlay> <overlay id="stockwatcher-overlay" xmlns=""> <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://stockwatcher/content/stockwatcher.js"/> <!-- firefox --> <statusbar id="status-bar"> <statusbarpanel id="stockwatcher" label="loading..." tooltiptext="current value" onclick="stockwatcher.refreshinformation()" /> </statusbar> </overlay> also, notice that the definition of the status bar panel now includes a new property, onclick, which references the javascript function that will be executed whenever the user clicks on the status bar panel.
... our extension will refresh the stock information display when the user clicks the panel.
...we use the window.addeventlistener() dom function to tell firefox to call the stockwatcher.startup() function when a new browser window is opened: window.addeventlistener("load", function(e) { stockwatcher.startup(); }, false); our new extension has two primary functions: startup() and refreshinformation().
...And 9 more matches
Background Tasks API - Web APIs
let logfragment = null; let statusrefreshscheduled = false; finally, we set up a couple of variables for other items: logfragment will be used to store a documentfragment that's generated by our logging functions to create content to append to the log when the next animation frame is rendered.
... statusrefreshscheduled is used to track whether or not we've already scheduled an update of the status display box for the upcoming frame, so that we only do it once per frame the shim to function even if idle callbacks aren't supported.
...that function, enqueuetask(), looks like this: function enqueuetask(taskhandler, taskdata) { tasklist.push({ handler: taskhandler, data: taskdata }); totaltaskcount++; if (!taskhandle) { taskhandle = requestidlecallback(runtaskqueue, { timeout: 1000 }); } schedulestatusrefresh(); } enqueuetask() accepts as input two parameters: taskhandler is a function which will be called to handle the task.
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Using workers in extensions - Archive of obsolete content
if you haven't already created an extension, or would like to refresh your memory, take a look at the previous articles in this series: creating a status bar extension creating a dynamic status bar extension adding preferences to an extension localizing an extension updating an extension to support multiple mozilla applications download the sample you may download the complete example: download the example.
... so we need to move the refreshinformation() method from the stockwatcher2.js file into a separate file that will host the worker thread.
... that file, ticker_worker.js, is shown here: var symbol = ""; function refreshinformation() { if (!symbol) { throw "no symbol set!"; } var fullurl = "" + symbol; function inforeceived() { var output = httprequest.responsetext; if (output) { postmessage(output.trim()); } httprequest = null; } var httprequest = new xmlhttprequest();"get", fullurl, true); httprequest.onload = inforeceived; httprequest.send(null); } setinterval(function() { refreshinformation(); }, 10*60*1000); onmessage = function(event) { if ( { symbol =; } refreshinformation(); } when the worker thread is started, the main body of this code (in line...
...And 7 more matches
void preparefornewcontentmodel(); void resumerefreshuris(); void setchildoffset(in unsigned long offset); native code only!
... void setcurrenturi(in nsiuri auri); void suspendrefreshuris(); void tabtotreeowner(in boolean forward, out boolean tookfocus); attributes attribute type description allowauth boolean certain dochshells (like the message pane) should not throw up auth dialogs because it can act as a password trojan.
... allowmetaredirects boolean attribute stating if refresh based redirects can be allowed.
...And 6 more matches
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsiwebprogresslistener method overview void onprogresschange64(in nsiwebprogress awebprogress, in nsirequest arequest, in long long acurselfprogress, in long long amaxselfprogress, in long long acurtotalprogress, in long long amaxtotalprogress); boolean onrefreshattempted(in nsiwebprogress awebprogress, in nsiuri arefreshuri, in long amillis, in boolean asameuri); methods onprogresschange64() notification that the progress has changed for one of the requests associated with awebprogress.
... onrefreshattempted() notification that a refresh or redirect has been requested in awebprogress.
... for example, via a <meta http-equiv="refresh"> or an http refresh: header.
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Index - Web APIs
pressing the refresh button is a reload while clicking a link and pressing the back button is not.
...a frame rate of 60 fps (frames per second) for a 60 hz refresh rate is a common target for a good responsive user experience.
...a frame rate of 60 fps (frames per second) for a 60 hz refresh rate is a common target for a good responsive user experience.
...And 6 more matches
Listening to events on all tabs
onrefreshattempted notification that a refresh or redirect has been requested in awebprogress for example, via a <meta http-equiv="refresh"> or an http refresh: header.
... if any registered progress listener returns false from this method then the attempt to refresh will be blocked.
... boolean onrefreshattempted( nsidomxulelement abrowser, nsiwebprogress webprogress, nsiuri arefreshuri, long amillis, boolean asameuri ); parameters abrowser the browser that fired the notification.
...And 5 more matches
ummaryset getmicrosummaries(in nsiuri pageuri, in long long bookmarkid); nsimicrosummary getmicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid); boolean hasmicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid); nsimicrosummarygenerator installgenerator(in nsidomdocument xmldefinition); boolean ismicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid, in nsimicrosummary microsummary); nsimicrosummary refreshmicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid); void removemicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid); void setmicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid, in nsimicrosummary microsummary); methods addgenerator() install the microsummary generator from the resource at the supplied uri.
...refreshmicrosummary() refreshes a microsummary, updating its value in the datastore and ui.
... if this method can refresh the microsummary instantly, it will.
...And 5 more matches
Timing element visibility with the Intersection Observer API - Web APIs
let's start with the global variables: let contentbox; let nextarticleid = 1; let visibleads = new set(); let previouslyvisibleads = null; let adobserver; let refreshintervalid = 0; these are used as follows: contentbox a reference to the <main> element's htmlelement object in the dom.
... refreshintervalid used to store the interval id returned by setinterval().
... this interval will be used to trigger our periodic refreshes of the ads' content.
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XForms Custom Controls - Archive of obsolete content
to give you an idea of what we are talking about, it could look something like this: <content> <xf:input xbl:inherits="ref=ref1" anonid="ref1"/> <xf:input xbl:inherits="ref=ref2" anonid="ref2"/> </content> <implementation> <method name="refresh"> <body> // here we should refresh custom control.
... </body> </method> <constructor> // we should redirect calls of input's 'refresh' method to custom control 'refresh' method.
... var control = this; var refreshstub = function() { control.refresh(); } this.ref1.refresh = refreshstub; this.ref2.refresh = refreshstub; </constructor> <property name="ref1" readonly="true" onget="return this.ownerdocument.getanonymouselementbyattribute(this, 'anonid', 'ref1');"/> <property name="ref2" readonly="true" onget="return this.ownerdocument.getanonymouselementbyattribute(this, 'anonid', 'ref2');"/> </implementation> new host language the mozilla xforms implementation currently only supports xforms hosted in xhtml or xul documents.
...And 4 more matches
Web accessibility for seizures and physical reactions - Accessibility
a great resource is mdn's document on window.matchmedia() media update feature the more often the screen is refreshed, the more stable it appears to the human eye, and the less it "flickers".
... the vast majority of modern technology refreshes at a rate that does not cause problems with photosensitivity.
... however, not everybody is wealthy enough to be able to afford the most recent technology: older or underpowered computers can have low refresh rates.
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Template Builder Interface - Archive of obsolete content
rebuilding and refreshing a template the main purpose of accessing the builder for an element is to call its 'rebuild' method.
...for rdf datasources, the builder's refresh method, however, will reload the datasources. summarize, the refresh method reloads the data, whereas the rebuild method reconstructs the content.
...And 3 more matches
Localizing an extension - Archive of obsolete content
if you haven't already created an extension, or would like to refresh your memory, take a look at the previous articles in this series: creating a status bar extension creating a dynamic status bar extension adding preferences to an extension download the sample you can download this article's sample code so you can look at it side-by-side with the article, or to use it as a basis for your own extension.
...the stockwatcher2.dtd file contains the mappings for the stockwatcher2.xul file: <!entity panel_loading "loading..."> <!entity menu_refresh_now.label "refresh now"> <!entity menu_apple.label "apple (aapl)"> <!entity menu_google.label "google (goog)"> <!entity menu_microsoft.label "microsoft (msft)"> <!entity menu_yahoo.label "yahoo (yhoo)"> update the xul files each xul file needs to reference its corresponding locale file.
...for example, in stockwatcher2.xul, we change this line: <menuitem label="refresh now" oncommand="stockwatcher.refreshinformation()"/> to <menuitem label="&menu_refresh_now.label;" oncommand="stockwatcher.refreshinformation()"/> do this for every string used in each xul file.
...And 2 more matches
Positioning - Learn web development
</p> now add the following rule to the bottom of your css: .positioned { position: static; background: yellow; } if you now save and refresh, you'll see no difference at all, except for the updated background color of the 2nd paragraph.
...go ahead and update the position declaration in your code: position: relative; if you save and refresh at this stage, you won't see a change in the result at all.
... if you now save and refresh, you'll get a result something like this: <h1>relative positioning</h1> <p>i am a basic block level element.
...And 2 more matches
method overview promise refresh() properties attribute type description exists read only boolean indicates whether or not the target file exists.
... this is a dynamic property, which is updated when the download is completed or when the download.refresh() method is called.
... this is a dynamic property, which is updated when the download finishes or whenever the download.refresh() method is called.
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nsIContentPolicy - Archive of obsolete content
type_refresh 8 indicates a timed refresh.
... shouldload() will never get this, because it does not represent content to be loaded (the actual load triggered by the refresh will go through shouldload() as expected).
... shouldprocess() will get this for, for example <meta> refresh elements and http refresh headers.
... amimetype the mime type of the requested resource (for example, image/png), as reported by the networking library, if available (may be empty if inappropriate for the type, e.g., type_refresh).
Implementation Status - Archive of obsolete content
processing model (events) section title status notes bugs 4 processing model (events) partial the xforms-recalculate, xforms-revalidate, and xforms-refresh events are not as separated as they should be.
... xforms-ready supported 4.2.4 xforms-model-destruct supported 4.3.1 xforms-rebuild supported 4.3.2 xforms-recalculate supported 4.3.3 xforms-revalidate supported 4.3.4 xforms-refresh supported 4.3.5 xforms-reset supported 4.3.6 xforms-next xforms-previous supported 4.3.7 xforms-focus supported 4.3.8 xforms-help xforms-hint supported 4.3.9 xforms-submit p... interface for access to instance data supported 4.8.1 getinstancedocument() supported 4.8.2 rebuild() supported 4.8.3 recalculate() supported 4.8.4 revalidate() supported 4.8.5 refresh() supported 4.9 feature string for the hasfeature method call supported 5.
... 332231; 349805; 10.11 revalidate partial is dispatching events instead of calling directly 332231; 10.12 refresh partial is dispatching events instead of calling directly 332231; 10.13 reset supported 10.14 load partial no xforms-link-error generated if @src invalid 333782; 10.15 send supported 10.16 message partial output inside ...
RDF in Mozilla FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
remote.refresh(false); // note that ds will load asynchronously, so assertions will not // be immediately available you may decide that you need to "manually" create an rdf/xml datasource if you want to force it to load synchronously.
... you can force an rdf/xml datasource (or any datasource that supports nsirdfremotedatasource) to reload using the refresh() method of nsirdfremotedatasource.
... refresh() takes a single parameter that indicates whether you'd like it to perform its operation synchronously ("blocking") or asynchrounously ("non-blocking"). refresh the template's contents, you must manually call elt.builder.rebuild() yourself.
Anatomy of a video game - Game development
building a better main loop in javascript there are two obvious issues with our previous main loop: main() pollutes the window object (where all global variables are stored) and the example code did not leave us with a way to stop the loop unless the whole tab is closed or refreshed.
... what most browser games should look like if your game can hit the maximum refresh rate of any hardware you support then your job is fairly easy.
... render(); } main(); // start the cycle })(); if the maximum refresh rate cannot be reached, quality settings could be adjusted to stay under your time budget.
... systems that are unable to keep up with 60 fps lose visual quality to keep the game running at optimal speed (eventually it outright fails, if quality becomes too low.) other ways to handle variable refresh rate needs other methods of tackling the problem exist.
Flexbox - Learn web development
now add the following rule below the previous one: article:nth-of-type(3) { flex: 2; } now when you refresh, you'll see that the third <article> takes up twice as much of the available width as the other two — there are now four proportion units available in total (since 1 + 1 + 2 = 4).
...after that, the rest of the available space will be shared out according to the proportion units." try refreshing and you'll see a difference in how the space is shared out.
... now, add the following to the bottom of the example's css: div { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-around; } refresh the page and you'll see that the buttons are now nicely centered, horizontally and vertically.
... the code for this is simple: try adding the following css to your button bar example code: button:first-child { order: 1; } refresh, and you'll now see that the "smile" button has moved to the end of the main axis.
Cooperative asynchronous JavaScript: Timeouts and intervals - Learn web development
your sprites are moved, score is updated, data is refreshed, or whatever).
... since most screens have a refresh rate of 60hz, the fastest frame rate you can aim for is 60 frames per second (fps) when working with web browsers.
... if you have a monitor with a 60hz refresh rate and you want to achieve 60 fps you have about 16.7 milliseconds (1000 / 60) to execute your animation code to render each frame. we said before, 60hz is the standard refresh rate.
What went wrong? Troubleshooting JavaScript - Learn web development
syntax errors round two save your page and refresh, and you should see the error has gone.
... try saving and refreshing again, and your console.log() statement should return the <p> element we want.
...umber = math.floor(math.random()) + 1; and the one that generates the random number before each subsequent game is around line 113: randomnumber = math.floor(math.random()) + 1; to check whether these lines are indeed the problem, let's turn to our friend console.log() again — insert the following line directly below each of the above two lines: console.log(randomnumber); save and refresh, then play a few games — you'll see that randomnumber is equal to 1 at each point where it is logged to the console.
...the following would give us a random number between 0 and 99: math.floor(math.random()*100); hence us wanting to add 1, to give us a random number between 1 and 100: math.floor(math.random()*100) + 1; try updating both lines like this, then save and refresh — the game should now play like we are intending it to!
Eclipse CDT Manual Setup
select "general > workspace" and select "refresh using native hooks or polling" and "refresh on access" to prevent eclipse giving you annoying "resource is out of sync" messages when files change from under it due to mercurial or other external activity.
... the status bar at the bottom right of the window should now show that eclipse is "refreshing the workspace" (gathering a list of all the files in the source tree).
... click on the little green button beside this message to open the "progress" tab, and keep an eye on the "refreshing workspace" item as you continue with the steps below.
... (if an "indexing" item starts after the "refreshing the workspace" item has finished, click the little red box beside that item to cancel it, since we want to configure the project before the indexer runs.) initial project properties so that the indexer will run faster and give better results, and so that eclipse doesn't give results for irrelevant files, you should add some resource filters to have eclipse ignore certain non-source files and directories.
inherits from: nsisupports method overview void init(in string aaccountkey); void uploadfile(in nsilocalfile afile, in nsirequestobserver acallback); acstring urlforfile(in nsilocalfile afile); void cancelfileupload(in nsilocalfile afile); void refreshuserinfo(in boolean awithui, in nsirequestobserver acallback); void deletefile(in nsilocalfile afile, in nsirequestobserver acallback); void createnewaccount(in acstring aemailaddress, in acstring apassword, in acstring afirstname, in acstring alastname, in nsirequestobserver acallback); void createexistingaccount(in nsireque...
... refreshuserinfo() refreshes the data for this user account - for example, the storage quota, or the amount of storage being used.
... void refreshuserinfo(in boolean awithui, in nsirequestobserver acallback); parameters awithui whether or not the provider should prompt the user for credentails in the event that the stored credentials have gone stale.
... acallback the nsirequestobserver for monitoring the start and stop states of the refresh operation.
Drawing and Event Handling - Plugins
npn_invalidaterect: invalidate an area in a windowless plug-in before repainting or refreshing.
... npn_invalidateregion: invalidate a region in a windowless plug-in before repainting or refreshing.
... nperror result = npn_setvalue(instance, nppvpluginwindowbool, (void*)false); } invalidating the drawing area before it can repaint or refresh part of its drawing area, a windowless plug-in must first invalidate the area with either of these browser methods: npn_invalidaterect or npn_invalidateregion.
... both methods perform the same operations: they invalidate the specified drawing area prior to repainting or refreshing.
KeyboardEvent.code - Web APIs
html <p>use the wasd (zqsd on azerty) keys to move and steer.</p> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="world"> <polygon id="spaceship" points="15,0 0,30 30,30"/> </svg> <script>refresh();</script> css .world { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: black; width: 400px; height: 400px; } #spaceship { fill: orange; stroke: red; stroke-width: 2px; } javascript the first section of the javascript code establishes some variables we'll be using.
... function updateposition(offset) { let rad = angle * (math.pi/180); position.x += (math.sin(rad) * offset); position.y -= (math.cos(rad) * offset); if (position.x < 0) { position.x = 399; } else if (position.x > 399) { position.x = 0; } if (position.y < 0) { position.y = 399; } else if (position.y > 399) { position.y = 0; } } the refresh() function handles applying the rotation and position by using an svg transform.
... function refresh() { let x = position.x - (shipsize.width/2); let y = position.y - (shipsize.height/2); let transform = "translate(" + x + " " + y + ") rotate(" + angle + " 15 15) "; spaceship.setattribute("transform", transform); } finally, the addeventlistener() method is used to start listening for keydown events, acting on each key by updating the ship position and rotation angle, then calling refresh() to draw the ship at its new position and angle.
...n": // handle "back" updateposition(-moverate); break; case "keyw": case "arrowup": // handle "forward" updateposition(moverate); break; case "keya": case "arrowleft": // handle "turn left" angle -= turnrate; break; case "keyd": case "arrowright": // handle "turn right" angle += turnrate; break; } refresh(); // consume the event so it doesn't get handled twice event.preventdefault(); }, true); try it out to ensure that keystrokes go to the sample code, click inside the black game play field below before pressing keys.
overscroll-behavior - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
/* keyword values */ overscroll-behavior: auto; /* default */ overscroll-behavior: contain; overscroll-behavior: none; /* two values */ overscroll-behavior: auto contain; /* global values */ overscroll-behavior: inherit; overscroll-behavior: initial; overscroll-behavior: unset; by default, mobile browsers tend to provide a "bounce" effect or even a page refresh when the top or bottom of a page (or other scroll area) is reached. can use overscroll-behavior to get rid of unwanted scroll chaining and the browser's facebook/twitter app-inspired "pull to refresh"-type behavior.
..."bounce" effects or refreshes), but no scroll chaining occurs to neighbouring scrolling areas, e.g. on android refreshes the page when you scroll past the top boundary).
XUL user interfaces - Archive of obsolete content
xul demonstration"/> <vbox> <groupbox class="demo-group"> <caption label="day of week calculator"/> <grid> <columns> <column/> <column/> </columns> <rows> <row> <label class="text-prompt" value="date:" accesskey="d" control="date-text"/> <textbox id="date-text" type="timed" timeout="750" oncommand="refresh();"/> </row> <row> <label value="day:"/> <hbox id="day-box"> <label class="day" value="sunday" disabled="true"/> <label class="day" value="monday" disabled="true"/> <label class="day" value="tuesday" disabled="true"/> <label class="day" value="wednesday" disabled="true"/> <label class="day" value="th...
...making sure that you scroll to get all of it: // xul demonstration var datebox, daybox, currentday, status; // elements // called by window onload function init() { datebox = document.getelementbyid("date-text") daybox = document.getelementbyid("day-box") status = document.getelementbyid("status") settoday(); } // called by clear button function cleardate() { datebox.value = "" refresh() } // called by today button function settoday() { var d = new date() datebox.value = (d.getmonth() + 1) + "/" + d.getdate() + "/" + d.getfullyear() refresh() } // called by date textbox function refresh() { var d = datebox.value var thedate = null showstatus(null) if (d != "") { try { var a = d.split("/") var thedate = new date(a[2], a[0] - 1, a[1]) ...
...if there is a rule that you do not understand, comment it out and refresh your browser to see the effect on the document.
Install script template - Archive of obsolete content
// this block also invokes a function to write registry keys (plid) and checks return from key writing // this block invokes refreshplugins() to ensure that plugin and xpt are available for use immediately if (errblock1 == success) { // installation to the current browser was a success - this is the most important job of this script!
... if(errblock2 == success) { // now take care of writing plids to the win32 registry err = writeplidsolution(); if(err!=success) { logcomment("could not write win32 keys as specified: " + err); } else { logcomment("plid entries are present in the win32 registry"); } } reseterror(); err = performinstall(); if (err == success) refreshplugins(true); // call refreshplugins(true) if you'd like the web page which invoked the plugin to // reload.
... you can also simply call refreshplugins() } else cancelinstall(errblock1); // plid solution -- write keys to the registry /** * function for secondary installation of plugin (firstinstall).
What is a Domain Name? - Learn web development
dns refreshing dns databases are stored on every dns server worldwide, and all these servers refer to a few special servers called “authoritative name servers” or “top-level dns servers.” — these are like the boss servers that manage the system.
... whenever your registrar creates or updates any information for a given domain, the information must be refreshed in every dns database.
... each dns server that knows about a given domain stores the information for some time before it is automatically invalidated and then refreshed (the dns server queries an authoritative server and fetches the updated information from it).
Drawing graphics - Learn web development
next, add the following lines to the bottom of your javascript: ctx.fillstyle = 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'; ctx.fillrect(50, 50, 100, 150); if you save and refresh, you should see a red rectangle has appeared on your canvas.
...add the following at the bottom of your javascript: ctx.fillstyle = 'rgb(0, 255, 0)'; ctx.fillrect(75, 75, 100, 100); save and refresh, and you'll see your new rectangle.
...if you think of your canvas as being like a movie, you really want the display to update on each frame to show the updated view, with an ideal refresh rate of 60 frames per second so that movement appears nice and smooth to the human eye.
A first splash into JavaScript - Learn web development
save your code and refresh the page in your browser.
... if you haven't already done so, save your code, refresh the page in your browser, and open the developer tools javascript console.
... try saving and refreshing your code now, and your example should work — to a point.
JavaScript object basics - Learn web development
try entering the following line below the javascript code that's already in your file, then saving and refreshing: const person = {}; now open your browser's javascript console, enter person into it, and press enter/return.
...i\'m ' +[0] + '.'); } }; after saving and refreshing, try entering some of the following into the javascript console on your browser devtools:[0] person.age person.interests[1] person.greeting() you have now got some data and functionality inside your object, and are now able to access them with some nice simple syntax!
... = nameinput.value; let mydatavalue = namevalue.value; we could then add this new member name and value to the person object like this: person[mydataname] = mydatavalue; to test this, try adding the following lines into your code, just below the closing curly brace of the person object: let mydataname = 'height'; let mydatavalue = '1.75m'; person[mydataname] = mydatavalue; now try saving and refreshing, and entering the following into your text input: person.height adding a property to an object using the method above isn't possible with dot notation, which can only accept a literal member name, not a variable value pointing to a name.
Object building practice - Learn web development
open the browser's javascript console, and then refresh the page so that the canvas size changes to the smaller visible viewport that remains when the console opens.
... loop(); that's it for the basics — try saving and refreshing to test your bouncing balls out!
...add the following below the balls[i].update(); line: balls[i].collisiondetect(); save and refresh the demo again, and you'll see your balls change color when they collide!
Software accessibility: Where are we today?
this can come in the form of hard copy braille printed on braille embossers, or from a refreshable braille display (see below).
... refreshable braille displays of various sizes a braille embosser audio- and braille- based user interfaces are concepts that software designers are historically untrained for.
...only small pieces of sequential, non-graphical information can be conveyed - via text-to-speech or a refreshable braille display.
rface guidelines pruint16 gettype(); violates the xpcom interface guidelines void init(in print32 awidth, in print32 aheight, in imgicontainerobserver aobserver); obsolete since gecko 2.0 void lockimage(); void removeframe(in gfxiimageframe item); obsolete since gecko 1.9.2 void requestdecode(); void requestdiscard(); void requestrefresh([const] in timestamp atime); violates the xpcom interface guidelines void resetanimation(); void restoredatadone(); native code only!
...exceptions thrown missing exception missing description violates the xpcom interface guidelines requestrefresh() indicates that this imgicontainer has been triggered to update its internal animation state.
...void requestrefresh( [const] in timestamp atime ); parameters atime missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description resetanimation() void resetanimation(); parameters none.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 obsolete gecko 1.9.1 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) method overview nsidomdocument getinstancedocument(in domstring instanceid); void rebuild(); void recalculate(); void refresh(); void revalidate(); methods getinstancedocument() nsidomdocument getinstancedocument( in domstring instanceid ); parameters instanceid the id of the instance element to be returned.
...refresh() signals the xforms processor to perform a full refresh of form controls bound to instance nodes for the given xforms model.
... void refresh(); parameters none.
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsisupports method overview void rebuild(); void refresh(); void addresult(in nsixultemplateresult aresult, in nsidomnode aquerynode); void removeresult(in nsixultemplateresult aresult); void replaceresult(in nsixultemplateresult aoldresult, in nsixultemplateresult anewresult, in nsidomnode aquerynode); void resultbindingchanged(in nsixultemplateresult aresult); nsixultemplateresult getresultforid(in astring aid); nsixultemplateresult getre...
...refresh() reloads any rdf datasources that support nsirdfremotedatasource.
...void refresh(); parameters none.
KeyboardEvent: code values - Web APIs
" "" 0xe05b "metaleft" "osleft" 0xe05c "metaright" "osright" 0xe05d "contextmenu" "contextmenu" 0xe05e "power" "" 0xe05f ~ 0xe064 "unidentified" "" 0xe065 "browsersearch" "browsersearch" 0xe066 "browserfavorites" "browserfavorites" 0xe067 "browserrefresh" "browserrefresh" 0xe068 "browserstop" "browserstop" 0xe069 "browserforward" "browserforward" 0xe06a "browserback" "browserback" 0xe06b "launchapp1" "" 0xe06c "launchmail" "" 0xe06d "launchmediaplayer" ("mediaselect" prior to firefox 49) "" 0xe06e ~ 0xe0f0 "unidentified" "" ...
... 0x00a9 "eject" "" 0x00aa "unidentified" "" 0x00ab "mediatracknext" "" 0x00ac "mediaplaypause" "" 0x00ad "mediatrackprevious" "" 0x00ae "mediastop" "" 0x00af ~ 0x00b2 "unidentified" "" 0x00b3 "launchmediaplayer" "" 0x00b4 "browserhome" "" 0x00b5 "browserrefresh" "browserrefresh" 0x00b6 ~ 0x00ba "unidentified" "" 0x00bb "unidentified" "numpadparenleft" 0x00bc "unidentified" "numpadparenright" 0x00bd, 0x00be "unidentified" "" 0x00bf "f13" "" 0x00c0 "f14" "" 0x00c1 "f15" "" 0x00c2 "f16" "" 0x00c3 ...
... 0x009e "browserback" 0x009f "browserforward" 0x00a0 "unidentified" 0x00a1 "eject" 0x00a2 "unidentified" 0x00a3 "mediatracknext" 0x00a4 "mediaplaypause" 0x00a5 "mediatrackprevious" 0x00a6 "mediastop" 0x00a7 ~ 0x00ac "unidentified" 0x00ad "browserrefresh" 0x00ae ~ 0x00b6 "unidentified" 0x00b7 "f13" 0x00b8 "f14" 0x00b9 "f15" 0x00ba "f16" 0x00bb "f17" 0x00bc "f18" 0x00bd "f19" 0x00be "f20" 0x00bf "f21" 0x00c0 "f22" 0x00c1 "f23" 0x00c2 "f24" 0x00c3 ~ 0x00d8 "unidentified" ...
Window.requestAnimationFrame() - Web APIs
the number of callbacks is usually 60 times per second, but will generally match the display refresh rate in most web browsers as per w3c recommendation.
... be sure to always use the first argument (or some other method for getting the current time) to calculate how much the animation will progress in a frame, otherwise the animation will run faster on high refresh rate screens. can pass this value to window.cancelanimationframe() to cancel the refresh callback request.
<meta>: The Document-level Metadata element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
refresh this instruction specifies: the number of seconds until the page should be reloaded - only if the content attribute contains a positive integer.
... accessibility concerns pages set with a refresh value run the risk of having the time interval being too short.
... examples <meta charset="utf-8"> <!-- redirect page after 3 seconds --> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url="> specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of '<meta>' in that specification.
Using the application cache - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
applications that are cached load and work correctly offline, even if users press the refresh button.
...if you change a cached resource (for example, you update the header.png image with new content), you must also change the content of the manifest file in order to let browsers know that they need to refresh the cache. make sure that resources are loaded from a new version of the application cache, refreshing the page is ideal.
Redirections in HTTP - HTTP
used to redirect after a put or a post, so that refreshing the result page doesn't re-trigger the operation. that case, try a <meta> element with its http-equiv attribute set to refresh in the <head> of the page.
... <head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url="> </head> the content attribute should start with a number indicating how many seconds the browser should wait before redirecting to the given url.
MCD, Mission Control Desktop, AKA AutoConfig - Archive of obsolete content
config( "autoadmin.refresh_interval", 360 ); // since we use a file, if it's not accessible, something is // terribly wrong anyway config( "autoadmin.failover_to_cached", false ); // don't use ?useremail=email-addr to cgi url request config( "autoadmin.append_emailaddr", false ); lockpref configuration file this file (on the web server: http://www/browser/config-file-system.jsc) is where we set and lock preferences.
...dap_mail = " + ldap_email + "toto=" + toto); if (env_mozdebug) { alert("env_user:" + env_user + "\nenv_home:" + env_home + \ "\nldap_email:" + ldap_email + "\nldap_gecos:" + ldap_gecos + "\n"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // [ general browser configuration ] //----------------------------------------------------------------------- config("autoadmin.refresh_interval", 1440); // auto-update every 24 hours defaultpref("",1); //0=blank page, 1=homepage, 2=last visited defaultpref("browser.startup.homepage", "http://www/mci/mode-d-emploi.shtml"); lockpref("", "/tmp"); lockpref("browser.cache.memory_cache_size", 0); lockpref("mail.server_type",1); // pop=0 imap=1 lockpref("network.hosts.imap_servers", "pop-int"...
Using XPInstall to Install Plugins - Archive of obsolete content
ensure that the plugin that has just been installed is refreshed by correctly invoking the refreshplugins api.
... by refreshing your plugin, you're ensuring that the plugin is available for use immediately, without obliging the user to restart their browser.
NPN_InvalidateRegion - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary invalidates the specified drawing region prior to repainting or refreshing a windowless plug-in.
... description before a windowless plug-in can repaint or refresh part of its drawing area, the plug-in must first invalidate the area with either npn_invalidaterect() or npn_invalidateregion().
XForms Custom Controls Examples - Archive of obsolete content
output showing images <binding id="output-image" extends="chrome://xforms/content/xforms.xml#xformswidget-base"> <content> <html:div> <html:img anonid="content"/> </html:div> </content> <implementation implements="nsixformsuiwidget"> <method name="refresh"> <body> var img = document.getanonymouselementbyattribute(this, "anonid", "content"); img.setattribute("src", this.stringvalue); return true; </body> </method> </implementation> </binding> output showing xhtml <binding id="output-xhtml" extends="chrome://xforms/content/xforms-xhtml.xml#xformswidget-output"> <content> <children includes="label"/> <xhtml:div cla..."xf-value" anonid="content"></xhtml:div> <children/> </content> <implementation implements="nsixformsuiwidget"> <field name="_domparser">null</field> <property name="domparser" readonly="true"> <getter> if (!this._domparser) this._domparser = new domparser(); return this._domparser; </getter> </property> <method name="refresh"> <body> // get new value, parse, and import it.
Efficient animation for web games - Game development
to save battery life, it is best to only draw when there are things going on, so that would mean calling requestanimationframe (or your refresh function, which in turn calls that) in response to events happening in your game. easy way to do this is to declare your own refresh function that sets a flag when it calls requestanimationframe.
Plug-in Development Overview - Gecko Plugin API Reference
npn_invalidaterect: invalidate an area in a windowless plug-in before repainting or refreshing.
... npn_invalidateregion: invalidate an area in a windowless plug-in before repainting or refreshing.
Floats - Learn web development
ontes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> now apply the following css to your html (using a <style> element or a <link> to a separate .css file — your choice): body { width: 90%; max-width: 900px; margin: 0 auto; font: .9em/1.2 arial, helvetica, sans-serif } .box { width: 150px; height: 100px; border-radius: 5px; background-color: rgb(207,232,220); padding: 1em; } if you save and refresh now, you'll see something much like what you'd expect — the box is sitting above the text, in normal flow.
... to float the text around it add the float and margin-right properties to the .box rule: .box { float: left; margin-right: 15px; width: 150px; height: 100px; border-radius: 5px; background-color: rgb(207,232,220); padding: 1em; } now if you save and refresh you'll see something like the following: float example 1 <h1>simple float example</h1> <div class="box">float</div> <p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
What’s in the head? Metadata in HTML - Learn web development
you should also try opening the code up in your code editor, editing the contents of these elements, then refreshing the page in your browser.
... if done correctly, when you save your html and refresh your browser you should be able to see that things have changed: the javascript has added an empty list to the page.
HTML table advanced features and accessibility - Learn web development
save and refresh, and you'll see that adding the <tfoot> element has caused the "sum" row to go down to the bottom of the table.
...inside this element, add the following lines of css code: tbody { font-size: 95%; font-style: italic; } tfoot { font-weight: bold; } save and refresh, and have a look at the result.
Graceful asynchronous programming with Promises - Learn web development
promise terminology recap there was a lot to cover in the above section, so let's go back over it quickly to give you a short guide that you can bookmark and use to refresh your memory in the future.
.../ display the images in <img> elements let image1 = document.createelement('img'); let image2 = document.createelement('img'); image1.src = objecturl1; image2.src = objecturl2; document.body.appendchild(image1); document.body.appendchild(image2); // display the text in a paragraph let para = document.createelement('p'); para.textcontent = desctext; document.body.appendchild(para); save and refresh and you should see your ui components all loaded, albeit in a not particularly attractive way!
Build your own function - Learn web development
we've seen this before, but let's just refresh our memories.
... try saving and refreshing the page — now you should see the message box appear when you click the button.
Client-side storage - Learn web development
displaydata(); }; transaction.onerror = function() { console.log('transaction not opened due to error'); }; } this is quite complex; breaking it down, we: run event.preventdefault() on the event object to stop the form actually submitting in the conventional manner (this would cause a page refresh and spoil the experience).
... if you refresh your example page again, you should still see it load just fine.
Manipulating documents - Learn web development
in this case we will set a class name of highlight on our paragraph: para.setattribute('class', 'highlight'); refresh your page, and you'll see no change — the css is still applied to the paragraph, but this time by giving it a class that is selected by our css rule, not as inline css styles.
...add the following two lines below your first ones: = winwidth + 'px'; = winheight + 'px'; save and try refreshing your browser — you should now see the div become as big as your viewport, whatever size of screen your are using.
What is JavaScript? - Learn web development
tlistener("domcontentloaded", function() { function createparagraph() { let para = document.createelement('p'); para.textcontent = 'you clicked the button!'; document.body.appendchild(para); } const buttons = document.queryselectorall('button'); for(let i = 0; i < buttons.length ; i++) { buttons[i].addeventlistener('click', createparagraph); } }); save your file and refresh the browser — now you should see that when you click the button, a new paragraph is generated and placed below.
...cript.js" defer></script> inside script.js, add the following script: function createparagraph() { let para = document.createelement('p'); para.textcontent = 'you clicked the button!'; document.body.appendchild(para); } const buttons = document.queryselectorall('button'); for(let i = 0; i < buttons.length ; i++) { buttons[i].addeventlistener('click', createparagraph); } save and refresh your browser, and you should see the same thing!
Inheritance in JavaScript - Learn web development
you can do so by going back to your source code and adding the following line at the bottom: object.defineproperty(teacher.prototype, 'constructor', { value: teacher, enumerable: false, // so that it does not appear in 'for in' loop writable: true }); now if you save and refresh, entering teacher.prototype.constructor should return teacher(), as desired, plus we are now inheriting from person()!
... trying the example out now that you've entered all the code, try creating an object instance from teacher() by putting the following at the bottom of your javascript (or something similar of your choosing): let teacher1 = new teacher('dave', 'griffiths', 31, 'male', ['football', 'cookery'], 'mathematics'); now save and refresh, and try accessing the properties and methods of your new teacher1 object, for example:; teacher1.interests[0];; teacher1.subject; teacher1.greeting(); teacher1.farewell(); these should all work just fine.
Deployment and next steps - Learn web development
it also starts a development server and watches for changes, recompiling the app and refreshing the page when a change occurs. for performance css: css => { css.write('public/build/bundle.css'); } }), later on in the same file you'll also see how rollup minimizes our scripts in production mode and launches a local server in development mode: // in dev mode, call `npm run start` once // the bundle has been generated !production && serve(), // watch the `public` directory and refresh the // browser on changes when not in production !production && livereload('public'), // if we're building for production (npm run build // instead of npm run dev), minify production && terser() ], there are many plugins for rollup that allow you to customize its behavior.
Adding a new todo form: Vue events, methods, and models - Learn web development
add the submit handler to your <form> element like so: <form @submit="onsubmit"> when you run this, the app still posts the data to the server, causing a refresh.
...we also lose all local state on page refresh.
Handling common JavaScript problems - Learn web development
try inserting the following line just below line 31 (bolded above): console.log('response value: ' + superheroes); refresh the page in the browser, and you will get an output in the console of "response value:", plus the same error message we saw before the console.log() output shows that the superheroes object doesn't appear to contain anything. refresh the page (cmd/ctrl + r) — the browser will pause execution of the code at line 51.
Embedding API for Accessibility
pathtosoundfile); setcharpref("", pathtosoundfile); setcharpref("", pathtosoundfile); setcharpref("", pathtosoundfile); setcharpref("", pathtosoundfile); setcharpref("", pathtosoundfile); setcharpref("", pathtosoundfile); setcharpref("", pathtosoundfile); setcharpref("", pathtosoundfile); setcharpref("", pathtosoundfile); /* th...
... // override popup windows at beginning of new page load (blocks most popup advertisements) user_pref("dom.disable_open_during_load", true); moz 0.8 client side redirects setboolpref("browser.accept.redirects", acceptredirects); no content refreshes setboolpref("browser.accept.refreshes", acceptrefreshes); no plugin content setboolpref("browser.accept.plugin_content.[plugin_name_goes_here]", acceptplugincontent); no video setboolpref("", acceptvideo...
Mozilla’s UAAG evaluation report
(p1) g preferences, advanced, scripts & windows - enable javascript for when toggled off, we don't notify the user when a page is loaded with scripts 3.5 toggle content refresh.
... (p1) ni mozilla has no features for toggling refreshes 3.6 toggle redirects.
Eclipse CDT
resource is out of sync with the file system if you get the message "resource is out of sync with the file system", then you didn't set the "refresh" options above in the initial workspace preferences section.
... either set those, or else refresh the project (or an individual directory/file) manually using the refresh item from the context menu in the project explorer tab.
this new property indicates the time, in milliseconds since epoch, at which all animations started in the specified window during the current refresh interval should be considered to have started running.
...whenever you're ready to refresh your animation, you call the window.requestanimationframe() method.
NSS functions
ert_createcertificaterequest mxr 3.2 and later cert_createname mxr 3.2.1 and later cert_createocspcertid mxr 3.6 and later cert_createocsprequest mxr 3.6 and later cert_createrdn mxr 3.2.1 and later cert_createsubjectcertlist mxr 3.4 and later cert_createvalidity mxr 3.5 and later cert_crlcacherefreshissuer mxr 3.7 and later cert_decodealtnameextension mxr 3.10 and later cert_decodeauthinfoaccessextension mxr 3.10 and later cert_decodeauthkeyid mxr 3.10 and later cert_decodeavavalue mxr 3.4 and later cert_decodebasicconstraintvalue mxr 3.2 and later cert_decodecertfrompackage mxr 3.4 and later ...
... pk11_sign mxr 3.2 and later pk11_signaturelen mxr 3.2 and later pk11_symkeyfromhandle mxr 3.2 and later pk11_tokenexists mxr 3.2 and later pk11_tokenkeygen mxr 3.6 and later pk11_tokenkeygenwithflags mxr 3.10.2 and later pk11_tokenrefresh mxr 3.7.1 and later pk11_traversecertsfornicknameinslot mxr 3.2 and later pk11_traversecertsforsubjectinslot mxr 3.2 and later pk11_traverseslotcerts mxr 3.4 and later pk11_unlinkgenericobject mxr 3.9.2 and later pk11_unwrapsymkey mxr 3.2 and late...
Using the Places livemark service
when the update timer fires, it iterates over the list of livemarks, and will refresh a livemark *only* if it's expired.
...users can modify the default expiration time via the <tt>browser.bookmarks.livemark_refresh_seconds</tt> preference, which indicates the expiration time in seconds.
pages using this favicons that are visible in history or bookmarks views will keep the old icon until they have been refreshed by other means.
...pages using this favicons that are visible in history or bookmarks views will keep the old icon until they have been refreshed by other means.
the newest version of resources are updated on first refresh.
... this means already loaded resources should only update after a page refresh.
those pages will keep the old icon until they have been refreshed by other means.
...those pages will keep the old icon until they have been refreshed by other means.
exceptions thrown ns_error_invalid_arg if the folder id isn't known or identifies a folder that isn't a livemark container; also if the siteuri argument isn't a valid nsiuri object (or null) start() this method starts the livemark refresh timer.
... stopupdatelivemarks() stop the livemark refresh timer.
void getnewlist(out unsigned long count, array, size_is(count) out nsmsgkey newkeys); nsisimpleenumerator getcachedhits(in string asearchfolderuri); void refreshcache(in string asearchfolderuri, in unsigned long anumkeys, array, size_is (anumkeys) in nsmsgkey anewhits, out unsigned long anumbadhits, array, size_is(anumbadhits) out nsmsgkey astalehits); void updatehdrincache(in string asearchfolderuri, in nsimsgdbhdr ahdr, in boolean aadd); boolean hdrisincache(in string asearchfolderuri, in nsimsgdbhdr ahdr); attributes attribute type descriptio...
... nsisimpleenumerator getcachedhits(in string asearchfolderuri); refreshcache() void refreshcache(in string asearchfolderuri, in unsigned long anumkeys, [array, size_is (anumkeys)] in nsmsgkey anewhits, out unsigned long anumbadhits, [array, size_is(anumbadhits)] out nsmsgkey astalehits); updatehdrincache() void updatehdrincache(in string asearchfolderuri, in nsimsgdb...
refreshurilist nsisupportsarray saved refresh uri list for the content viewer.
...if either contentviewer or windowstate are null, then all of the following members are cleared/reset: contentviewer, sticky, windowstate, viewerbounds, childshells, refreshurilist.
load_flags_is_refresh 16 this flag specifies that the load should have the semantics of an html meta-refresh tag (that is, that the cache should be bypassed).
...this includes both active network loads and pending meta-refreshes.
Browser Side Plug-in API - Plugins
npn_invalidaterect invalidates specified drawing area prior to repainting or refreshing a windowless plug-in.
... npn_invalidateregion invalidates specified drawing region prior to repainting or refreshing a windowless plug-in.
Plug-in Development Overview - Plugins
npn_invalidaterect: invalidate an area in a windowless plug-in before repainting or refreshing.
... npn_invalidateregion: invalidate an area in a windowless plug-in before repainting or refreshing.
Gecko Plugin API Reference - Plugins
npn_invalidaterect invalidates specified drawing area prior to repainting or refreshing a windowless plug-in.
... npn_invalidateregion invalidates specified drawing region prior to repainting or refreshing a windowless plug-in.
Network request list - Firefox Developer Tools
when you refresh the page, that specific url will be blocked and a message will be added to the item in the list indicating that it has been blocked by the devtools.
... now when you refresh the page, the item will once enabled.
about:debugging - Firefox Developer Tools
if your device doesn't appear in the lefthand side of the about:debugging page, try clicking the refresh devices button.
...your device should show a popup to authorize your computer to connect to it — accept this and then click the refresh devices button again.
FileHandle API - Web APIs
if you want a file to survive a page refresh/app relaunch, you need to store the handle in a more permanent location, like the database itself.
...if you want a file to survive a page refresh/app relaunch, you need to store the handle in a database (not necessarily the one used to create the filehandle object).
Key Values - Web APIs
vk_browser_home (0xac) appcommand_browser_home gdk_key_homepage (0x1008ff18) qt::key_homepage (0x01000090) keycode_home (3) "browserrefresh" refreshes the current page or content.
... vk_browser_refresh (0xa8) appcommand_browser_refresh gdk_key_refresh (0x1008ff29) gdk_key_reload (0x1008ff73) "browsersearch" activates the user's preferred search engine or the search interface within their browser.
Window.closed - Web APIs
refreshing a previously opened popup in this example the function refreshpopupwindow() calls the reload() method of the popup's location object to refresh its data.
... const popupwindow = null; function refreshpopupwindow() { if (popupwindow && !popupwindow.closed) { // popupwindow is open, refresh it popupwindow.location.reload(true); } else { // open a new popup window popupwindow ='popup.html', 'datawindow'); } } specification specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'window.closed' in that specification.
Window.mozAnimationStartTime - Web APIs
this value should be used instead of, for example,, because this value will be the same for all animations started in this window during this refresh interval, allowing them to remain in sync with one another.
... this also allows javascript-based animations to remain synchronized with css transitions and smil animations triggered during the same refresh interval.
Window.sessionStorage - Web APIs
sessionstorage.setitem('mycat', 'tom'); the following example autosaves the contents of a text field, and if the browser is refreshed, restores the text field content so that no writing is lost.
... // get the text field that we're going to track let field = document.getelementbyid("field"); // see if we have an autosave value // (this will only happen if the page is accidentally refreshed) if (sessionstorage.getitem("autosave")) { // restore the contents of the text field field.value = sessionstorage.getitem("autosave"); } // listen for changes in the text field field.addeventlistener("change", function() { // and save the results into the session storage object sessionstorage.setitem("autosave", field.value); }); note: please refer to the using the web storage api article for a full example.
Progress Listeners - Archive of obsolete content
instead, you receive those events that the tabbrowser is interested in, except that the onlinkiconavailable and onrefreshattempted notifications are optional.
Listening to events in Firefox extensions - Archive of obsolete content
it is used to detect when a webpage attempts to refresh itself and allow the user to block the attempt.
Chapter 3: Introduction to XUL—How to build a more intuitive UI - Archive of obsolete content
figure 8: a button with an image icon attribute value icon attribute value accept close cancel print help add open remove save refresh find go-forward clear go-back yes properties no select-font apply select-color table 2: values for the icon attribute toolbar buttons the toolbarbutton element is the element used to define toolbar buttons.
Supporting search suggestions in search plugins - Archive of obsolete content
if the user continues to type, a new set of suggestions is requested from the search engine, and the displayed list is refreshed.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
3651 npn_invalidateregion npapi, plugins invalidates the specified drawing region prior to repainting or refreshing a windowless plug-in.
Inner-browsing extending the browser navigation paradigm - Archive of obsolete content
updating the selects without refreshing the page provides a better user experience and bandwidth savings.
Monitoring WiFi access points - Archive of obsolete content
then the c div is updated with the number of times the list has been refreshed.
JavaScript crypto - Archive of obsolete content
web sites which use ssl clientauth login could use the following code to refresh the page on token insertions and removals: <!doctype html> <p>...
Microsummary topics - Archive of obsolete content
thus if your cache headers tell firefox not to refresh a page on your site more than once per hour, and the user reloads the page within that time period, the user will see the cached version of your page, which may not be what you want.
Modularization techniques - Archive of obsolete content
nsresult refreshfoo(ifoo **afoo) { if (afoo == null || *afoo == null) { return ns_error_null_parameter; } if ((*afoo)->stale()) { ns_release(*afoo); *afoo = mfoo; ns_addref(*afoo); } return ns_ok; } global and member variables both global and member variables have lifetimes that can be changed by any number of functions.
Tamarin build documentation - Archive of obsolete content
additional things to try are clicking on the project name then refreshing it (file/refresh or right-click/refresh) and/or quitting and restarting eclipse.
Methods - Archive of obsolete content
refreshplugins refreshes the list of plug-ins registered for the browser.
XPInstall API reference - Archive of obsolete content
properties methods adddirectory addfile alert cancelinstall confirm deleteregisteredfile execute gestalt getcomponentfolder getfolder getlasterror getwinprofile getwinregistry initinstall loadresources logcomment patch performinstall refreshplugins registerchrome reseterror setpackagefolder installtrigger no properties methods compareversion enabled getversion install installchrome startsoftwareupdate installversion properties methods compareto init tostring file no propertie...
icon - Archive of obsolete content
possible values include: accept, cancel, help, open, save, find, clear, yes, no, apply, close, print, add, remove, refresh, go-forward, go-back, properties, select-font, select-color, network.
loadURIWithFlags - Archive of obsolete content
in addition to the flags allowed for the reloadwithflags method, the following flags are also valid: load_flags_is_refresh: this flag is used when the url is loaded because of a meta tag refresh or redirect.
XUL Changes for Firefox 1.5 - Archive of obsolete content
this is used typically on gnome systems where possible values are: accept, cancel, help, open, save, find, clear, yes, no, apply, close, print, add, remove, refresh, go-forward, go-back, properties, select-font, select-color, network.
XUL Questions and Answers - Archive of obsolete content
possible values include: accept, cancel, help, open, save, find, clear, yes, no, apply, close, print, add, remove, refresh, go-forward, go-back, properties, select-font, select-color, network.
browser - Archive of obsolete content
in addition to the flags allowed for the reloadwithflags method, the following flags are also valid: load_flags_is_refresh: this flag is used when the url is loaded because of a meta tag refresh or redirect.
button - Archive of obsolete content
possible values include: accept, cancel, help, open, save, find, clear, yes, no, apply, close, print, add, remove, refresh, go-forward, go-back, properties, select-font, select-color, network.
tabbrowser - Archive of obsolete content
in addition to the flags allowed for the reloadwithflags method, the following flags are also valid: load_flags_is_refresh: this flag is used when the url is loaded because of a meta tag refresh or redirect.
calICalendarView - Archive of obsolete content
notice that a calicalendarview does not contain any additem or refresh methods.
Mozilla release FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
if you wish only to refresh a certain area of the tree, you can go to that area and do a cvs update there.
NPN_InvalidateRect - Archive of obsolete content
description before a windowless plug-in can repaint or refresh part of its drawing area, the plug-in must first invalidate the area with either npn_invalidaterect() or npn_invalidateregion().
NPAPI plugin reference - Archive of obsolete content
npn_invalidateregion invalidates the specified drawing region prior to repainting or refreshing a windowless plug-in.
Getting Started - Archive of obsolete content
however, those experienced with rss may also find this useful as an aid in filling in any missing information about rss that they were not aware of, or as a refresher guide.
Updating an extension to support multiple Mozilla applications - Archive of obsolete content
if you haven't already created an extension, or would like to refresh your memory, take a look at the previous articles in this series: creating a status bar extension creating a dynamic status bar extension adding preferences to an extension localizing an extension download the sample you can download this article's sample code so you can look at it side-by-side with the article, or to use it as a basis for your own extension.
Common causes of memory leaks in extensions - Extensions
consider the following example code that could be part of your browser.xul overlay: gbrowser.addeventlistener("domcontentloaded", function(evt) { var contentdoc = evt.originaltarget; var i = 0; // refresh the title once each second setinterval(function() { contentdoc.title = ++i; }, 1000); }, false); one would normally expect that the interval (or timer) would be destroyed as soon as the document unloads, in the same way that event listeners are automatically destroyed.
Game distribution - Game development
if your user finds a bug, you can quickly fix it, update the system and refresh the game on your server to provide players with the updated code almost instantly.
Building up a basic demo with A-Frame - Game development
add the following html before the <a-cube> element: <a-sky color="#dddddd"></a-sky> at this point, if you save the code and refresh your browser you can already see the cube on the screen with our custom background: here's the code we have created so far: you can also check it out on github.
Building up a basic demo with Babylon.js - Game development
if you save and refresh now, your object will look like a square, because it's facing the camera.
Building up a basic demo with Three.js - Game development
add this line below the previous one: scene.add(cube); if you save, and refresh your web browser, our object will now look like a square, because it's facing the camera.
Create the Canvas and draw on it - Game development
try adding this to the bottom of your javascript, saving and refreshing: ctx.beginpath(); ctx.arc(240, 160, 20, 0, math.pi*2, false); ctx.fillstyle = "green"; ctx.fill(); ctx.closepath(); as you can see we're using the beginpath() and closepath() methods again.
Ajax - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
ajax allows you to update parts of the dom of an html page instead without the need for a full page refresh.
HTML: A good basis for accessibility - Learn web development
onclick events anchor tags are often abused with the onclick event to create pseudo-buttons by setting href to "#" or "javascript:void(0)" to prevent the page from refreshing.
HTML: A good basis for accessibility - Learn web development
onclick events anchor tags are often abused with the onclick event to create pseudo-buttons by setting href to "#" or "javascript:void(0)" to prevent the page from refreshing.
Debugging CSS - Learn web development
sometimes the solution magically appears when you stop thinking about the problem, and even if not, working on it when feeling refreshed will be much easier.
Legacy layout methods - Learn web development
try loading and refreshing to see the difference, or check out our fluid-grid-offset.html example (see it running live also).
Getting started with CSS - Learn web development
add the following to your css file: .special { color: orange; font-weight: bold; } save and refresh to see what the result is.
Styling links - Learn web development
<li> elements are normally block by default (see types of css boxes for a refresher), meaning that they will sit on their own lines.
How do I use GitHub Pages? - Learn web development
the page should refresh.
Sending form data - Learn web development
the server then responds, generally handling the data and loading the url defined by the action attribute, causing a new page load (or a refresh of the existing page, if the action points to the same page).
Use JavaScript within a webpage - Learn web development
that means, don't update content, redirect, or refresh automatically.
Getting started with HTML - Learn web development
edit the code and refresh the browser to see what the result is.
Images in HTML - Learn web development
note: you should read a quick primer on urls and paths to refresh your memory on relative and absolute urls before continuing.
Making decisions in your code — conditionals - Learn web development
note: review the material at the previous link if you want to refresh your memories on these.
Fetching data from the server - Learn web development
this is a really good thing because: page updates are a lot quicker and you don't have to wait for the page to refresh, meaning that the site feels faster and more responsive.
Silly story generator - Learn web development
if you are unsure whether the javascript is applied to your html properly, try removing everything else from the javascript file temporarily, adding in a simple bit of javascript that you know will create an obvious effect, then saving and refreshing.
Ember interactivity: Events, classes and state - Learn web development
ember calls these constructs services, and they live for the entire lifetime of the page (a page refresh will clear them; persisting the data for longer is beyond the scope of this tutorial).
Routing in Ember - Learn web development
typically, when writing web applications, you want the page to be represented by the url so that if (for any reason), the page needs to refresh, the user isn't surprised by the state of the web app — they can link directly to significant views of the app.
Ember app structure and componentization - Learn web development
when you save application.hbs, the development server you started earlier will automatically rebuild the app and refresh the browser.
Componentizing our React app - Learn web development
let’s use the names of our tasks that we had before: <todo name="eat" /> <todo name="sleep" /> <todo name="repeat" /> when your browser refreshes, you will see… the exact same thing as before.
Beginning our React todo list - Learn web development
<title>todomatic</title> when your browser refreshes, you should see something like this: it's ugly, and doesn’t function yet, but that's okay — we'll style it in a moment.
Getting started with Svelte - Learn web development
svelte will watch for file updates, and automatically recompile and refresh the app for you when changes are made to the source files.
Dynamic behavior in Svelte: working with variables and props - Learn web development
that means that the addtodo() function is executed, the element is added to the todos array, but svelte won't detect that the push method modified the array, so it won't refresh the tasks <ul>.
Handling common accessibility problems - Learn web development
if you get completely lost, you can press ctrl + f5 to refresh the current page and begin from the top again.
Introduction to cross browser testing - Learn web development
troubleshooting javascript from previous topics to refresh your memory if needed).
Strategies for carrying out testing - Learn web development
refresh the browser window.
Introducing a complete toolchain - Learn web development
you’ll notice that the browser has automatically refreshed, and the line “<date> there will be <number> near misses” at the top of the page has been changed!
Package management basics - Learn web development
go there now and you’ll not see anything for now, but what is cool is that when you do make changes to your app, parcel will rebuild it and refresh the server automatically so you can instantly see the effect your update had.
ChromeWorkers and the Chrome worker loader
once you've saved your new page, come back to this one and force-refresh this page.
Performance best practices for Firefox front-end engineers
doing so might cause flushes to occur for other promisedocumentflushed callbacks that are scheduled to fire in the same tick of the refresh driver.
Site Identity Button
if the site identity button on your site shows something you do not expect (for example, an orange warning triangle when you expect a green padlock) you can find out the cause of the problem by looking in the web console in the firefox developer tools: ensure your web console is displaying messages in the 'security' category force-refresh the page on your site that is causing problems watch for any security messages that may appear a downgraded security ui will be due to one of these three problems: mixed content - while your page has been served over tls, but subresources loaded for your page have not.
Localizing with Mercurial
once you finish making your change, run hg qrefresh to commit your changes to the patch.
Profiling with the Firefox Profiler
display list dump the display list after each refresh with the texture data.
TimerFirings logging
2088737280[7f606bf68140]: [30710] fn timer (one_shot 16 ms): [from dladdr] #0: ???[/home/njn/moz/mi1/o64/dist/bin/ +0x2144f94] 2088737280[7f606bf68140]: [30710] fn timer (one_shot 16 ms): [from dladdr] #0: mozilla::refreshdrivertimer::timertick(nsitimer*, void*) (/home/njn/moz/mi1/o64/layout/b third, on other platforms dladdr is not implemented or doesn't work well, and the output will look like the followin.
Certificate functions
ert_createcertificaterequest mxr 3.2 and later cert_createname mxr 3.2.1 and later cert_createocspcertid mxr 3.6 and later cert_createocsprequest mxr 3.6 and later cert_createrdn mxr 3.2.1 and later cert_createsubjectcertlist mxr 3.4 and later cert_createvalidity mxr 3.5 and later cert_crlcacherefreshissuer mxr 3.7 and later cert_decodealtnameextension mxr 3.10 and later cert_decodeauthinfoaccessextension mxr 3.10 and later cert_decodeauthkeyid mxr 3.10 and later cert_decodeavavalue mxr 3.4 and later cert_decodebasicconstraintvalue mxr 3.2 and later cert_decodecertfrompackage mxr 3.4 and later ...
Cryptography functions
pk11_sign mxr 3.2 and later pk11_signaturelen mxr 3.2 and later pk11_symkeyfromhandle mxr 3.2 and later pk11_tokenexists mxr 3.2 and later pk11_tokenkeygen mxr 3.6 and later pk11_tokenkeygenwithflags mxr 3.10.2 and later pk11_tokenrefresh mxr 3.7.1 and later pk11_traversecertsfornicknameinslot mxr 3.2 and later pk11_traversecertsforsubjectinslot mxr 3.2 and later pk11_traverseslotcerts mxr 3.4 and later pk11_unlinkgenericobject mxr 3.9.2 and later pk11_unwrapsymkey mxr 3.2 and late...
possible flags: "testlocalinfofirst" and "requirefreshinfo".
NSS tools : vfychain
possible flags: "testlocalinfofirst" and "requirefreshinfo".
bug 473505: softoken's c_initialize and c_finalize should succeed after a fork in a child process bug 473944: trust anchor is not trusted when requirefreshinfo flag is set.
NSS tools : vfychain
possible flags: "testlocalinfofirst" and "requirefreshinfo".
Shell global objects
maxbytes maxmallocbytes gcbytes gcnumber mode unusedchunks totalchunks slicetimebudget markstacklimit highfrequencytimelimit highfrequencylowlimit highfrequencyhighlimit highfrequencyheapgrowthmax highfrequencyheapgrowthmin lowfrequencyheapgrowth dynamicheapgrowth dynamicmarkslice allocationthreshold minemptychunkcount maxemptychunkcount compactingenabled refreshframeslicesenabled relazifyfunctions(...) perform a gc and allow relazification of functions.
Web Replay
this will refresh the tab and start recording.
checkfornewchrome() refreshes the chrome list at runtime, looking for new packages and so forth.
boolean candrag( in nsidomevent aevent ); parameters aevent return value checkselectionstateforanonymousbuttons() checks if the anonymous nodes created by the html editor have to be refreshed or hidden depending on a possible new state of the selection.
updateinterval long the minimum interval after which this microsummary would like to be refreshed or null if it doesn't care.
changing this value is somewhat heavyweight since it will force a tree refresh.
uri_forbids_automatic_document_replacement 1<<5 "automatic" loads that would replace the document (such as a meta refresh, certain types of xlinks, and other non-user-triggered loads) are not allowed if the originating uri has this protocol flag.
areloadflags flags that indicate how the document is to be refreshed.
endplaceholdertransaction will give rise to reflow/refreshing view/scroll, and call times of nstextframe::getpointfromoffset whose return value is to be cached.
to 0x804b0005 status_waiting_for 0x804b000a status_receiving_from 0x804b0006 connection flags values for the connectionflags attribute constant value description bypass_cache 0 when making a new connection bypass_cache will force the necko dns cache entry to be refreshed with a new call to nspr if it is set before opening the new stream.
active means that it's visible enough that we want to avoid certain optimizations like discarding decoded image data and throttling the refresh driver.
notify_refresh 0x00000100 receive nsiwebprogresslistener2.onrefreshattempted() events.
Getting Started Guide
xpcom basics: ownership and reference counting this is a quick refresher on some fundamental issues of xpcom.
Zombie compartments
it might be worth refreshing multiple times just to be sure.
Debugging service workers - Firefox Developer Tools
from updating your service worker: if your service worker has previously been installed, but then a new version of the worker is available on refresh or page load, the new version is installed in the background, but not yet activated.
DOM Property Viewer - Firefox Developer Tools
refreshing the display if the dom changes you can hit the refresh button to update the display: filtering there is a search box within the toolbar: this filters the list to show only items which match the search term.
Debugger.Memory - Firefox Developer Tools
� “shared_memory_limit” “periodic_full_gc” “incremental_too_slow” “dom_window_utils” “component_utils” “mem_pressure” “cc_waiting” “cc_forced” “load_end” “page_hide” “nsjscontext_destroy” “set_new_document” “set_doc_shell” “dom_utils” “dom_ipc” “dom_worker” “inter_slice_gc” “refresh_frame” “full_gc_timer” “shutdown_cc” “user_inactive” nonincrementalreason if spidermonkey’s collector determined it could not incrementally collect garbage, and had to do a full gc all at once, this is a short string describing the reason it determined the full gc was necessary.
Use the Inspector API - Firefox Developer Tools
bindable events using on: markuploaded called when the left panel has been refreshed, after page change.
Rulers - Firefox Developer Tools
behavior to keep in mind when using rulers: the rulers command must be reapplied in new tabs and after each page refresh.
Storage Inspector - Firefox Developer Tools
add and refresh storage you'll also have buttons available to add a new storage entry or refresh the view of the currently viewed storage type where applicable (you can't add new entries to indexeddb or cache): sidebar when you select any row in the storage table widget, the sidebar is shown with details about that row.
Basic animations - Web APIs
gw; } if (imgw > canvasxsize) { // image width larger than canvas clearx = imgw; } else { clearx = canvasxsize; } if (imgh > canvasysize) { // image height larger than canvas cleary = imgh; } else { cleary = canvasysize; } // get canvas context ctx = document.getelementbyid('canvas').getcontext('2d'); // set refresh rate return setinterval(draw, speed); } function draw() { ctx.clearrect(0, 0, clearx, cleary); // clear the canvas // if image is <= canvas size if (imgw <= canvasxsize) { // reset, start from beginning if (x > canvasxsize) { x = -imgw + x; } // draw additional image1 if (x > 0) { ctx.drawimage(img, -imgw + x, y, im...
Element: MSManipulationStateChanged event - Web APIs
examples // listen for panning state change events outerscroller.addeventlistener("msmanipulationstatechanged", function(e) { // check to see if they lifted while pulled to the top if (e.currentstate == ms_manipulation_state_inertia && outerscroller.scrolltop === 0) { refreshitemsasync(); } }); specifications not part of any specification.
FetchEvent() - Web APIs
typically, pressing the refresh button in a browser is a reload, while clicking a link and pressing the back button is not.
FetchEvent.isReload - Web APIs
pressing the refresh button is a reload while clicking a link and pressing the back button is not.
Using the Frame Timing API - Web APIs
a frame rate of 60 fps (frames per second) for a 60 hz refresh rate is a common target for a good responsive user experience.
Frame Timing API - Web APIs
a frame rate of 60 fps (frames per second) for a 60 hz refresh rate is a common target for a good responsive user experience.
History API - Web APIs
another use for the go() method is to refresh the current page by either passing 0, or by invoking it without an argument: // the following statements // both have the effect of // refreshing the page window.history.go(0) window.history.go() you can determine the number of pages in the history stack by looking at the value of the length property: let numberofentries = window.history.length interfaces history allows manipulation of ...
IDBDatabase.onversionchange - Web APIs
x("day", "day", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("month", "month", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("year", "year", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("notified", "notified", { unique: false }); note.innerhtml += '<li>object store created.</li>'; db.onversionchange = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>a database change has occurred; you should refresh this browser window, or close it down and use the other open version of this application, wherever it exists.</li>'; }; }; specifications specification status comment indexed database api 2.0the definition of 'onversionchange' in that specification.
IntersectionObserverEntry.intersectionRect - Web APIs
function intersectioncallback(entries) { entries.foreach(function(entry) { refreshzones.push({ element:, rect: entry.intersectionrect }); }); } specifications specification status comment intersection observerthe definition of 'intersectionobserverentry.intersectionrect' in that specification.
Location: reload() - Web APIs
the location.reload() method reloads the current url, like the refresh button.
Location - Web APIs
location.reload() reloads the current url, like the refresh button.
MediaDevices.ondevicechange - Web APIs
because the example provides a handler for the devicechange event, the list is refreshed any time a media device is attached to or removed from the device running the sample.
MediaPositionState.position - Web APIs
example in this example, a player for a non-standard media file format, written in javascript, uses setinterval() to establish a callback which fires once per second to refresh the position information by calling setpositionstate().
MediaSession.setPositionState() - Web APIs
example in this example, a player for a non-standard media file format, written in javascript, uses setinterval() to establish a callback which fires once per second to refresh the position information by calling setpositionstate().
Performance - Web APIs
performance.navigation read only a legacy performancenavigation object that provides useful context about the operations included in the times listed in timing, including whether the page was a load or a refresh, how many redirections occurred, and so forth.
PerformanceFrameTiming - Web APIs
a frame rate of 60fps (frames per second) for a 60hz refresh rate is the target for a good responsive user experience.
PluginArray - Web APIs
pluginarray.refresh refreshes all plugins on the current page, optionally reloading documents.
Push API - Web APIs
the limit is refreshed each time the site is visited.
ServiceWorkerContainer.controller - Web APIs
this property returns null if the request is a force refresh (shift + refresh) or if there is no active worker.
ServiceWorkerContainer - Web APIs
this property returns null during a force-refresh request (shift + refresh) or if there is no active worker.
ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onactivate - Web APIs
this happens after installation, when the page to be controlled by the service worker refreshes.
ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onpushsubscriptionchange - Web APIs
when browser refresh the push subscription.
ServiceWorkerGlobalScope: pushsubscriptionchange event - Web APIs
this may occur if the subscription was refreshed by the browser, but it may also happen if the subscription has been revoked or lost.
Using Service Workers - Web APIs
updating your service worker if your service worker has previously been installed, but then a new version of the worker is available on refresh or page load, the new version is installed in the background, but not yet activated.
A basic 2D WebGL animation example - Web APIs
then the current rotation angle (in degrees) is set to 0.0, since we haven't performed any rotation yet, and the rotation speed (in degrees per screen refresh period, typically 60 fps) is set to 6.
Using shaders to apply color in WebGL - Web APIs
coloring the fragments as a refresher, here's what our fragment shader looked like previously: const fssource = ` void main() { gl_fragcolor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); } `; in order to pick up the interpolated color for each pixel, we need to change this to fetch the value from the vcolor varying: const fssource = ` varying lowp vec4 vcolor; void main(void) { gl_fragcolor = vcolor; } `;...
Viewpoints and viewers: Simulating cameras in WebXR - Web APIs
when accelerating bitmapped graphics, the renderer would draw the 2d image into a webgl texture's buffer, then redraw the texture to refresh the screen.
Geometry and reference spaces in WebXR - Web APIs
as such the time is typically in alignment with the refresh rate of the display, or some fraction thereof if the frame rate needs to be constrained due to performance issues.
XMLHttpRequest - Web APIs
you can retrieve data from a url without having to do a full page refresh.
XRSession.visibilityState - Web APIs
to that end, the session's requestanimationframe() callbacks are being processed at the xr device's native refresh rate and input controllers are being processed as normal.
XRVisibilityState - Web APIs
to that end, the session's requestanimationframe() callbacks are being processed at the xr device's native refresh rate and input controllers are being processed as normal.
msthumbnailclick - Web APIs
lay(iconuri, tooltip); // removes an overlay icon window.external.mssitemodecleariconoverlay(); // pinned icons on your taskbar can be instructed to trigger specific events on your site from the taskbar // add an event handlerdocument.addeventlistener('msthumbnailclick', onbuttonclicked, false); // add the buttons var btnplay = window.external.mssitemodeaddthumbbarbutton(iconuri, tooltip); // refresh the taskbar window.external.mssitemodeshowthumbbar(); // call a javascript function when the button is pressed function onbuttonclicked(e) { switch (e.buttonid) { case btnplay: play(); break;} } see also microsoft api extensions ...
Implementing a Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) Server - Accessibility
some screen readers can even show information on a refreshable braille display.
CSS Animations tips and tricks - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
however, changes to the class list don't take effect until the style recomputation is complete and a refresh has occurred to reflect the change.
overscroll-behavior-block - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
"bounce" effects or refreshes), but no scroll chaining occurs to neighbouring scrolling areas, e.g.
overscroll-behavior-inline - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
"bounce" effects or refreshes), but no scroll chaining occurs to neighbouring scrolling areas, e.g.
overscroll-behavior-x - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
"bounce" effects or refreshes), but no scroll chaining occurs to neighbouring scrolling areas, e.g.
overscroll-behavior-y - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
"bounce" effects or refreshes), but no scroll chaining occurs to neighbouring scrolling areas, e.g.
Event reference
cssruleviewrefreshed devtools specific the "rules" view of the style inspector has been updated.
Getting Started - Developer guides
ajax’s most appealing characteristic is its "asynchronous" nature, which means it can communicate with the server, exchange data, and update the page without having to refresh the page.
Challenge solutions - Developer guides
then refresh your browser to see if you were correct.
<a>: The Anchor element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
onclick events anchor elements are often abused as fake buttons by setting their href to # or javascript:void(0) to prevent the page from refreshing, then listening for their click events .
HTML documentation index - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
applications that are cached load and work correctly offline, even if users press the refresh button.
Browser detection using the user agent - HTTP
var ua = navigator.useragent; hastouchscreen = ( /\b(blackberry|webos|iphone|iemobile)\b/i.test(ua) || /\b(android|windows phone|ipad|ipod)\b/i.test(ua) ); } } if (hastouchscreen) document.getelementbyid("examplebutton").style.padding="1em"; as for the screen size, simply use window.innerwidth and window.addeventlistener("resize", function(){ /*refresh screen size dependent things*/ }).
Cache-Control - HTTP
if-none-match or if-modified-since) to check for updates, even when the user explicitly refreshes the page.
Strict-Transport-Security - HTTP
whenever the strict-transport-security header is delivered to the browser, it will update the expiration time for that site, so sites can refresh this information and prevent the timeout from expiring.
HTTP headers - HTTP
signature the signature header field conveys a list of signatures for an exchange, each one accompanied by information about how to determine the authority of and refresh that signature.
226 205 reset content http, http status code, reference, status code the http 205 reset content response status tells the client to reset the document view, so for example to clear the content of a form, reset a canvas state, or to refresh the ui.
205 Reset Content - HTTP
the http 205 reset content response status tells the client to reset the document view, so for example to clear the content of a form, reset a canvas state, or to refresh the ui.
Authoring MathML - MathML
it is semi-wysiwyg: you enter the source of the formula using the equation panel/keyboard and a preview of the formula is regularly refreshed.
Performance fundamentals - Web Performance
that's why most modern electronic displays are designed to refresh at that rate.
XML introduction - XML: Extensible Markup Language
please refresh and try again."> ]> <body> <message> &warning; </message> </body> you can also use numeric character references to specify special characters; for example, &#xa9; is the "©" symbol.