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9 results for "closeTab":
onclosetab - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home onclosetab type: script code this script will be called when the close tab button is clicked.
state(in astring astate); void settabstate(in nsidomnode atab, in astring astate); void settabvalue(in nsidomnode atab, in astring akey, in astring astringvalue); void setwindowstate(in nsidomwindow awindow, in astring astate, in boolean aoverwrite); void setwindowvalue(in nsidomwindow awindow, in astring akey, in astring astringvalue); nsidomnode undoclosetab(in nsidomwindow awindow, in unsigned long aindex); nsidomwindow undoclosewindow(in unsigned long aindex); attributes attribute type description canrestorelastsession boolean is it possible to restore the previous session.
... undoclosetab() reopens a closed tab in a specified window.
... nsidomnode undoclosetab( in nsidomwindow awindow, in unsigned long aindex ); parameters awindow the browser window in which to reopen a closed tab.
tabs - Archive of obsolete content
attributes closebutton, disableclose, disabled, onclosetab, onnewtab, onselect, setfocus, selectedindex, tabbox, tabindex, tooltiptextnew, value, properties accessibletype, disabled, itemcount, selectedindex, selecteditem, tabindex, value, methods advanceselectedtab, appenditem, getindexofitem, getitematindex, insertitemat, removeitemat examples (example needed) attributes closebutton obsolete since gecko 1.9.2 type: bool...
... onclosetab type: script code this script will be called when the close tab button is clicked.
tabs/utils - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveAdd-onsAdd-on SDKLow-Level APIstabs utils
closetab(tab) close the specified tab.
Tabbox - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveAdd-onsCode snippetsTabbox
handling onclosetab event assuming the tabbox, tabs, and tabpanels widgets with id's the same as their nodename, this function will correctly remove the current tab and tab panel for the onclosetab tabs event: function removetab(){ var tabbox = document.getelementbyid("tabbox"); var currentindex = tabbox.selectedindex; if(currentindex>=0){ var tabs=document.getelementbyid("tabs"); var tabpanels=document.getelementbyid("tabpanels"); tabpanels.removechild(tabpanels.childnodes[currentindex]); tabs.removeitemat(currentindex); /*work ar...
Index - Archive of obsolete content
967 onclosetab xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveIndex of archived content
extensions and themes from web pages interaction between privileged and non-privileged pages jetpack processes legacy add-ons legacy extensions for firefox for android api accounts.jsm browserapp addtab closetab deck getbrowserfordocument getbrowserforwindow gettabforbrowser gettabforid gettabforwindow loaduri quit selecttab tabs helperapps.jsm home.jsm ...
Attribute (XUL) - Archive of obsolete content
tselected last-tab left linkedpanel max maxheight maxlength maxpos maxrows maxwidth member menu menuactive min minheight minresultsforpopup minwidth mode modifiers mousethrough movetoclick multiline multiple name negate newlines next noautofocus noautohide noinitialfocus nomatch norestorefocus object observes onbeforeaccept onbookmarkgroup onchange onclick onclosetab oncommand oncommandupdate ondialogaccept ondialogcancel ondialogclosure ondialogextra1 ondialogextra2 ondialoghelp onerror onerrorcommand onextra1 onextra2 oninput onload onnewtab onpageadvanced onpagehide onpagerewound onpageshow onpaneload onpopuphidden onpopuphiding onpopupshowing onpopupshown onsearchcomplete onselect ontextcommand ontextentered ontextrevert onte...
Index - Archive of obsolete content
220 onclosetab xul attributes, xul reference no summary!