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loadURIWithFlags - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home loaduriwithflags( uri, flags, referrer, charset, postdata ) return type: no return value load a url into the document, with the specified load flags, the given referrer, character set, and post data.
... (see nsiwebnavigation.loaduri() for details on the referrer and postdata parameters.) ...
loadURI - Archive of obsolete content
(this one has no post data parameter, see loaduriwithflags for a version that does) loaduri( uri, referrer, charset ) return type: no return value load a url into the document, with the given referrer and character set.
void loaduri(in nsiuri uri, in nsidocshellloadinfo loadinfo, in unsigned long aloadflags, in boolean firstparty); native code only!
... internal_load_flags_allow_third_party_fixup 0x4 used to indicate that load_flags_allow_third_party_fixup was passed as one of the flags to loaduri().
... internal_load_flags_bypass_classifier 0x10 used to indicate that load_flags_bypass_classifier was passed as one of the flags to loaduri().
...And 6 more matches
method overview void goback void goforward void gotoindex( in long index ) void loaduri(in wstring uri , in unsigned long loadflags , in nsiuri referrer , in nsiinputstream postdata, in nsiinputstream headers) void reload(in unsigned long reloadflags) void stop(in unsigned long stopflags) constants load flags constant value description load_flags_mask 65535 this flag defines the range of bits that may be specified.
...this flag is only applicable to loaduri.
...this flag is only applicable to loaduri.
...And 4 more matches
browser - Archive of obsolete content
operties accessibletype, cangoback, cangoforward, contentdocument, contentprincipal, contenttitle, contentvieweredit, contentviewerfile, contentwindow, currenturi, docshell, documentcharsetinfo, homepage, markupdocumentviewer, messagemanager, preferences, securityui, sessionhistory, webbrowserfind, webnavigation, webprogress methods addprogresslistener, goback, goforward, gohome, gotoindex, loaduri, loaduriwithflags, reload, reloadwithflags, removeprogresslistener, stop, swapdocshells examples <!-- shows mozilla homepage inside a groupbox --> <groupbox flex="1"> <caption label="mozilla homepage"/> <browser type="content" src="" flex="1"/> </groupbox> attributes autocompleteenabled type: boolean set to true to enable autocomplete of fields. change the url, use the loaduri method. also contains the load constants used by reloadwithflags and loaduriwithflags.
...And 3 more matches
tabbrowser - Archive of obsolete content
ner, tabs, visibletabs, webbrowserfind, webnavigation, webprogress methods addprogresslistener, addtab, addtabsprogresslistener,appendgroup, getbrowseratindex, getbrowserindexfordocument, getbrowserfordocument, getbrowserfortab, geticon, getnotificationbox, gettabforbrowser, gettabmodalpromptbox, goback, gobackgroup, goforward, goforwardgroup, gohome, gotoindex, loadgroup, loadonetab, loadtabs, loaduri, loaduriwithflags, movetabto, pintab, reload, reloadalltabs, reloadtab, reloadwithflags, removealltabsbut, removecurrenttab, removeprogresslistener, removetab, removetabsprogresslistener,replacegroup, selecttabatindex, seticon, showonlythesetabs, stop, unpintab attributes autocompleteenabled type: boolean set to true to enable autocomplete of fields. change the url, use the loaduri method. also contains the load constants used by reloadwithflags and loaduriwithflags.
...And 3 more matches
Safely loading URIs - Archive of obsolete content
these methods are exposed on the nsiscriptsecuritymanager interface and are called checkloaduri, checkloaduriwithprincipal, and checkloaduristr.
... in general, the following guidelines apply for gecko 1.8: if you plan pass a uri string to nsiwebnavigation.loaduri (which can happen indirectly, e.g.
... by passing the string to something that loads it in a <browser> or <iframe>), you must call checkloaduristr to be secure.
...And 2 more matches
Common Pitfalls - Archive of obsolete content
how to do security checks for uri loads before loading a uri, one of two security checks needs to be performed: if the uri is a string that will be loaded via passing the string to nsiwebnavigation::loaduri, the one must call checkloaduristrwithprincipal and pass the principal that the uri originates from as the first argument and the uri string as the second argument.
... in all other cases, one should call checkloaduriwithprincipal and pass the principal that the uri originates from as the first argument and an nsiuri object representing the uri as the second argument.
... if there is no nsiuri object on hand, it is secure to call checkloaduristrwithprincipal, but this will perform a more stringent security check than is strictly necessary.
... what not to do all other security checks (including calls to checkloaduri and checkloaduristr) are incorrect, because they do not properly capture the originating principal.
Chapter 4: Using XPCOM—Implementing advanced processes - Archive of obsolete content
for example, using the loaduri() method on the browser element introduced in chapter 3 can open a page specified using http_referer, as shown in listing 21; listing 22 shows how to open a page using the loaduriwithflags() method, with data transmitted via the post method.
... listing 21: loading a page by setting a referrer var browser = document.getelementbyid('browser'); var ioservice = components.classes[';1'] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiioservice); var referrer = ioservice.newuri('', null, null); browser.loaduri('', referrer); listing 22: loading a page with data transmitted via the post method var content = encodeuricomponent('password=foobar'); var referrer = null; var postdata = components.classes[';1'] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsistringinputstream); content = 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n'+ 'content-length: '+content.length+'\n\n'+ content;...
... postdata.setdata(content, content.length); var flags = components.interfaces.nsiwebnavigation.load_flags_none; browser.loaduriwithflags('', flags, referrer, null, postdata); « previousnext » ...
method overview boolean externalprotocolhandlerexists(in string aprotocolscheme); astring getapplicationdescription(in autf8string ascheme); nsihandlerinfo getprotocolhandlerinfo(in acstring aprotocolscheme); nsihandlerinfo getprotocolhandlerinfofromos(in acstring aprotocolscheme, out boolean afound); boolean isexposedprotocol(in string aprotocolscheme); void loaduri(in nsiuri auri, [optional] in nsiinterfacerequestor awindowcontext); void loadurl(in nsiuri aurl); void setprotocolhandlerdefaults(in nsihandlerinfo ahandlerinfo, in boolean aoshandlerexists); methods externalprotocolhandlerexists() check whether a handler for a specific protocol exists.
...loaduri() used to load a uri via an external application.
...void loaduri( in nsiuri auri, [optional] in nsiinterfacerequestor awindowcontext ); parameters auri the uri to load.
method overview void activateframeevent(in astring atype, in boolean capture); void activateremoteframe(); void destroy(); void loadframe(); void loaduri(in nsiuri auri); void sendcrossprocesskeyevent(in astring atype, in long akeycode, in long acharcode, in long amodifiers, [optional] in boolean apreventdefault); void sendcrossprocessmouseevent(in astring atype, in float ax, in float ay, in long abutton, in long aclickcount, in long amodifiers, [optional] in boolean aignorerootscrollframe); void updatepositionandsize...
... loaduri() loads the specified uri in this frame.
... void loaduri( in nsiuri auri ); parameters auri the uri to load into the frame.
method overview boolean onhistorygoback(in nsiuri abackuri); boolean onhistorygoforward(in nsiuri aforwarduri); boolean onhistorygotoindex(in long aindex, in nsiuri agotouri); void onhistorynewentry(in nsiuri anewuri); boolean onhistorypurge(in long anumentries); boolean onhistoryreload(in nsiuri areloaduri, in unsigned long areloadflags); methods onhistorygoback() called when navigating to a previous session history entry, for example due to an nsiwebnavigation.goback() call. documents are added to session history by the docshell when new pages are loaded in a frame or content area; for example by calling nsiwebnavigation.loaduri().
...boolean onhistoryreload( in nsiuri areloaduri, in unsigned long areloadflags ); parameters areloaduri the uri of the document to be reloaded.
HTML to DOM - Archive of obsolete content
id("sample-frame"); // remove frame // frame.destroy(); // if using browser element instead of iframe frame.parentnode.removechild(frame); // or set location "about:blank" // frame.contentdocument.location.href = "about:blank"; },10); }, true); } // load a page frame.contentdocument.location.href = ""; // or // frame.webnavigation.loaduri("",components.interfaces.nsiwebnavigation,null,null,null); if you are starting with an html string, you can convert it to a data uri and use that to load in the browser element.
... but, we still need to see how to execute the famous loaduri() method using our iframe: donkeybrowser.webnavigation.loaduri("", components.interfaces.nsiwebnavigation, null, null, null); also, i recommend you take a look at the nsiwebnavigation interface.
Post data to window - Archive of obsolete content
preprocessing post data the apostdata argument of the (global) loaduri(), opendialog(), and (tab)browser.loaduriwithflags() methods expects the post data in the form of an nsiinputstream (because they eventually call nsiwebnavigation.loaduri()) while post data can be created using nsimimeinputstream.
... posting data to the current tab there is a convenience method in global scope (in firefox, chrome://browser/content/browser.js): loaduri(auri, areferrer, apostdata, aallowthirdpartyfixup); posting data to a new window window.opendialog('chrome://browser/content', '_blank', 'all,dialog=no', auri, aflags, areferrer, apostdata); ...
Index - Archive of obsolete content
1261 loaduri xul methods, xul reference note: this is the xul method on <browser> / <tabbrowser>, not the global function in chrome://browser/content/browser.js.
...(this one has no post data parameter, see loaduriwithflags for a version that does) 1262 loaduriwithflags xul methods, xul reference (see nsiwebnavigation.loaduri() for details on the referrer and postdata parameters.) 1263 makeeditable xul methods, xul reference no summary!
Index - Archive of obsolete content
530 loaduri xul methods, xul reference note: this is the xul method on <browser> / <tabbrowser>, not the global function in chrome://browser/content/browser.js.
...(this one has no post data parameter, see loaduriwithflags for a version that does) 531 loaduriwithflags xul methods, xul reference (see nsiwebnavigation.loaduri() for details on the referrer and postdata parameters.) 532 makeeditable xul methods, xul reference no summary!
Chapter 3: Introduction to XUL—How to build a more intuitive UI - Archive of obsolete content
<menuitem label="open project page" oncommand="loaduri(this.value)" value=""/> listing 10: the oncommand event handler because the gecko engine implements dom level 2 event handlers, you can define dynamic event listeners such as the one in listing 11.
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
android api accounts.jsm browserapp addtab closetab deck getbrowserfordocument getbrowserforwindow gettabforbrowser gettabforid gettabforwindow loaduri quit selecttab tabs helperapps.jsm home.jsm banner panels homeprovider.jsm homestorage ...
Document Loading - From Load Start to Finding a Handler - Archive of obsolete content
rds="311,306,432,371" href="#open"> <area alt="(4)" coords="90,384,127,417" href="#openuri-innards"> <area alt="(0) registercontentlistener()" coords="37,474,346,474,346,505,88,505,88,535,37,535" href="#registercontentlistener" shape="poly"> <area alt="(3) openuri() (nsuriloader)" coords="5,207,312,269" href="#openuri"> <area alt="(2)" coords="102,114,139,148" href="#internalload"> <area alt="(1) loaduri/onlinkclick" coords="77,5,449,59" href="#loaduri"> <area alt="nsiexternalhelperappservice" coords="527,305,839,339" href="#nsiexternalhelperappservice"> <area alt="category manager" coords="683,467,807,527" href="#nscategorymanager"> <area alt="nsdocumentopeninfo" coords="371,71,635,185" href="#nsdocumentopeninfo"> <area alt="necko" coords="721,113,821,157" href="#necko"> <area alt="nsuriloader" ...
Same origin policy for XBL - Archive of obsolete content
a call to checloaduriwithprincipal() is done to make sure the principal is able to link to the given uri in the first place.
The life of an HTML HTTP request - Archive of obsolete content
(1) the loading of the url is started in nswebshell::doloadurl (called from some loadurl or loaduri variant in the webshell).
Methods - Archive of obsolete content
esultcount getresultvalueat getrowcount getsearchat getselecteditem getsession getsessionbyname getsessionresultat getsessionstatusat getsessionvalueat getstring goback gobackgroup godown goforward goforwardgroup gohome goto gotoindex goup hidepopup increase increasepage insertitem insertitemat invertselection loadgroup loadonetab loadtabs loaduri loaduriwithflags makeeditable movebyoffset moveto movetoalertposition onsearchcomplete ontextentered ontextreverted openpopup openpopupatscreen opensubdialog openwindow preferenceforelement reload reloadalltabs reloadtab reloadwithflags removeallitems removeallnotifications removealltabsbut removecurrentnotification removecurrenttab removeitemat rem...
currentURI - Archive of obsolete content
to change the url, use the loaduri method.
webNavigation - Archive of obsolete content
it also contains the load constants used by reloadwithflags and loaduriwithflags.
Code Samples - Archive of obsolete content
change the first line to specify the page that you want to open: const url = "" document .getelementbyid("content") .webnavigation .loaduri(url, 0, null, null, null) if your button is in thunderbird or sunbird, use code like this to open a web page.
Content Panels - Archive of obsolete content
instead, you must use a script and call the loaduri function.
editor - Archive of obsolete content
it also contains the load constants used by reloadwithflags and loaduriwithflags.
iframe - Archive of obsolete content
it also contains the load constants used by reloadwithflags and loaduriwithflags.
Opening a Link in the Default Browser - Archive of obsolete content
extps.loaduri(uritoopen, null); by default, the external protocol service will warn the user about opening the link in another application.
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
discussions file: vs resource: vs chrome: from a security point of view boris zbarsky gives a summary the current setup for checkloaduri (which type of security principal can load what) and asks for comments about whether that is the desired behaviour.
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
as well as any protocols that you have implemented and are not in the list of protocols nsscriptsecuritymanager::checkloaduri feed: consensus is that it should be allowed and treated as an ordinary link.
Embedding Tips
get thensiwebnavigation interface on your webbrowser and call the loaduri method with the appropriate uri and flags.
Necko walkthrough
nsdocshell as an example client of the nsihttpchannel api nsdocshell::loaduri(string) create nsiuri from string nsdocshell::loaduri(nsiuri) creates 2 nsiinputstream for read response from; passes them with uri to ...
this is equivalent to calling loaduri on the nsiwebnavigation object with a data: url specifying the html.
keep in mind that the decision of what constitutes an automatic load is made externally, by the caller of nsiscriptsecuritymanager.checkloaduri().