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11 results for "Django":
Server-side web frameworks - Learn web development
LearnServer-sideFirst stepsWeb frameworks
the example below shows how this works in the django (python) web framework.
... # django view function from django.http import httpresponse def index(request): # get an httprequest (request) # perform operations using information from the request.
... @app.route("/") def hello(): return "hello world!" while django expects developers to define a list of url mappings between a url pattern and a view function.
...And 21 more matches
Index - Learn web development
beginner, express, flask, learn, node, php, python, django, lamp, server-side, servers throughout most of the learning area, we tell you to just open your examples directly in a browser — this can be done by double clicking the html file, dragging and dropping it into the browser window, or choosing file > open...
...the modules provide a general introduction to server-side programming, along with specific beginner-level guides on how to use the django (python) and express (node.js/javascript) web frameworks to create basic applications.
...if not, then don't worry — later on in the course we'll give you detailed tutorials on django and express to give you some experience of actually working with a web framework.
Client-Server Overview - Learn web development
LearnServer-sideFirst stepsClient-Server overview
for example, consider the following django (python) code that maps two url patterns to two view functions.
... # file: best/ # from django.conf.urls import url from .
... #best/ from django.shortcuts import render from .models import team def junior(request): list_teams = team.objects.filter(team_type__exact="junior") context = {'list': list_teams} return render(request, 'best/index.html', context) after the junior() function gets the list of junior teams, it calls the render() function, passing the original httprequest, an html template, and a "context" object defi...
How do you set up a local testing server? - Learn web development
LearnCommon questionsset up a local testing server
flask is also a good (slightly less heavyweight) alternative to django.
Sending form data - Learn web development
LearnFormsSending and retrieving form data
it's more common to use one of the many high quality frameworks that make handling forms easier, such as: django for python (a bit more heavyweight than flask, but with more tools and options).
Introduction to the server side - Learn web development
LearnServer-sideFirst stepsIntroduction
in contrast, you would almost never consider writing the server-side component of a web app without a framework — implementing a vital feature like an http server is really hard to do from scratch in say python, but python web frameworks like django provide one out of the box, along with other very useful tools.
Website security - Learn web development
LearnServer-sideFirst stepsWebsite security
django, for example, ensures that any user-data passed to querysets (model queries) is escaped.
Strategies for carrying out testing - Learn web development
LearnTools and testingCross browser testingTesting strategies
an example is django waffle flags.
Learn web development
this topic provides a general introduction to how the server-side works and detailed tutorials showing how to build up a server-side app using two popular frameworks: django (python) and express (node.js).
Mozilla projects on GitHub
MozillaMozilla on GitHub
kuma the django project that powers this site (mdn).
Referer header: privacy and security concerns - Web security
WebSecurityReferer header: privacy and security concerns
security-conscious server-side frameworks tend to have built in mitigations for such problems, for example: security in django (especially see cross site request forgery (csrf) protection).