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7 results for "manifest.json":
Theme concepts
MozillaAdd-onsThemesTheme concepts
static themes static themes are specified using the same resources as a browser extension: a manifest.json file to define the theme components with those components stored in the same folder as the manifest.json file or a sub folder.
... add the theme image file to the folder: <mytheme> <your_header_image>.<type> create a file called manifest.json in the folder and edit its content as follows: { "manifest_version": 2, "version": "1.0", "name": "<your_theme_name>", "theme": { "images": { "theme_frame": "<your_header_image>.<type>" }, "colors": { "frame": "#ffffff", "tab_background_text": "#000" } } } where: "frame": is the heading area background color for your theme.
...first, request "theme" permission in the extension's manifest.json file.
...And 2 more matches
about:debugging (before Firefox 68) - Firefox Developer Tools
Toolsabout:debuggingabout:debugging before Firefox 68
if you change files that are only parsed at install time, like the manifest.json file, you'll need to restart firefox, then load the add-on again.
...this does what it says: reloading any persistent scripts, such as background scripts parsing the manifest.json file again, so changes to permissions, content_scripts, browser_action or any other keys will take effect.
Getting started with React - Learn web development
LearnTools and testingClient-side JavaScript frameworksReact getting started
its initial file structure looks like this: moz-todo-react ├── ├── node_modules ├── package.json ├── package-lock.json ├── .gitignore ├── public │ ├── favicon.ico │ ├── index.html │ └── manifest.json └── src ├── app.css ├── app.js ├── app.test.js ├── index.css ├── index.js ├── logo.svg └── serviceworker.js the src directory is where we'll spend most of our time, as it's where the source code for our application lives.
tools & resources browser theme manifest.json keys browser extensions theme api discourse forum theme related blog posts archived resources ...
L20n HTML Bindings
MozillaProjectsL20nHTML Bindings
<link rel="localization" href="../locales/manifest.json"> an example of the manifest file (all keys are required): { "locales": [ "en-us", "pl"], "default_locale": "en-us", "resources": [ "../locales/{{locale}}/strings.l20n", "/shared/{{locale}}/date.l20n"¨ ] } make html elements localizable use the data-l10n-id attribute on an html element to mark it as localizable.
about:debugging - Firefox Developer Tools
this does what it says: reloads any persistent scripts, such as background scripts parses the manifest.json file again, so changes to permissions, content_scripts, browser_action or any other keys take effect installed extensions the permanently installed extensions are listed in the next section, extensions.
How to make PWAs installable - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
WebProgressive web appsInstallable PWAs
the js13kpwa.webmanifest file of the js13kpwa web app is included in the <head> block of the index.html file using the following line of code: <link rel="manifest" href="js13kpwa.webmanifest"> there are a few common kinds of manifest file that have been used in the past: manifest.webapp was popular in firefox os app manifests, and many use manifest.json for web manifests as the contents are organized in a json structure.