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13 results for "PhotoCapabilities":
PhotoCapabilities - Web APIs
the photocapabilities interface of the the mediastream image capture api provides available configuration options for an attached photographic device.
... a photocapabilities object is retrieved by calling imagecapture.getphotocapabilities().
... properties photocapabilities.redeyereduction read only returns one of "never", "always", or "controllable".
...And 7 more matches
ImageCapture.getPhotoCapabilities() - Web APIs
the getphotocapabilities() method of the imagecapture interface returns a promise that resolves with a photocapabilities object containing the ranges of available configuration options.
... syntax const capabilitiespromise = imagecaptureobj.getphotocapabilities() return value a promise that resolves with a photocapabilities object.
... example the following example, extracted from chrome's image capture / photo resolution sample, uses the results from getphotocapabilities() to modify the size of an input range.
...And 2 more matches
PhotoCapabilities.fillLightMode - Web APIs
the filllightmode read-only property of the photocapabilities interface returns all available fill light options of the source device.
... syntax const lightmodes = photocapabilities.filllightmode value an array of available fill light modes.
PhotoCapabilities.imageHeight - Web APIs
the imageheight read-only property of the photocapabilities interface returns a mediasettingsrange object indicating the image height range supported by the user agent.
... syntax var mediasettingsrange = photocapabilities.imageheight value a mediasettingsrange object.
PhotoCapabilities.redEyeReduction - Web APIs
the redeyereduction read-only property of the photocapabilities interface returns an enum indicating the red-eye reduction capability of the source.
... syntax const redeyereduction = photocapabilities.redeyereduction value one of "never", "always", or "controllable".
Index - Web APIs
2141 imagecapture.getphotocapabilities() api, experimental, image, image capture, imagecapture, media, mediastream image capture api, method, reference, getphotocapabilities the getphotocapabilities() method of the imagecapture interface returns a promise that resolves with a photocapabilities object containing the ranges of available configuration options.
... 2411 mediasettingsrange api, image, imagecapture, interface, mediasettingsrange, mediastream, mediastream image capture api, refernce the mediasettingsrange interface of the the mediastream image capture api provides the possible range and value size of photocapabilities.imageheight and photocapabilities.imagewidth.
... a photocapabilities object can be retrieved by calling imagecapture.photocapabilities().
...And 6 more matches
MediaSettingsRange - Web APIs
the mediasettingsrange interface of the the mediastream image capture api provides the possible range and value size of photocapabilities.imageheight and photocapabilities.imagewidth.
... a photocapabilities object can be retrieved by calling imagecapture.photocapabilities().
... example the following example, extracted from chrome's image capture / photo resolution sample, uses the results from getphotocapabilities().imagewidth to modify the size of an input range.
... const input = document.queryselector('input[type="range"]'); var imagecapture; navigator.mediadevices.getusermedia({video: true}) .then(mediastream => { document.queryselector('video').srcobject = mediastream; const track = mediastream.getvideotracks()[0]; imagecapture = new imagecapture(track); return imagecapture.getphotocapabilities(); }) .then(photocapabilities => { const settings = imagecapture.track.getsettings(); input.min = photocapabilities.imagewidth.min; input.max = photocapabilities.imagewidth.max; input.step = photocapabilities.imagewidth.step; return imagecapture.getphotosettings(); }) .then(photosettings => { input.value = photosettings.imagewidth; }) .catch(error => console.log('argh!', || error)); specifications specification status ...
MediaStream Image Capture API - Web APIs
WebAPIMediaStream Image Capture API
photocapabilities provides available configuration options for an attached photographic device.
... retrieve a photocapabilities object by calling imagecapture.getphotocapabilities().
imageWidth - Web APIs
the imagewidth read-only property of the photocapabilities interface returns a mediasettingsrange object indicating the image width range supported by the user agent.
... syntax var mediasettingsrange = photocapabilities.imagewidth value a mediasettingsrange is an object.
ImageCapture.getPhotoSettings() - Web APIs
const input = document.queryselector('input[type="range"]'); var imagecapture; navigator.mediadevices.getusermedia({video: true}) .then(mediastream => { document.queryselector('video').srcobject = mediastream; const track = mediastream.getvideotracks()[0]; imagecapture = new imagecapture(track); return imagecapture.getphotocapabilities(); }) .then(photocapabilities => { const settings = imagecapture.track.getsettings(); input.min = photocapabilities.imagewidth.min; input.max = photocapabilities.imagewidth.max; input.step = photocapabilities.imagewidth.step; return imagecapture.getphotosettings(); }) .then(photosettings => { input.value = photosettings.imagewidth; }) .catch(error => console.log('argh!', ...
ImageCapture - Web APIs
imagecapture.getphotocapabilities() returns a promise that resolves with a photocapabilities object containing the ranges of available configuration options.
MediaStream.getVideoTracks() - Web APIs
var imagecapture; navigator.mediadevices.getusermedia({video: true}) .then(mediastream => { document.queryselector('video').srcobject = mediastream; const track = mediastream.getvideotracks()[0]; imagecapture = new imagecapture(track); return imagecapture.getphotocapabilities(); }) specifications specification status comment media capture and streamsthe definition of 'getvideotracks()' in that specification.
Web APIs
tionerrors pbkdf2params performance performanceentry performanceeventtiming performanceframetiming performancelongtasktiming performancemark performancemeasure performancenavigation performancenavigationtiming performanceobserver performanceobserverentrylist performancepainttiming performanceresourcetiming performanceservertiming performancetiming periodicwave permissionstatus permissions photocapabilities plugin pluginarray point pointerevent popstateevent positionoptions processinginstruction progressevent promiserejectionevent publickeycredential publickeycredentialcreationoptions publickeycredentialrequestoptions pushevent pushmanager pushmessagedata pushregistrationmanager pushsubscription r rtcansweroptions rtccertificate rtcconfiguration rtcdtmfsender rtcdtmftonechangeevent ...