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9 results for "CloseWindow":
void loadcomplete(in unsigned long astatus); void loadstart(in nsisupports adoc); void move(in long ax, in long ay); void open(in nsisupports astate, in nsishentry ashentry); void pagehide(in boolean isunload); boolean permitunload([optional] in boolean acallercloseswindow); boolean requestwindowclose(); void resetclosewindow(); void setbounds([const] in nsintrectref abounds); native code only!
...return value missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description resetclosewindow() works in tandem with permitunload(), if the caller decides not to close() the window it indicated it will, it is the caller's responsibility to reset that with this method.
...void resetclosewindow(); parameters none.
method overview void displayhtmlinmessagepane(in astring title, in astring body, in boolean clearmsghdr); void stopurls(); void closewindow(); attributes attribute type description windowcommands nsimsgwindowcommands this allows the backend code to send commands to the ui, such as clearmsgpane.
... void stopurls(); closewindow() when the msg window is being unloaded from the content window, this notification can be used to force a flush on anything the message window hangs on.
... void closewindow(); remarks see also ...
ate); void settabvalue(in nsidomnode atab, in astring akey, in astring astringvalue); void setwindowstate(in nsidomwindow awindow, in astring astate, in boolean aoverwrite); void setwindowvalue(in nsidomwindow awindow, in astring akey, in astring astringvalue); nsidomnode undoclosetab(in nsidomwindow awindow, in unsigned long aindex); nsidomwindow undoclosewindow(in unsigned long aindex); attributes attribute type description canrestorelastsession boolean is it possible to restore the previous session.
... undoclosewindow() reopens a closed window.
... nsidomwindow undoclosewindow( in unsigned long aindex ); parameters aindex the index of the window to be restored.
//as example this will add a function to listen to tab select and will fire alert in that window if (domwindow.gbrowser && domwindow.gbrowser.tabcontainer) { domwindow.gbrowser.tabcontainer.addeventlistener('tabselect', function () { domwindow.alert('tab was selected') }, false); } }, false); }, onclosewindow: function (awindow) {}, onwindowtitlechange: function (awindow, atitle) {} }; //to register services.wm.addlistener(windowlistener); //services.wm.removelistener(windowlistener); //once you want to remove this listener execute removelistener, currently its commented out so you can copy paste this code in scratchpad and see it work native code only!calculatezposition a window wants to be...
...listeners (see addlistener()) will be be notified through their onclosewindow method.
How to convert an overlay extension to restartless - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveAdd-onsHow to convert an overlay extension to restartless
.getinterface(components.interfaces.nsidomwindow); function onwindowload() { window.removeeventlistener("load",onwindowload); if (window.document.documentelement.getattribute("windowtype") == "navigator:browser") loadintowindow(window); } window.addeventlistener("load",onwindowload); }, onclosewindow: function(xulwindow) { }, onwindowtitlechange: function(xulwindow, newtitle) { } }; as mentioned above, components.utils.unload() will not work properly if the jsm file it is unloading is in a jar.
Chapter 4: Using XPCOM—Implementing advanced processes - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveAdd-onsOverlay ExtensionsFirefox addons developer guideUsing XPCOM—Implementing advanced processes
listing 5: closing all browser windows var browsers = windowmediator.getenumerator('navigator:browser'); var browser; while (browsers.hasmoreelements()) { browser = browsers.getnext().queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsidomwindowinternal); browser.browsertrytoclosewindow(); } this method returns an overview of the specified window type in the form of an iterator pattern object called nsisimpleenumerator.
List of commands - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXULList of commands
mport cmd_bm_managefolder cmd_bm_movebookmark cmd_bm_newbookmark cmd_bm_newfolder cmd_bm_newseparator cmd_bm_open cmd_bm_openinnewtab cmd_bm_openinnewwindow cmd_bm_paste cmd_bm_properties cmd_bm_rename cmd_bm_selectall cmd_bm_setnewbookmarkfolder cmd_bm_setnewsearchfolder cmd_bm_setpersonaltoolbarfolder cmd_bm_sortfolder cmd_bm_sortfolderbyname cmd_close cmd_closeothertabs cmd_closewindow cmd_copy cmd_copyimage cmd_copylink cmd_cut cmd_delete cmd_editpage cmd_findtypelinks cmd_findtypetext cmd_gotoline cmd_handlebackspace cmd_handleshiftbackspace cmd_minimizewindow cmd_neweditor cmd_neweditordraft cmd_neweditortemplate cmd_newnavigator cmd_newnavigatortab cmd_newtabwithtarget cmd_openhelp cmd_paste - paste a selection from the clipboard cmd_printsetup cmd_qui...
removeTab - Archive of obsolete content
if only one tab is displayed, this method does nothing (unless the preference browser.tabs.closewindowwithlasttab is true, in which case the window containing the tab is closed).
tabbrowser - Archive of obsolete content
if only one tab is displayed, this method does nothing (unless the preference browser.tabs.closewindowwithlasttab is true, in which case the window containing the tab is closed).