
Non-standard. The Iterator function is a SpiderMonkey-specific feature, and will be removed at some point. For future-facing usages, consider using for..of loops and the iterator protocol.

The Iterator function returns an object which implements legacy iterator protocol and iterates over enumerable properties of an object.


Iterator(object, [keyOnly])


Object to iterate over properties.
If keyOnly is truthy value, returns property_name only.


Returns Iterator instance that iterates over object. Iterator instance returns [property_name, property_value] array for each iteration if keyOnly is falsy, otherwise, if keyOnly is truthy, it returns property_name for each iteration. If object is the Iterator instance or Generator instance, it returns object itself.


Returns a function that returns iterator object.

Returns next item in the [property_name, property_value] format or property_name only. It throws StopIteration if there are no more items.


Iterating over properties of an object

var a = {
  x: 10,
  y: 20,
var iter = Iterator(a);
console.log(; // ["x", 10]
console.log(; // ["y", 20]
console.log(; // throws StopIteration

Iterating over properties of an object with legacy destructuring for-in statement

var a = {
  x: 10,
  y: 20,

for (var [name, value] in Iterator(a)) {
  console.log(name, value);   // x 10
                              // y 20

Iterating with for-of

var a = {
  x: 10,
  y: 20,

for (var [name, value] of Iterator(a)) {  // @@iterator is used
  console.log(name, value);   // x 10
                              // y 20

Iterates over property name

var a = {
  x: 10,
  y: 20,

for (var name in Iterator(a, true)) {
  console.log(name);   // x
                       // y

Passing Generator instance

function* f() {
  yield 'a';
  yield 'b';
var g = f();

console.log(g == Iterator(g)); // true

for (var v in Iterator(g)) {
  console.log(v);   // a
                    // b

Passing Iterator instance

var a = {
  x: 10,
  y: 20,

var i = Iterator(a);

console.log(i == Iterator(i)); // true


Non-standard. Not part of any current standards document

Browser compatibility

Not supported. Used to be in Firefox in versions prior to Firefox 57.

See also