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GLSL Shaders - Game development
shaders use glsl (opengl shading language), a special opengl shading language with syntax similar to c.
... glsl is executed directly by the graphics pipeline.
... glsl is not as intuitive as javascript.
...And 3 more matches
Hello GLSL - Web APIs
« previousnext » this webgl example demonstrates a very basic glsl shader program that draws a solid color square.
... hello world program in glsl a very simple first shader program.
...hello glsl!</p> <canvas>your browser does not seem to support html5 canvas.</canvas> body { text-align : center; } canvas { width : 280px; height : 210px; margin : auto; padding : 0; border : none; background-color : black; } button { display : block; font-size : inherit; margin : auto; padding : 0.6em; } <script type="x-shader/x-vertex" id="vertex-shader"> #version 100 void main() { gl_position = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); gl_pointsize = 64.0; } </script> <script type="x-shader/x-fragment" id="fragment-shader"> #version 100 void main() { gl_fragcolor = vec4(0.18, 0.54, 0.34, 1.0); } </script> ;(function(){ "use strict" window.addeventlistener("load", setupwebgl, false); var gl, program; function setupwebgl (evt) { window.r...
Index - Web APIs
2797 oes_standard_derivatives api, reference, webgl, webgl extension the oes_standard_derivatives extension is part of the webgl api and adds the glsl derivative functions dfdx, dfdy, and fwidth.
... 4692 hello glsl beginner, example, glsl, graphics, learn, shaders, tutorial, webgl this webgl example demonstrates a very basic glsl shader program that draws a solid color square.
...webgl programs consist of control code written in javascript and shader code (glsl) that is executed on a computer's graphics processing unit (gpu).
...And 2 more matches
OES_standard_derivatives - Web APIs
the oes_standard_derivatives extension is part of the webgl api and adds the glsl derivative functions dfdx, dfdy, and fwidth. webgl 2, the constant is available as gl.fragment_shader_derivative_hint and it requires glsl #version 300 es.
... ext.fragment_shader_derivative_hint_oes a glenum indicating the accuracy of the derivative calculation for the glsl built-in functions: dfdx, dfdy, and fwidth.
... glsl built-in functions the following new functions can be used in glsl shader code, if this extension is enabled: gentype dfdx(gentype) gentype dfdy(gentype) gentype fwidth(gentype) examples enabling the extensions: gl.getextension('oes_standard_derivatives'); gl.getextension('ext_shader_texture_lod'); shader code that avoids artifacts when wrapping texture coordinates: <script type="x-shader/x-fragment"> #extension gl_ext_shader_texture_lod : enable #extension gl_oes_standard_derivatives : enable uniform sampler2d mytexture; varying vec2 texcoord; void main(){ gl_fragcolor = texture2dgradext(mytexture, mod(texcoord, vec2(0.1, 0.5)), dfdx(texcoord), dfdy(texcoord)); } </script> specifications specification status comment ...
Index - Game development
mozilla's a-frame framework provides a markup language allowing us to build 3d vr landscapes using a system familiar to web developers, which follows game development coding principles; this is useful for quickly and successfully building prototypes and demos, without having to write a lot of javascript or glsl.
... 23 glsl shaders beginner, glsl, opengl, shader, texture shader, three.js, vertex shader shaders use glsl (opengl shading language), a special opengl shading language with syntax similar to c.
... glsl is executed directly by the graphics pipeline.
Data in WebGL - Web APIs
glsl data types <<document the basic types, vectors, etc; see data type (glsl) on the khronos webgl wiki>> glsl variables there are three kinds of "variable" or data storage available in glsl, each of which with its own purpose and use cases: attributes, varyings, and uniforms.
... attributes attributes are glsl variables which are only available to the vertex shader (as variables) and the javascript code.
...ec4( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ), // yellow vec4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ), // green vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ), // black vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ), // red vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ), // yellow vec4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ), // green ]; var cbuffer = gl.createbuffer(); //continued //create buffer to store colors and reference it to "vcolor" which is in glsl gl.bindbuffer( gl.array_buffer, cbuffer ); gl.bufferdata( gl.array_buffer, flatten(vertexcolors), gl.static_draw ); var vcolor = gl.getattriblocation( program, "vcolor" ); gl.vertexattribpointer( vcolor, 4, gl.float, false, 0, 0 ); gl.enablevertexattribarray( vcolor ); //glsl attribute vec4 vcolor; void main() { fcolor = vcolor; } varyings varyings are variables ...
Adding 2D content to a WebGL context - Web APIs
the shaders a shader is a program, written using the opengl es shading language (glsl), that takes information about the vertices that make up a shape and generates the data needed to render the pixels onto the screen: namely, the positions of the pixels and their colors. write these in glsl and pass the text of the code into webgl to be compiled for execution on the gpu.
... the vertex shader must perform the needed transforms on the vertex's position, make any other adjustments or calculations it needs to make on a per-vertex basis, then return the transformed vertex by saving it in a special variable provided by glsl, called gl_position.
Movement, orientation, and motion: A WebXR example - Web APIs
refer to that if you're interested in the glsl source code for the basic shaders used here.
... starting up the webxr session the sessionstarted() function handles actually setting up and starting the session, by setting up event handlers, compiling and installing the glsl code for the vertex and fragment shaders, and attaching the webgl layer to the webxr session before kicking off the rendering loop.
... everything else the rest of the code is identical to that found in the earlier examples: initshaderprogram() initializes the glsl shader program, calling loadshader() to load and compile each shader's program, then attaching each one to the webgl context.
3D games on the Web - Game development
shaders use glsl, a special opengl shading language, with syntax similar to c, that is executed directly by the graphics pipeline. should definitely check out glsl shaders article to learn more about them.
Shader Editor - Firefox Developer Tools
these shaders are written in opengl shading language, or glsl.
... you'll now see a window divided into three panes: a list of all the glsl programs on the left, the vertex shader for the currently selected program in the middle, and the fragment shader for the currently selected program on the right: managing programs the left hand pane lists all programs currently in use by a webgl context.
EXT_shader_texture_lod - Web APIs
it requires glsl #version 300 es.
... glsl built-in functions the following new functions can be used in glsl shader code, if this extension is enabled: vec4 texture2dlodext(sampler2d sampler, vec2 coord, float lod) vec4 texture2dprojlodext(sampler2d sampler, vec3 coord, float lod) vec4 texture2dprojlodext(sampler2d sampler, vec4 coord, float lod) vec4 texturecubelodext(samplercube sampler, vec3 coord, float lod) vec4 texture2dgradext(sampler2d sampler, vec2 p, vec2 dpdx, vec2 dpdy) vec4 texture2dprojgradext(sampler2d sampler, vec3 p, vec2 dpdx, vec2 dpdy) vec4 texture2dprojgradext(sampler2d sampler, vec4 p, vec2 dpdx, vec2 dpdy) vec4 texturecubegradext(samplercube sampler, vec3 p, vec3 dpdx, vec3 dpdy) examples enabling the extensions: gl.getextension('ext_shader_texture_lod'); shader code that avoids artifacts when wr...
WebGLRenderingContext.getUniformLocation() - Web APIs
the uniform itself is declared in the shader program using glsl.
... gl_invalid_operation the program parameter doesn't correspond to a glsl program generated by webgl, or the specified program hasn't been linked successfully.
A basic 2D WebGL animation example - Web APIs
esc) { let shader = compileshader(, desc.type); if (shader) { gl.attachshader(program, shader); } }); gl.linkprogram(program) if (!gl.getprogramparameter(program, gl.link_status)) { console.log("error linking shader program:"); console.log(gl.getprograminfolog(program)); } return program; } first, gl.createprogram() is called to create a new, empty, glsl program.
... useprogram() is called to activate the glsl shading program we established previously.
WebGL best practices - Web APIs
shaders, programs, and glsl avoid "#ifdef gl_es", which is always true you should never use #ifdef gl_es in your webgl shaders; although some early examples used this, it's not necessary, since this condition is always true in webgl shaders.
...{ console.error('link failed: ' + gl.getprograminfolog(prog)); } consider: gl.compileshader(vs); gl.compileshader(fs); gl.linkprogram(prog); if (!gl.getprogramparameter(vs, gl.link_status)) { console.error('link failed: ' + gl.getprograminfolog(prog)); console.error('vs info-log: ' + gl.getshaderinfolog(vs)); console.error('fs info-log: ' + gl.getshaderinfolog(fs)); } be precise with glsl variable precision annotations if you expect to pass an essl300 int between shaders, and you need it to have 32-bits, you must use highp or you will have portability problems.
WebGL model view projection - Web APIs
te data (the triangles) gl.enablevertexattribarray(this.positionlocation); gl.vertexattribpointer(this.positionlocation, 3, gl.float, false, 0, 0); // setup the color uniform that will be shared across all triangles gl.uniform4fv(this.colorlocation, settings.color); // draw the triangles to the screen gl.drawarrays(gl.triangles, 0, 6); } the shaders are the bits of code written in glsl that take our data points and ultimately render them to the screen.
...this function handles the basics of taking some glsl source code and compiling it into a webgl program.
Building up a basic demo with A-Frame - Game development
mozilla's a-frame framework provides a markup language allowing us to build 3d vr landscapes using a system familiar to web developers, which follows game development coding principles; this is useful for quickly and successfully building prototypes and demos, without having to write a lot of javascript or glsl.
RGB - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
in opengl, webgl, and glsl the red-green-blue components are fractions (floating-point numbers between 0.0 and 1.0), although in the actual color buffer they are typically stored as 8-bit integers.
MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
tprequest) xhtml xinclude xlink xml xpath xquery xslt other 404 502 alpn at-rule attack byte-order mark character set client cryptosystem debug digital signature execution flex-direction glsl interface library memory management routers self-executing anonymous function stylesheet vector image ...
EXT_frag_depth - Web APIs
it requires glsl #version 300 es.
OVR_multiview2 - Web APIs
this extension is only available to webgl 2 contexts as it needs glsl 3.00 and texture arrays.
WEBGL_draw_buffers - Web APIs
in webgl 2, the constants are available without the "webgl" suffix and the new glsl built-ins require glsl #version 300 es.
WebGLProgram - Web APIs
the webglprogram is part of the webgl api and is a combination of two compiled webglshaders consisting of a vertex shader and a fragment shader (both written in glsl).
WebGLRenderingContext.compileShader() - Web APIs
the webglrenderingcontext.compileshader() method of the webgl api compiles a glsl shader into binary data so that it can be used by a webglprogram.
WebGLRenderingContext.createProgram() - Web APIs
return value a webglprogram object that is a combination of two compiled webglshaders consisting of a vertex shader and a fragment shader (both written in glsl).
WebGLRenderingContext.getParameter() - Web APIs
ext.fragment_shader_derivative_hint_oes glenum oes_standard_derivatives accuracy of the derivative calculation for the glsl built-in functions: dfdx, dfdy, and fwidth.
WebGLRenderingContext.hint() - Web APIs
when using the oes_standard_derivatives extension: ext.fragment_shader_derivative_hint_oes: accuracy of the derivative calculation for the glsl built-in functions: dfdx, dfdy, and fwidth.
WebGLRenderingContext.shaderSource() - Web APIs
source a domstring containing the glsl source code to set.
WebGLShader - Web APIs
description to create a webglshader use webglrenderingcontext.createshader, then hook up the glsl source code using webglrenderingcontext.shadersource(), and finally invoke webglrenderingcontext.compileshader() to finish and compile the shader.
Hello vertex attributes - Web APIs
hello world program in glsl how to send input to a shader program by saving data in gpu memory.
WebGL by example - Web APIs
shader programming basics hello glsl a very basic shader program that draws a solid color square.
WebGL constants - Web APIs
oes_standard_derivatives constant name value description fragment_shader_derivative_hint_oes 0x8b8b indicates the accuracy of the derivative calculation for the glsl built-in functions: dfdx, dfdy, and fwidth.
Matrix math for the web - Web APIs
while this article uses css to simplify explanations, matrices are a core concept used by many different technologies including webgl, the webxr (vr and ar) api, and glsl shaders.
Getting started with WebGL - Web APIs
webgl programs consist of control code written in javascript and shader code (glsl) that is executed on a computer's graphics processing unit (gpu).
Worklet - Web APIs
instead, you write vertex shaders and fragment shaders using glsl code, and those shaders will then run on the graphics card.
<script>: The Script element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the <script> element can also be used with other languages, such as webgl's glsl shader programming language and json.