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8 results for "valueAsNumber":
<input type="date"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
dates are chrome and opera, whose data control looks like so: the edge date control looks like: and the firefox date control looks like this: value a domstring representing a date in yyyy-mm-dd format, or empty events change and input supported common attributes autocomplete, list, readonly, and step idl attributes list, value, valueasdate, valueasnumber.
... you can get and set the date value in javascript with the input element's value and valueasnumber properties.
... for example: var datecontrol = document.queryselector('input[type="date"]'); datecontrol.value = '2017-06-01'; console.log(datecontrol.value); // prints "2017-06-01" console.log(datecontrol.valueasnumber); // prints 1496275200000, a unix timestamp this code finds the first <input> element whose type is date, and sets its value to 2017-06-01 (june 1st, 2017).
HTMLInputElement - Web APIs
valueasnumber double: returns the value of the element, interpreted as one of the following, in order: a time value a number nan if conversion is impossible autocapitalize string: defines the capitalization behavior for user input.
... the following properties have been added: autocomplete, autofocus, dirname, files, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, indeterminate, labels, list, max, min, multiple, pattern, placeholder, required, selectiondirection, selectionend, selectionstart, step, validationmessage, validity, valueasdate, valueasnumber, width, and willvalidate.
<input type="range"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
value a domstring containing the string representation of the selected numeric value; use valueasnumber to get the value as a number.
... events change and input supported common attributes autocomplete, list, max, min, and step idl attributes list, value, and valueasnumber methods stepdown() and stepup() validation there is no pattern validation available; however, the following forms of automatic validation are performed: if the value is set to something which can't be converted into a valid floating-point number, validation fails because the input is suffering from a bad input.
<input type="datetime-local"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
events change and input supported common attributes autocomplete, list, readonly, and step idl attributes list, value, valueasnumber.
<input type="number"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
events change and input supported common attributes autocomplete, list, placeholder, readonly idl attributes list, value, valueasnumber methods select(), stepup(), stepdown() value any floating-point number, or empty.
<input type="time"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
events change and input supported common attributes autocomplete, list, readonly, and step idl attributes value, valueasdate, valueasnumber, and list.
<input type="week"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
value a domstring representing a week and year, or empty events change and input supported common attributes autocomplete, list, readonly, and step idl attributes value, valueasdate, valueasnumber, and list.
textLength - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
byid("widthslider"); const widthdisplay = document.getelementbyid("widthdisplay"); const textelement = document.getelementbyid("hello"); const baselength = math.floor(textelement.textlength.baseval.value); widthslider.value = baselength; widthslider.addeventlistener("input", function(event) { textelement.textlength.baseval.newvaluespecifiedunits( svglength.svg_lengthtype_px, widthslider.valueasnumber); widthdisplay.innertext = widthslider.value; }, false); widthslider.dispatchevent(new event("input")); after fetching the element references, an eventlistener is established by calling addeventlistener() on the slider control, to receive any input events which occur.