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MediaRecorder.ondataavailable - Web APIs
the mediarecorder.ondataavailable event handler (part of the mediastream recording api) handles the dataavailable event, letting you run code in response to blob data being made available for use.
... the dataavailable event is fired when the mediarecorder delivers media data to your application for its use.
...this occurs in four situations: when the media stream ends, any media data not already delivered to your ondataavailable handler is passed in a single blob.
...And 9 more matches
MediaRecorder: dataavailable event - Web APIs
the mediarecorder interface's dataavailable event is fired when the mediarecorder delivers media data to your application for its use.
... bubbles no cancelable no interface blobevent event handler property ondataavailable for details of the all the possible reasons this event may raise, see the documentation for the event handler property: ondataavailable.
... examples using addeventlistener to listen for dataavailable events: ...
...And 3 more matches
HTML parser threading
the nsistreamlistener methods (onstartrequest, ondataavailable and onstoprequest) are called on the main thread.
...ondataavailable and onstoprequest on the main thread post runnables on to the parser thread.
... there runnables obtain mtokenizermutex and call dodataavailable and dostoprequest, repectively, on the parser thread.
...And 3 more matches
MediaStream Recording API - Web APIs
the data is delivered by a series of dataavailable events, already in the format you specify when creating the mediarecorder.
... set mediarecorder.ondataavailable to an event handler for the dataavailable event; this will be called whenever data is available for you.
... your dataavailable event handler gets called every time there's data ready for you to do with as you will; the event has a data attribute whose value is a blob that contains the media data.
...And 3 more matches
Necko walkthrough
has onstartrequest, onstoprequest, ondataavailable, the three functions in which channel responses are received asynchronously.
... receive response get a callback to each of these: nsistreamlistener::onstartrequest (header info) nsistreamlistener::ondataavailable (data in single or multiple chunks) nsistreamlistener::onstoprequest (no more data from http) this all happens on the main thread, in a non-blocking fashion: make your request on the main thread, then carry on and get the async response later, also on the main thread.
... there is an option to receive ondataavailable specifically on a non-main thread, but all other calls happen on the main thread.
... these functions call nsistreamlistener::onstartrequest, nsistreamlistener::ondataavailable and nsistreamlistener::onstoprequest respectively.
so, in all the three methods - ondataavailable(), nsirequestobserver.onstartrequest() and nsirequestobserver.onstoprequest() have to be implemented.
... method overview void ondataavailable(in nsirequest arequest, in nsisupports acontext, in nsiinputstream ainputstream, in unsigned long aoffset, in unsigned long acount); methods ondataavailable() this method is called when the next chunk of data for the ongoing request may be read without blocking the calling thread.
...void ondataavailable( in nsirequest arequest, in nsisupports acontext, in nsiinputstream ainputstream, in unsigned long aoffset, in unsigned long acount ); parameters arequest an nsirequest indicating the source of the data.
...aoffset number of bytes that were sent in previous ondataavailable() calls for this request.
Necko Architecture
the ondataavailable() notification provides a chance for the nsistreamlistener to actually retrieve data that the channel has acquired.
... one of the arguments to the ondataavailable() notification is an nsiinputstream (which can be considered the underlying data).
...when you receive the ondataavailable() callback, you are handed an nsiinputsteam which you can read the data from (you will more than likely need to be able to handle multiple ondataavailable() callbacks, buffering the data you receive as necessary).
XPCOM Stream Guide
from the nsistreamlistener interface, the .ondataavailable(request, context, inputstream, offset, count) method gives you the input stream and the number of bytes available.
...a request will have one .onstartrequest(request, context) call, followed by at least one .ondataavailable(...) call, followed by one .onstoprequest(request, context) call.
... the context argument will be something passed from whoever invokes the request to the .onstartrequest(), .ondataavailable(), and .onstoprequest() methods of the listener.
method overview void ondataavailable(in imgirequest arequest, in boolean acurrentframe, [const] in nsintrect arect); native code only!
...est(in imgirequest arequest); void onstopcontainer(in imgirequest arequest, in imgicontainer acontainer); void onstopdecode(in imgirequest arequest, in nsresult status, in wstring statusarg); void onstopframe(in imgirequest arequest, in unsigned long aframe); void onstoprequest(in imgirequest arequest, in boolean aislastpart); methods native code only!ondataavailable decode notification.
...void ondataavailable( in imgirequest arequest, in boolean acurrentframe, [const] in nsintrect arect ); parameters arequest the request on which data is available, or null if being called for an imgidecoder object.
you can supply data directly to the converter by calling it's nsistreamlistener.ondataavailable() method.
... it will then convert that data from type x to your desired output type and return converted data to you via the nsistreamlistener you passed in by calling its nsistreamlistener.ondataavailable() method.
...to_mime_type method overview void asyncconvertdata(in string afromtype, in string atotype, in nsistreamlistener alistener, in nsisupports actxt); nsiinputstream convert(in nsiinputstream afromstream, in string afromtype, in string atotype, in nsisupports actxt); methods asyncconvertdata() asynchronous version: converts data arriving via the converter's nsistreamlistener.ondataavailable() method from one type to another, pushing the converted data out to the caller via alistener::ondataavailable().
ondataavailable: data is arriving on the http channel.
...ebody; // we'll set this to the this.responsestatuscode; this.deferreddone = { promise: null, resolve: null, reject: null }; this.deferreddone.promise = new promise(function(resolve, reject) { this.resolve = resolve; this.reject = reject; }.bind(this.deferreddone)); object.freeze(this.deferreddone); this.promisedone = this.deferreddone.promise; } tracinglistener.prototype = { ondataavailable: function(arequest, acontext, ainputstream, aoffset, acount) { var istream = new binaryinputstream(ainputstream) // binaryainputstream var sstream = new storagestream(8192, acount, null); // storagestream // not sure why its 8192 but thats how eveyrone is doing it, we should ask why var ostream = new binaryoutputstream(sstream.getoutputstream(0)); // binaryoutputstream // copy received d...
... var data = istream.readbytes(acount); this.receivedchunks.push(data); ostream.writebytes(data, acount); this.originallistener.ondataavailable(arequest, acontext, sstream.newinputstream(0), aoffset, acount); }, onstartrequest: function(arequest, acontext) { this.originallistener.onstartrequest(arequest, acontext); }, onstoprequest: function(arequest, acontext, astatuscode) { this.responsebody = this.receivedchunks.join(""); delete this.receivedchunks; this.responsestatus = astatuscode; this.originallistener.onstoprequest(arequest, acontext, astatuscode); this.deferreddone.resolve(); }, queryinterface: function(aiid) { if (aiid.equals(ci.nsistreamlistener) || aiid.equals(ci.nsisupports)) { return this; } throw cr.ns_nointerface; } }; var httprespo...
MediaRecorder.requestData() - Web APIs
the mediarecorder.requestdata() method (part of the mediarecorder api) is used to raise a dataavailable event containing a blob object of the captured media as it was when the method was called.
... raise a dataavailable event containing a blob of the currently captured data (the blob is available under the event's data attribute.) create a new blob and place subsequently captured data into it.
... capturemedia.onclick = function() { mediarecorder.requestdata(); // makes snapshot available of data so far // ondataavailable fires, then capturing continues // in new blob } ...
MediaRecorder.start() - Web APIs
each time a blob is filled up to that point (the timeslice duration or the end-of-media, if no slice duration was provided), a dataavailable event is sent to the mediarecorder with the recorded data.
...a final dataavailable event is sent to the mediarecorder, followed by a stop event.
... note: if the browser is unable to start recording or continue recording, it will raise a domerror event, followed by a mediarecorder.dataavailable event containing the blob it has gathered, followed by the mediarecorder.stop event.
MediaRecorder - Web APIs
mediarecorder.stop() stops recording, at which point a dataavailable event containing the final blob of saved data is fired.
... event handlers mediarecorder.ondataavailable called to handle the dataavailable event, which is periodically triggered each time timeslice milliseconds of media have been recorded (or when the entire media has been recorded, if timeslice wasn't specified).
...controls = true; var blob = new blob(chunks, { 'type' : 'audio/ogg; codecs=opus' }); chunks = []; var audiourl = url.createobjecturl(blob); audio.src = audiourl; console.log("recorder stopped"); deletebutton.onclick = function(e) { evttgt =; evttgt.parentnode.parentnode.removechild(evttgt.parentnode); } } mediarecorder.ondataavailable = function(e) { chunks.push(; } }) .catch(function(err) { console.log('the following error occurred: ' + err); }) } this code sample is inspired by the web dictaphone demo.
Recording a media element - Web APIs
starting media recording the startrecording() function handles starting the recording process: function startrecording(stream, lengthinms) { let recorder = new mediarecorder(stream); let data = []; recorder.ondataavailable = event => data.push(; recorder.start(); log(recorder.state + " for " + (lengthinms/1000) + " seconds..."); let stopped = new promise((resolve, reject) => { recorder.onstop = resolve; recorder.onerror = event => reject(; }); let recorded = wait(lengthinms).then( () => recorder.state == "recording" && recorder.stop() ); return promise.all([ st...
... line 3 creates an empty array, data, which will be used to hold the blobs of media data provided to our ondataavailable event handler.
... line 5 sets up the handler for the dataavailable event.
Writing a WebSocket server in C# - Web APIs
the value is zero until networkstream.dataavailable is true.
... tcpclient client = server.accepttcpclient(); console.writeline("a client connected."); networkstream stream = client.getstream(); //enter to an infinite cycle to be able to handle every change in stream while (true) { while (!stream.dataavailable); byte[] bytes = new byte[client.available];, 0, bytes.length); } handshaking when a client connects to a server, it sends a get request to upgrade the connection to a websocket from a simple http request.; console.writeline("server has started on {0}:{1}, waiting for a connection...", ip, port); tcpclient client = server.accepttcpclient(); console.writeline("a client connected."); networkstream stream = client.getstream(); // enter to an infinite cycle to be able to handle every change in stream while (true) { while (!stream.dataavailable); while (client.available < 3); // match against "get" byte[] bytes = new byte[client.available];, 0, client.available); string s = encoding.utf8.getstring(bytes); if (regex.ismatch(s, "^get", regexoptions.ignorecase)) { console.writeline("=====handshaking from client=====\n{0}", s); /...
Helper Apps (and a bit of Save As) - Archive of obsolete content
puts the data in the file as ondataavailable notifications come in.
... nsexternalapphandler::ondataavailable here we just copy the newly arrived data over into our temporary file.
Introduction to events - Learn web development
the media recorder api, for example, has a dataavailable event, which fires when some audio or video has been recorded and is available for doing something with (for example saving it, or playing it back).
... the corresponding ondataavailable handler's event object has a data property available containing the recorded audio or video data to allow you to access it and do something with it.
Creating Sandboxed HTTP Connections
ondataavailable - new data is available.
...channelfromuri(uri); // get an listener var listener = new streamlistener(callbackfunc); gchannel.notificationcallbacks = listener; gchannel.asyncopen(listener, null); function streamlistener(acallbackfunc) { this.mcallbackfunc = acallbackfunc; } streamlistener.prototype = { mdata: "", // nsistreamlistener onstartrequest: function (arequest, acontext) { this.mdata = ""; }, ondataavailable: function (arequest, acontext, astream, asourceoffset, alength) { var scriptableinputstream = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiscriptableinputstream); scriptableinputstream.init(astream); this.mdata +=; }, onstoprequest: function (arequest, acontext, astatus) { ...
the consumer has to be a stream listener and in your listener's ondataavailable method, you can write out the stream data to a local file or concatenate it to a string.
...the consumer has to be a stream listener and in your listener's ondataavailable method, you can write out the stream data to a local file or concatenate it to a string.
nsIScriptableInputStream;1", "nsiscriptableinputstream", "init"); let entry = this.getentry(name); let stream = new scriptableinputstream(this.getinputstream(name)); try { // use readbytes to get binary data, read to read a (null-terminated) string let contents = stream.readbytes(entry.realsize); } finally { stream.close(); } example usage in ondataavailable remember: the nsiscriptableinputstream has a contract where `init` should only be called once, and should always be closed.
... var scriptableinputstream = cc(";1", "nsiscriptableinputstream", "init"); var blah = { data: '', onstartrequest: function (arequest, acontext) { = ''; }, ondataavailable: function(request, context, inputstream, offset, count) { var scriptstream = new scriptableinputstream(inputstream); +=; scriptstream.close(); } }; see also nsscriptableinputstream nsiinputstream ...
AudioContext.createMediaStreamDestination() - Web APIs
stopping the mediarecorder causes the dataavailable event to fire, and the event data is pushed into the chunks array.
...(; osc.connect(dest); b.addeventlistener("click", function(e) { if (!clicked) { mediarecorder.start(); osc.start(0); = "stop recording"; clicked = true; } else { mediarecorder.stop(); osc.stop(0); = true; } }); mediarecorder.ondataavailable = function(evt) { // push each chunk (blobs) in an array chunks.push(; }; mediarecorder.onstop = function(evt) { // make blob out of our blobs, and open it.
Index - Web APIs
2388 mediarecorder.ondataavailable api, audio, media capture, media recorder api, mediarecorder, mediastream recording api, property, reference, video, ondataavailable the mediarecorder.ondataavailable event handler (part of the mediastream recording api) handles the dataavailable event, letting you run code in response to blob data being made available for use.
... 2396 mediarecorder.requestdata() api, audio, media, media capture, media recorder api, mediarecorder, mediastream recording, method, reference, video, requestdata the mediarecorder.requestdata() method (part of the mediarecorder api) is used to raise a dataavailable event containing a blob object of the captured media as it was when the method was called.
MediaRecorder.onerror - Web APIs
recording stops, the mediarecorder's state becomes inactive, one last dataavailable event is sent to the mediarecorder with the remaining received data, and finally a stop event is sent.
... function recordstream(stream) { let recorder = null; let bufferlist = []; try { recorder = new mediarecorder(stream); } catch(err) { return; /* return the error name */ } recorder.ondataavailable = function(event) { bufferlist.push(; }; recorder.onerror = function(event) { let error = event.error; switch( { case invalidstateerror: shownotification("you can't record the video right " + "now.
MediaRecorder.onstop - Web APIs
in each case, the stop event is preceded by a dataavailable event, making the blob captured up to that point available for you to use in your application.
... mediarecorder.onstop = function(e) { console.log("data available after mediarecorder.stop() called."); var audio = document.createelement('audio'); audio.controls = true; var blob = new blob(chunks, { 'type' : 'audio/ogg; codecs=opus' }); var audiourl = window.url.createobjecturl(blob); audio.src = audiourl; console.log("recorder stopped"); } mediarecorder.ondataavailable = function(e) { chunks.push(; } ...
Index - Archive of obsolete content
the final goal is to find the correct stream listener to pump the data into when necko calls ondataavailable (e.g., we may find the html parser as the stream listener to give the data to).
Document Loading - From Load Start to Finding a Handler - Archive of obsolete content
the final goal is to find the correct stream listener to pump the data into when necko calls ondataavailable (e.g., we may find the html parser as the stream listener to give the data to).
Error codes returned by Mozilla APIs
ns_error_offline (0x804b0010) ns_error_no_content (0x804b0011) returned from nsichannel.asyncopen() to indicate that ondataavailable will not be called because there is no content available.
Implementing Download Resuming
(it is possible to pass an empty string as the id; however, this means that you have no assurance that the file remained unchanged) now, you can open the channel as usual (using nsichannel.asyncopen() in the common case) and write to the file in the ondataavailable notifications.
Introduction to Layout in Mozilla
parser, returned as nsistreamlistener back to the docshell creates a content sink, which is linked to the parser and the document creates a documentviewerimpl object, which is returned as nsicontentviewer back to the docshell documentviewerimpl creates pres context and pres shell content model construction content arrives from network via nsistreamlistener::ondataavailable parser tokenizes & processes content; invokes methods on nsicontentsink with parser node objects some buffering and fixup occurs here opencontainer, closecontainer, addleaf content sink creates and attaches content nodes using nsicontent interface content sink maintains stack of “live” elements more buffering and fixup occurs here insertchildat...
Necko Interfaces Overview
http) maps uri string to nsiuri instance via newuri method creates nsichannel instance from nsiuri instance via newchannel method nsistreamlistener : nsirequestobserver implemented by the consumer of a nsichannel instance passed to nsichannel::asyncopen method nsirequestobserver::onstartrequest - notifies start of async download nsistreamlistener::ondataavailable - notifies presence of downloaded data nsirequestobserver::onstoprequest - notifies completion of async download, possibly w/ error nsiloadgroup : nsirequest attribute of a nsirequest channel impl adds itself to its load group during invocation of asyncopen channel impl removes itself from its load group when download completes load groups in gecko own all channels used to load a particul...
so, in all the three methods - ondataavailable(), nsirequestobserver.onstartrequest() and nsirequestobserver.onstoprequest() have to be implemented.
this must already be opened before this method is called, and there must have been no ondataavailable calls for it yet.
if this flag has been set, and the request can be satisfied via the cache, then the ondataavailable events will be skipped.
uri_does_not_return_data 1<<11 channels using this protocol never call ondataavailable() on the listener passed to asyncopen(), and therefore do not return any usable data.
requests that use nsistreamlistener must not call ondataavailable anymore after cancel has been called.
in both of these cases, no ondataavailable will be called, and onstoprequest will immediately follow with the same status code.
MediaRecorder.stop() - Web APIs
raise a dataavailable event containing the blob of data that has been gathered.
MediaRecorderErrorEvent.error - Web APIs
function recordstream(stream) { let recorder = null; let bufferlist = []; try { recorder = new mediarecorder(stream); } catch(err) { /* exception while trying to create the recorder; handle that */ } recorder.ondataavailable = function(event) { bufferlist.push(; }; recorder.onerror = function(event) { let error = event.error; }; recorder.start(100); /* 100ms time slices per buffer */ return recorder; } specifications specification status comment mediastream recordingthe definition of 'mediarecordererrorevent.error' in that specification.
Using the MediaStream Recording API - Web APIs
we register an event handler to do this using mediarecorder.ondataavailable: let chunks = []; mediarecorder.ondataavailable = function(e) { chunks.push(; } note: the browser will fire dataavailable events as needed, but if you want to intervene you can also include a timeslice when invoking the start() method — for example start(10000) — to control this interval, or call mediarecorder.requestdata() to trigger an event when you need it.
Audio and Video Delivery - Developer guides
the main mechanism is outlined below: navigator.mediadevices.getusermedia({audio:true}) .then(function onsuccess(stream) { var recorder = new mediarecorder(stream); var data = []; recorder.ondataavailable = function(e) { data.push(; }; recorder.start(); recorder.onerror = function(e) { throw e.error || new error(; // is ff non-spec } recorder.onstop = function(e) { var audio = document.createelement('audio'); audio.src = window.url.createobjecturl(new blob(data)); } settimeout(function() { rec.stop(); }, 5000); })...