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7 results for "packetsSent":
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.packetsSent - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats dictionary's packetssent property indicates the total number of packets which have been sent on the connection described by the pair of candidates.
... syntax packetssent = rtcicecandidatepairstats.packetssent; value an integer value indicating the total number of packets, of any kind, which have been sent on the connection described by the two candidates comprising this pair.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.packetssent' in that specification.
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats.perDscpPacketsSent - Web APIs
the perdscppacketssent property of the rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary is a record comprised of key/value pairs in which each key is a string representation of a differentiated services code point and the value is the number of packets sent for that dcsp.
... syntax var perdscppacketssent = rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats.perdscppacketssent; value a record comprised of string/value pairs.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats.perdscppacketssent' in that specification.
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats - Web APIs
perdscppacketssent a record of key-value pairs with strings as the keys mapped to 32-bit integer values, each indicating the total number of packets this rtcrtpsender has transmitted for this source for each differentiated services code point (dscp).
...these retransmitted bytes comprise the packets included in the value returned by retransmittedpacketssent.
... retransmittedpacketssent the total number of packets that have needed to be retransmitted for this source as of the time the statistics were sampled.
... these retransmitted packets are included in the value returned by packetssent.
RTCRemoteOutboundRtpStreamStats.localId - Web APIs
artreport.get(; if (startremoteoutbound) { let startinboundstats = findreportentry(startreport, "remoteid",; let endinboundstats = findreportentry(endreport, "remoteid",; let elapsedtime = (endremoteoutbound.timestamp - startremoteoutbound.timestamp) / 1000; /* in seconds */ let packetssent = endremoteoutbound.packetssent - startremoteoutbound.packetssent; let bytessent = endremoteoutbound.bytessent - startremoteoutbound.bytessent; let framesdecoded = endinboundstats.framesdecoded - startinboundstats.framesdecoded; let framerate = framesdecoded / elapsedtime; let timestring = ""; if (!isnan(elapsedtime)) { timestring = `...
... representing ${elapsedtime}s`; } let framestring = ""; if (!isnan(framesdecoded)) { framestring = `decoded ${framesdecoded} frames for a frame rate of ${framerate.tofixed(2)} fps.<br>`; } let logentry = `<div class="stats-entry"><h2>report id: ${}</h2>` + `remote peer sent ${packetssent} packets ${timestring}.<br>` + `${framestring}` + `data size: ${bytessent} bytes.</div>`; statsbox.innerhtml += logentry; } else { statsbox.innerhtml += `<div class="stats-error">unable to find initial statistics for id ${}.</div>` } } statsbox.scrollto(0, statsbox.scrollheight); } } } ...
... we compute the number of packets sent during this interval—packetssent—by subtracting the two reports' values for the packetssent property.
Index - Web APIs
3299 rtcicecandidatepairstats.packetssent api, candidate, connectivity, ice, networking, packets, property, rtcicecandidatepairstats, reference, sent, statistics, stats, webrtc, webrtc api the rtcicecandidatepairstats dictionary's packetssent property indicates the total number of packets which have been sent on the connection described by the pair of candidates.
... 3398 rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats.perdscppacketssent api, dscp, media, property, rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats, rtp, reference, services, statistics, stats, webrtc, webrtc api, perdscppacketssent the perdscppacketssent property of the rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary is a record comprised of key/value pairs in which each key is a string representation of a differentiated services code point and the value is the number of packets sent for ...
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.packetsReceived - Web APIs
the number of packets sent to date on the connection can be obtained using packetssent.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats - Web APIs
packetssent optional the total number of packets sent on this candidate pair.