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6 results for "remoteId":
RTCInboundRtpStreamStats.remoteId - Web APIs
the remoteid property of the rtcinboundrtpstreamstats dictionary specifies the id of the rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats object representing the remote peer's rtcrtpsender which is sending the media to the local peer.
... syntax var remotestatsid = rtcinboundrtpstreamstats.remoteid; value a domstring containing the id of the rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats object that represents the remote peer's rtcrtpsender for the synchronization source represented by this stats object.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcinboundrtpstreamstats.remoteid' in that specification.
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats.remoteId - Web APIs
the remoteid property of the rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary specifies the id of the rtcremoteinboundrtpstreamstats object representing the remote peer's rtcrtpreceiver which is sending the media to the local peer for this ssrc.
... syntax var remotestatsid = rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats.remoteid; value a domstring containing the id of the rtcremoteinboundrtpstreamstats object that represents the remote peer's rtcrtpreceiver for the synchronization source represented by this stats object.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats.remoteid' in that specification.
RTCRemoteOutboundRtpStreamStats.localId - Web APIs
the rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary's localid property is a string which can be used to identify the rtcinboundrtpstreamstats object whose remoteid matches this value.
... syntax let localid = rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats.localid; value a domstring which can be compared to the value of an rtcinboundrtpstreamstats object's remoteid property to see if the two represent statistics for each of the two sides of the same set of data received by the local peer.
...if (pc) { let statsbox = document.queryselector(".stats-box"); let endreport = await pc.getstats(); for (let endremoteoutbound of endreport.values()) { if (endremoteoutbound.type === "remote-outbound-rtp") { let startremoteoutbound = startreport.get(; if (startremoteoutbound) { let startinboundstats = findreportentry(startreport, "remoteid",; let endinboundstats = findreportentry(endreport, "remoteid",; let elapsedtime = (endremoteoutbound.timestamp - startremoteoutbound.timestamp) / 1000; /* in seconds */ let packetssent = endremoteoutbound.packetssent - startremoteoutbound.packetssent; let bytessent = endremoteoutbound.bytessent - startremot...
... now we obtain the inbound-rtp statistics that correspond to these two remote-outbound-rtp records by finding the remoteid property within them whose value is the id of the remote-outbound-rtp record.
Index - Web APIs
3384 rtcinboundrtpstreamstats.remoteid api, media, property, rtcinboundrtpstreamstats, rtcrtpsender, rtp, reference, remote, statistics, stats, webrtc, webrtc api, id, remoteid, sender, stream the remoteid property of the rtcinboundrtpstreamstats dictionary specifies the id of the rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats object representing the remote peer's rtcrtpsender which is sending the media to the local peer.
... 3402 rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats.remoteid api, property, rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats, rtcrtpreceiver, rtcrtpsender, reference, remote, statistics, stats, webrtc, webrtc api, id, remoteid the remoteid property of the rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary specifies the id of the rtcremoteinboundrtpstreamstats object representing the remote peer's rtcrtpreceiver which is sending the media to the local peer for this ssrc.
RTCInboundRtpStreamStats - Web APIs
remoteid a string which identifies the rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats object that provides statistics for the remote peer for this same ssrc.
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats - Web APIs
remoteid a string which identifies the rtcremoteinboundrtpstreamstats object that provides statistics for the remote peer for this same ssrc.