
The labeled statement can be used with break or continue statements. It is prefixing a statement with an identifier which you can refer to.

Note: Labeled loops or blocks are very uncommon. Usually function calls can be used instead of loop jumps.


label :
Any JavaScript identifier that is not a reserved word.
A JavaScript statement. break can be used with any labeled statement, and continue can be used with looping labeled statements.


You can use a label to identify a loop, and then use the break or continue statements to indicate whether a program should interrupt the loop or continue its execution.

Note that JavaScript has no goto statement, you can only use labels with break or continue.

In strict mode code, you can't use "let" as a label name. It will throw a SyntaxError (let is a reserved identifier).


Using a labeled continue with for loops

var i, j;

for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {      //The first for statement is labeled "loop1"
   for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {   //The second for statement is labeled "loop2"
      if (i === 1 && j === 1) {
         continue loop1;
      console.log('i = ' + i + ', j = ' + j);

// Output is:
//   "i = 0, j = 0"
//   "i = 0, j = 1"
//   "i = 0, j = 2"
//   "i = 1, j = 0"
//   "i = 2, j = 0"
//   "i = 2, j = 1"
//   "i = 2, j = 2"
// Notice how it skips both "i = 1, j = 1" and "i = 1, j = 2"

Using a labeled continue statement

Given an array of items and an array of tests, this example counts the number of items that passes all the tests.

var itemsPassed = 0;
var i, j;

for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
  for (j = 0; j < tests.length; j++) {
    if (!tests[j].pass(items[i])) {
      continue top;


Using a labeled break with for loops

var i, j;

for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {      //The first for statement is labeled "loop1"
   for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {   //The second for statement is labeled "loop2"
      if (i === 1 && j === 1) {
         break loop1;
      console.log('i = ' + i + ', j = ' + j);

// Output is:
//   "i = 0, j = 0"
//   "i = 0, j = 1"
//   "i = 0, j = 2"
//   "i = 1, j = 0"
// Notice the difference with the previous continue example

Using a labeled break statement

Given an array of items and an array of tests, this example determines whether all items pass all tests.

var allPass = true;
var i, j;

for (i = 0; items.length; i++)
  for (j = 0; j < tests.length; i++)
    if (!tests[j].pass(items[i])) {
      allPass = false;
      break top;

Using a labeled block with break

You can use labels within simple blocks, but only break statements can make use of non-loop labels.

foo: {
  break foo;
  console.log('this will not be executed');

// this will log:

// "face"
// "swap" 

Labeled function declarations

Starting with ECMAScript 2015, labeled function declarations are now standardized for non-strict code in the web compatibility annex of the specification.

L: function F() {}

In strict mode code, however, this will throw a SyntaxError:

'use strict';
L: function F() {}
// SyntaxError: functions cannot be labelled

Generator functions can neither be labeled in strict code, nor in non-strict code:

L: function* F() {}
// SyntaxError: generator functions cannot be labelled


ECMAScript (ECMA-262)
The definition of 'Labelled statement' in that specification.

Browser compatibility

ChromeEdgeFirefoxInternet ExplorerOperaSafariAndroid webviewChrome for AndroidFirefox for AndroidOpera for AndroidSafari on iOSSamsung InternetNode.js
labelChrome Full support 1Edge Full support 12Firefox Full support 1IE Full support 4Opera Full support 4Safari Full support 1WebView Android Full support 1Chrome Android Full support 18Firefox Android Full support 4Opera Android Full support 10.1Safari iOS Full support 1Samsung Internet Android Full support 1.0nodejs Full support 0.1.100


Full support
Full support

See also