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SVGMeshElement - Web APIs
the svgmeshelement interface provides access to the properties of <mesh> elements.
... <div id="interfacediagram" style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 23.333333333333332%; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden;"><svg style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;" viewbox="-50 0 600 140" preserveaspectratio="xminymin meet"><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/svgmeshelement" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="140" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="71" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgmeshelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties this interface doesn't implement any specific properties, but inherits prop...
Bounding volume collision detection with THREE.js - Game development
var knot = new three.mesh( new three.torusknotgeometry(0.5, 0.1), new meshnormalmaterial({})); knot.geometry.computeboundingbox(); var knotbbox = new box3( knot.geometry.boundingbox.min, knot.geometry.boundingbox.max); note: the boundingbox property takes the geometry itself as reference, and not the mesh.
...applied to the mesh will be ignored while computing the calculating box.
... a more simple alternative that fixes the previous issue is to set those boundaries later on with box3.setfromobject, which will compute the dimensions taking into account a 3d entity's transformations and any child meshes as well.
...And 12 more matches
Building up a basic demo with Three.js - Game development
let's play with the last two later, but for now, the basic one should be enough: var basicmaterial = new three.meshbasicmaterial({color: 0x0095dd}); add this line below the previously added.
... mesh to apply the material to a geometry, a mesh is used.
... this takes on a shape, and adds the specified material to every face: var cube = new three.mesh(boxgeometry, basicmaterial); again, add this line below the one you previously added.
...And 2 more matches
Building up a basic demo with Babylon.js - Game development
let's start by defining the geometry for a box shape — add the following new code below your previous additions: var box = babylon.mesh.createbox("box", 2, scene); a mesh is a way the engine creates geometric shapes, so material can be easily applied to them later on.
... in this case we're creating a box using the mesh.createbox method with it's own name, a size of 2, and a declaration of which scene we want it added to.
... torus let's try adding a torus — add the following lines below the previous code: var torus = babylon.mesh.createtorus("torus", 2, 0.5, 15, scene); torus.position.x = -5; torus.rotation.x = 1.5; this will create a torus and add it to the scene; the parameters are: name, diameter, thickness, tessellation (number of segments) and the scene to add it to.
...add the following code, again at the bottom of your script: var cylinder = babylon.mesh.createcylinder("cylinder", 2, 2, 2, 12, 1, scene); cylinder.position.x = 5; cylinder.rotation.x = -0.2; var cylindermaterial = new babylon.standardmaterial("material", scene); cylindermaterial.emissivecolor = new babylon.color3(1, 0.58, 0); cylinder.material = cylindermaterial; the cylinder parameters are: name, height, diameter at the top, diameter at the bottom, tessellation, height subdivisi...
SVG element reference - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
ementmap> <fedistantlight> <fedropshadow> <feflood> <fefunca> <fefuncb> <fefuncg> <fefuncr> <fegaussianblur> <feimage> <femerge> <femergenode> <femorphology> <feoffset> <fepointlight> <fespecularlighting> <fespotlight> <fetile> <feturbulence> <filter> <foreignobject> g <g> h <hatch> <hatchpath> i <image> l <line> <lineargradient> m <marker> <mask> <mesh> <meshgradient> <meshpatch> <meshrow> <metadata> <mpath> p <path> <pattern> <polygon> <polyline> r <radialgradient> <rect> s <script> <set> <solidcolor> <stop> <style> <svg> <switch> <symbol> t <text> <textpath> <title> <tspan> u <unknown> <use> v <view> svg elements by category animation elements <animate>, <animatecolor>, <animatemotion>, <...
...fuselighting>, <fedisplacementmap>, <fedropshadow>, <feflood>,<fefunca>, <fefuncb>, <fefuncg>, <fefuncr>,<fegaussianblur>, <feimage>, <femerge>, <femergenode>, <femorphology>, <feoffset>, <fespecularlighting>, <fetile>, <feturbulence> font elements <font>, <font-face>, <font-face-format>, <font-face-name>, <font-face-src>, <font-face-uri>, <hkern>, <vkern> gradient elements <lineargradient>, <meshgradient>, <radialgradient>, <stop> graphics elements <circle>, <ellipse>, <image>, <line>, <mesh>, <path>, <polygon>, <polyline>, <rect>, <text>, <use> graphics referencing elements <mesh>, <use> light source elements <fedistantlight>, <fepointlight>, <fespotlight> never-rendered elements <clippath>, <defs>, <hatch>, <lineargradient>, <marker>, <mask>, <meshgradient>, <metadata>, <pattern...
...>, <radialgradient>, <script>, <style>, <symbol>, <title> paint server elements <hatch>, <lineargradient>, <meshgradient>, <pattern>, <radialgradient>, <solidcolor> renderable elements <a>, <circle>, <ellipse>, <foreignobject>, <g>, <image>, <line>, <mesh>, <path>, <polygon>, <polyline>, <rect>, <svg>, <switch>, <symbol>, <text>, <textpath>, <tspan>, <unknown>, <use> shape elements <circle>, <ellipse>, <line>, <mesh>, <path>, <polygon>, <polyline>, <rect> structural elements <defs>, <g>, <svg>, <symbol>, <use> text content elements <altglyph>, <altglyphdef>, <altglyphitem>, <glyph>, <glyphref>, <textpath>, <text>, <tref>, <tspan> text content child elements <altglyph>, <textpath>, <tref>, <tspan> uncategorized elements <clippath>, <color-profile>, <cursor>, <filter>, <foreignobje...
...ct>, <hatchpath>, <meshpatch>, <meshrow>, <script>, <style>, <view> obsolete and deprecated elements warning: these are old svg elements which are deprecated and should not be used.
Building up a basic demo with the PlayCanvas engine - Game development
var boxmaterial = new pc.phongmaterial(); boxmaterial.diffuse.set(0, 0.58, 0.86); boxmaterial.update(); box.model.model.meshinstances[0].material = boxmaterial; by diffusing the light on the object we can give it it's own color —we'll choose a nice familiar blue.
...add the following lines: var cylindermaterial = new pc.phongmaterial(); cylindermaterial.diffuse.set(1, 0.58, 0); cylindermaterial.update(); cylinder.model.model.meshinstances[0].material = cylindermaterial; cone creating a cone and its material is done in almost exacly the same way as we did for the cylinder.
... add the following code, again, at the bottom of your script: var cone = new pc.entity(); cone.addcomponent("model", { type: "cone" }); app.root.addchild(cone); cone.translate(2, 0, 0); var conematerial = new pc.phongmaterial(); conematerial.diffuse.set(0.9, 0.9, 0.9); conematerial.update(); cone.model.model.meshinstances[0].material = conematerial; the code above will create a new cone, add it to the app and move it by 2 units to the right so it's not overlapping the cylinder.
GLSL Shaders - Game development
applying the shaders to actually apply the newly created shaders to the cube, comment out the basicmaterial definition first: // var basicmaterial = new three.meshbasicmaterial({color: 0x0095dd}); then, create the shadermaterial: var shadermaterial = new three.shadermaterial( { vertexshader: document.getelementbyid( 'vertexshader' ).textcontent, fragmentshader: document.getelementbyid( 'fragmentshader' ).textcontent }); this shader material takes the code from the scripts and applies it to the object the material is assigned to.
... then, in the line that defines the cube we need to replace the basicmaterial: var cube = new three.mesh(boxgeometry, basicmaterial); ...with the newly created shadermaterial: var cube = new three.mesh(boxgeometry, shadermaterial); three.js compiles and runs the shaders attached to the mesh to which this material is given.
...ew three.perspectivecamera(70, width/height); camera.position.z = 50; scene.add(camera); var boxgeometry = new three.boxgeometry(10, 10, 10); var shadermaterial = new three.shadermaterial( { vertexshader: document.getelementbyid( 'vertexshader' ).textcontent, fragmentshader: document.getelementbyid( 'fragmentshader' ).textcontent }); var cube = new three.mesh(boxgeometry, shadermaterial); scene.add(cube); cube.rotation.set(0.4, 0.2, 0); function render() { requestanimationframe(render); renderer.render(scene, camera); } render(); css body { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: 0; } canvas { width: 100%; height: 100%; } result conclusion this article has taught the very basics of shaders.
XRInputSource.gripSpace - Web APIs
examples in tis example, taken from the frame rendering callback, the gripspace is used to render a mesh that represents the position and orieintation of the controller in the virtual environment.
... for (let source in xrsession.inputsources) { if (source.gripspace) { let grippose = frame.getpose(source.gripspace, xrrefspace); if (grippose) { mydrawmeshusingtransform(controllermesh, grippose.transform.matrix); } } } for each input source which has a value for gripspace, this loop obtains the xrpose representing the position and orientation that are described by gripspace.
... if a valid pose is returned, a method mydrawmeshusingtransform() is called to draw the controller's mesh transformed using the grip pose's transform matrix.
Drawing graphics - Learn web development
add the following chunk of code at the bottom of your javascript: let cube; let loader = new three.textureloader(); loader.load( 'metal003.png', function (texture) { texture.wraps = three.repeatwrapping; texture.wrapt = three.repeatwrapping; texture.repeat.set(2, 2); let geometry = new three.boxgeometry(2.4, 2.4, 2.4); let material = new three.meshlambertmaterial( { map: texture, shading: three.flatshading } ); cube = new three.mesh(geometry, material); scene.add(cube); draw(); }); there's a bit more to take in here, so let's go through it in stages: we first create a cube global variable so we can access our cube from anywhere in the code., we create a new boxgeometry object and a new meshlambertmaterial object, and bring them together in a mesh to create our cube.
WebGLRenderingContext.vertexAttribPointer() - Web APIs
most meshes have the color specified at a per-vertex level, but some meshes are of a uniform shade.
... for those meshes, it is not necessary to place the same color for each vertex into the array buffer, so you use gl.vertexattrib4fv() to set a constant color.
XUL Structure - Archive of obsolete content
the extension will hook into the browser using a xul specific feature called an overlay which allows the xul from the extension to mesh with the xul in the browser.
Explaining basic 3D theory - Game development
if we connect the geometry with the material we will get a mesh.
Shell global objects
unwrappedobjectshavesameshape(obj1, obj2) returns true iff obj1 and obj2 have the same shape, false otherwise.
Standard OS Libraries
there is also a layer known as shell, gnomeshell is the shell used in gnome 3, it is the outter shell.
Document Object Model (DOM) - Web APIs
gfontfaceformatelement svgfontfacenameelement svgfontfacesrcelement svgfontfaceurielement svgforeignobjectelement svggelement svggeometryelement svgglyphelement svgglyphrefelement svggradientelement svggraphicselement svghatchelement svghatchpathelement svghkernelement svgimageelement svglineargradientelement svglineelement svgmarkerelement svgmaskelement svgmeshelement svgmeshgradientelement svgmeshpatchelement svgmeshrowelement svgmetadataelement svgmissingglyphelement svgmpathelement svgpathelement svgpatternelement svgpolylineelement svgpolygonelement svgradialgradientelement svgrectelement svgscriptelement svgsetelement svgsolidcolorelement svgstopelement svgstyleelement svgsvgelement svgswitchelement svgsymbolelement ...
Index - Web APIs
3801 svgmatrix api, deprecated, reference, svg, svg dom many of svg's graphics operations utilize 2x3 matrices of the form: 3802 svgmeshelement api, experimental, reference, svg, svg dom the svgmeshelement interface provides access to the properties of <mesh> elements.
WebGL best practices - Web APIs
however, lod meshes is usually the answer to this problem, rarely moving work from the vertex to the fragment shader.
Inputs and input sources - Web APIs
handedness can be used for various things, including selecting an appropriate mesh to use to represent the controller in the view and to help present it in the correct hand if drawing hands on the display.
XRBoundedReferenceSpace.boundsGeometry - Web APIs
although some samples render a mesh or other shape to display the bounds to the user, in a real-world application, you shouldn't do this.
XRInputSourcesChangeEvent - Web APIs
xrsession.addeventlistener("inputsourceschange", oninputsourceschange); function oninputsourceschange(event) { for (let input of event.added) { if (input.targetraymode == "tracked-pointer") { loadcontrollermesh(input); } } } you can also add a handler for inputsourceschange events by setting the oninputsourceschange event handler: xrsession.oninputsourceschange = oninputsourceschange; specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrinputsourceschangeevent' in that specification.
Web APIs
svgfontfaceelement svgfontfaceformatelement svgfontfacenameelement svgfontfacesrcelement svgfontfaceurielement svgforeignobjectelement svggelement svggeometryelement svgglyphelement svgglyphrefelement svggradientelement svggraphicselement svghkernelement svgimageelement svglength svglengthlist svglineelement svglineargradientelement svgmpathelement svgmaskelement svgmatrix svgmeshelement svgmetadataelement svgmissingglyphelement svgnumber svgnumberlist svgpathelement svgpatternelement svgpoint svgpolygonelement svgpolylineelement svgpreserveaspectratio svgradialgradientelement svgrect svgrectelement svgrenderingintent svgsvgelement svgscriptelement svgsetelement svgsolidcolorelement svgstopelement svgstringlist svgstylable svgstyleelement svgswitchelement svgsymbol...
Evolution of HTTP - HTTP
initially calling it the mesh, it was later renamed to world wide web during its implementation in 1990.
Web app manifests
click each one for more information about it: background_colorcategoriesdescriptiondirdisplayiarc_rating_idiconslangnameorientationprefer_related_applicationsrelated_applicationsscopescreenshotsserviceworkershort_nameshortcutsstart_urltheme_color example manifest { "name": "hackerweb", "short_name": "hackerweb", "start_url": ".", "display": "standalone", "background_color": "#fff", "description": "a simply readable hacker news app.", "icons": [{ "src": "images/touch/homescreen48.png", "sizes": "48x48", "type": "image/png" }, { "src": "images/touch/homescreen72.png", "sizes":...
SVG 2 support in Mozilla - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
olors and device colors implementation status unknown color-profile removed implementation status unknown <color-profile> removed implementation status unknown paint servers change notes <solidcolor> (renamed solidcolor) not implemented (bug 1177032) fr attribute for <radialgradient> not implemented (bug 1240275) <mesh> (renamed meshgradient) not implemented (bug 1238882) <meshrow> (renamed meshrow) not implemented (bug 1238882) <meshpatch> (renamed meshpatch) not implemented (bug 1238882) <hatch> not implemented (bug 1239147) <hatchpath> (renamed hatchpath) not implemented (bug 1239147) display behavior of paint server elements defined by ua style she...