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4 results for "MozRotateGesture":
mozrotategesturestart - generated when the user begins the rotation gesture.
... mozrotategestureupdate - generated periodically while the user is continuing the rotation gesture.
... the "delta" value represents the rotation since the last mozrotategesturestart or mozrotategestureupdate event.
...And 3 more matches
Mouse gesture events - Developer guides
WebGuideEventsMouse gesture events
mozrotategesturestart the mozrotategesturestart event is sent when the user begins performing a rotate gesture, by placing two fingers on the trackpad and rotating them around the center of the trackpad.
...mozrotategestureupdate the mozrotategestureupdate event is sent periodically while processing a rotate gesture, to provide updated status information.
... the event's delta value represents the amount by which the gesture has moved since the mozrotategesturestart or mozrotategestureupdate event.
...And 2 more matches
Event reference
mozrotategesturestart addons specific two touch points start to rotate around a point.
... mozrotategestureupdate addons specific two touch points rotate around a point (after a mozrotategesturestart).
... mozrotategesture addons specific two touch points rotate around a point (after a sequence of mozrotategestureupdate).
the event types supported are: mozswipegesturemaystart, mozswipegesturestart, mozswipegestureupdate, mozswipegestureend, mozswipegesture, mozmagnifygesturestart, mozmagnifygestureupdate, mozmagnifygesture, mozrotategesturestart, mozrotategestureupdate, mozrotategesture, mozpresstapgesture, moztapgesture, and mozedgeuigesture.