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syntax ck_rv fc_getoperationstate( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr poperationstate, ck_ulong_ptr puloperationstatelen ); parameters hsession [in] handle of the open session.
...puloperationstatelen [out] pointer to ck_ulong which receives the total length (in bytes) of the operation state.
syntax ck_rv fc_getslotlist( ck_bbool tokenpresent, ck_slot_id_ptr pslotlist, ck_ulong_ptr pulcount ); parameters tokenpresent [in] if true only slots with a token present are included in the list, otherwise all slots are included.
...pulcount [out] pointer to a ck_ulong variable which receives the slot count.; description fc_getslotlist obtains a list of slots in the system.
NSC_SetPIN - Archive of obsolete content
syntax ck_rv nsc_setpin( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_char_ptr poldpin, ck_ulong uloldlen, ck_char_ptr pnewpin, ck_ulong ulnewlen ); parameters nsc_setpin takes five parameters: hsession [input] poldpin [input] .
syntax ck_rv fc_copyobject( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_object_handle hobject, ck_attribute_ptr ptemplate, ck_ulong uscount, ck_object_handle_ptr phnewobject ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_createobject( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_attribute_ptr ptemplate, ck_ulong ulcount, ck_object_handle_ptr phobject ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_decrypt( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr pencrypteddata, ck_ulong usencrypteddatalen, ck_byte_ptr pdata, ck_ulong_ptr pusdatalen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
name fc_decryptdigestupdate - continue a multi-part decrypt and digest operation syntax ck_rv fc_decryptdigestupdate( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr pencryptedpart, ck_ulong ulencryptedpartlen, ck_byte_ptr ppart, ck_ulong_ptr pulpartlen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_decryptfinal( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr plastpart, ck_ulong_ptr puslastpartlen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_decryptupdate( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr pencryptedpart, ck_ulong usencryptedpartlen, ck_byte_ptr ppart, ck_ulong_ptr puspartlen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
name fc_decryptverifyupdate - continue a multi-part decrypt and verify operation syntax ck_rv fc_decryptverifyupdate( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr pencrypteddata, ck_ulong ulencrypteddatalen, ck_byte_ptr pdata, ck_ulong_ptr puldatalen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
name fc_derivekey - derive a key from a base key syntax ck_rv fc_derivekey( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_mechanism_ptr pmechanism, ck_object_handle hbasekey, ck_attribute_ptr ptemplate, ck_ulong usattributecount, ck_object_handle_ptr phkey ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_digest( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr pdata, ck_ulong usdatalen, ck_byte_ptr pdigest, ck_ulong_ptr pusdigestlen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
name fc_digestencryptupdate - continue a multi-part digest and encryption operation syntax ck_rv fc_digestencryptupdate( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr ppart, ck_ulong ulpartlen, ck_byte_ptr pencryptedpart, ck_ulong_ptr pulencryptedpartlen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_digestfinal( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr pdigest, ck_ulong_ptr puldigestlen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_digestupdate( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr ppart, ck_ulong uspartlen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_encrypt( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr pdata, ck_ulong usdatalen, ck_byte_ptr pencrypteddata, ck_ulong_ptr pusencrypteddatalen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_encryptfinal( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr plastencryptedpart, ck_ulong_ptr puslastencryptedpartlen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_encryptupdate( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr ppart, ck_ulong uspartlen, ck_byte_ptr pencryptedpart, ck_ulong_ptr pusencryptedpartlen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
name fc_findobjects - search for one or more objects syntax ck_rv fc_findobjects( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_object_handle_ptr phobject, ck_ulong usmaxobjectcount, ck_ulong_ptr pusobjectcount ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_findobjectsinit( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_attribute_ptr ptemplate, ck_ulong uscount ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
name fc_generatekey - generate a new key syntax ck_rv fc_generatekey( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_mechanism_ptr pmechanism, ck_attribute_ptr ptemplate, ck_ulong ulcount, ck_object_handle_ptr phkey ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
name fc_generatekeypair - generate a new public/private key pair syntax ck_rv fc_generatekeypair( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_mechanism_ptr pmechanism, ck_attribute_ptr ppublickeytemplate, ck_ulong uspublickeyattributecount, ck_attribute_ptr pprivatekeytemplate, ck_ulong usprivatekeyattributecount, ck_object_handle_ptr phpublickey, ck_object_handle_ptr phprivatekey ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_generaterandom( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr prandomdata, ck_ulong ulrandomlen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_getattributevalue( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_object_handle hobject, ck_attribute_ptr ptemplate, ck_ulong uscount ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_getmechanismlist( ck_slot_id slotid, ck_mechanism_type_ptr pmechanismlist, ck_ulong_ptr puscount ); parameters fc_getmechanismlist takes three parameters: slotid [input] pinfo [output] the address of a variable that will receive a pointer to the list of function pointers.
syntax ck_rv fc_getobjectsize( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_object_handle hobject, ck_ulong_ptr pussize ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_initpin( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_char_ptr ppin, ck_ulong ulpinlen ); parameters fc_initpin() takes three parameters: hsession[input] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_inittoken( ck_slot_id slotid, ck_char_ptr ppin, ck_ulong ulpinlen, ck_char_ptr plabel ); parameters fc_inittoken() has the following parameters: slotid the id of the token's slot ppin the password of the security officer (so) ulpinlen the length in bytes of the so password plabel points to the label of the token, which must be padded with spaces to 32 bytes and not be null-terminated description fc_inittoken() initializes a brand new token or re-initializes a token that was initialized before.
syntax ck_rv fc_login( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_user_type usertype, ck_char_ptr ppin, ck_ulong ulpinlen ); parameters fc_login() takes four parameters: hsession [in] a session handle usertype [in] the user type (cku_so or cku_user) ppin [in] a pointer that points to the user's pin ulpinlen [in] the length of the pin description fc_login() logs a user into a token.
syntax ck_rv fc_seedrandom( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr pseed, ck_ulong usseedlen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_setattributevalue( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_object_handle hobject, ck_attribute_ptr ptemplate, ck_ulong uscount ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_setoperationstate( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr poperationstate, ck_ulong uloperationstatelen, ck_object_handle hencryptionkey, ck_object_handle hauthenticationkey ); parameters hsession [in] handle of the open session.
syntax ck_rv fc_setpin( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_char_ptr poldpin, ck_ulong uloldlen, ck_char_ptr pnewpin, ck_ulong ulnewlen ); parameters fc_setpin takes five parameters: hsession [input] the session's handle poldpin [input] points to the old pin.
syntax ck_rv fc_sign( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr pdata, ck_ulong usdatalen, ck_byte_ptr psignature, ck_ulong_ptr pussignaturelen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
name fc_signencryptupdate - continue a multi-part signing and encryption operation syntax ck_rv fc_signencryptupdate( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr ppart, ck_ulong ulpartlen, ck_byte_ptr pencryptedpart, ck_ulong_ptr pulencryptedpartlen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_signfinal( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr psignature, ck_ulong_ptr pussignaturelen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_signrecover( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr pdata, ck_ulong usdatalen, ck_byte_ptr psignature, ck_ulong_ptr pussignaturelen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_signupdate( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr ppart, ck_ulong uspartlen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
name fc_unwrapkey - unwrap a key syntax ck_rv fc_unwrapkey( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_mechanism_ptr pmechanism, ck_object_handle hunwrappingkey, ck_byte_ptr pwrappedkey, ck_ulong uswrappedkeylen, ck_attribute_ptr ptemplate, ck_ulong usattributecount, ck_object_handle_ptr phkey ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_verify( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr pdata, ck_ulong usdatalen, ck_byte_ptr psignature, ck_ulong ussignaturelen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_verifyfinal( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr psignature, ck_ulong ussignaturelen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_verifyrecover( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr psignature, ck_ulong ussignaturelen, ck_byte_ptr pdata, ck_ulong_ptr pusdatalen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv fc_verifyupdate( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_byte_ptr ppart, ck_ulong uspartlen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
name fc_wrapkey - wrap a key syntax ck_rv fc_wrapkey( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_mechanism_ptr pmechanism, ck_object_handle hwrappingkey, ck_object_handle hkey, ck_byte_ptr pwrappedkey, ck_ulong_ptr puswrappedkeylen ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
syntax ck_rv nsc_inittoken( ck_slot_id slotid, ck_char_ptr ppin, ck_ulong ulpinlen, ck_char_ptr plabel ); parameters nsc_inittoken() has the following parameters: slotid the id of the token's slot ppin the password of the security officer (so) ulpinlen the length in bytes of the so password plabel points to the label of the token, which must be padded with spaces to 32 bytes and not be null-terminated description nsc_inittoken() initializes a brand new token or re-initializes a token that was initialized before.
syntax ck_rv nsc_login( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_user_type usertype, ck_char_ptr ppin, ck_ulong ulpinlen ); parameters nsc_login() takes four parameters: hsession [in] a session handle usertype [in] the user type (cku_so or cku_user) ppin [in] a pointer that points to the user's pin ulpinlen [in] the length of the pin description nsc_login() logs a user into a token.
PKCS #11 Netscape Trust Objects - Network Security Services
ck_trust is a ck_ulong which can contain one several values.