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57 results for "PRInt64":
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syntax #include <prtypes.h> typedef definition print64; description may be defined in several different ways, depending on the platform.
inherits from: nsisupportsprimitive last changed in gecko 1.2 method overview string tostring(); attributes attribute type description data print64 provides access to the native type represented by the object.
om createcontainer in gecko 1.9 obsolete since gecko 13.0 long long createfolder(in long long aparentfolder, in autf8string name, in long index); void endupdatebatch(); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void exportbookmarkshtml(in nsifile file); obsolete since gecko 1.9 nsiuri getbookmarkedurifor(in nsiuri auri); void getbookmarkfolderstarray(in nsiuri auri, in print64array aresult); native code only!
... obsolete since gecko 1.9 void getbookmarkidsforuri(in nsiuri auri, [optional] out unsigned long count, [array, retval, size_is(count)] out long long bookmarks); note: renamed from getbookmarkfolders in gecko 1.9 void getbookmarkidsforuritarray(in nsiuri auri, in print64array aresult); native code only!
... obsolete since gecko 2.0 nsiuri getbookmarkuri(in long long aitemid); long long getchildfolder(in long long afolder, in astring asubfolder); obsolete since gecko 2.0 long long getfolderidforitem(in long long aitemid); boolean getfolderreadonly(in long long aitemid); astring getfoldertitle(in print64 folder); obsolete since gecko 1.9 nsiuri getfolderuri(in print64 folder); obsolete since gecko 1.9 long long getidforitemat(in long long aparentid, in long aindex); prtime getitemdateadded(in long long aitemid); astring getitemguid(in long long aitemid); obsolete since gecko 14.0 long long getitemidforguid(in astring aguid); obsolete since gecko 14.0 long getitemindex(in long long aitemid); ...
...And 15 more matches
rits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 21.0 (firefox 21.0 / thunderbird 21.0 / seamonkey 2.18) method overview void onbeforeitemremoved(in long long aitemid, in unsigned short aitemtype, in long long aparentid, in acstring aguid, in acstring aparentguid); obsolete since gecko 21.0 void onbeginupdatebatch(); void onendupdatebatch(); void onfolderadded(in print64 folder, in print64 parent, in print32 index); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void onfolderchanged(in print64 folder, in acstring property); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void onfoldermoved(in print64 folder, in print64 oldparent, in print32 oldindex, in print64 newparent, in print32 newindex); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void onfolderremoved(in print64 folder, in print64 parent, in p... aoldparentid, in long aoldindex, in long long anewparentid, in long anewindex, in unsigned short aitemtype, in acstring aguid, in acstring aoldparentguid, in acstring anewparentguid); void onitemremoved(in long long aitemid, in long long aparentid, in long aindex, in unsigned short aitemtype, in nsiuri auri, in acstring aguid, in acstring aparentguid); void onitemreplaced(in print64 folder, in nsiuri item, in nsiuri newitem); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void onitemvisited(in long long aitemid, in long long avisitid, in prtime atime, in unsigned long atransitiontype, in nsiuri auri, in long long aparentid, in acstring aguid, in acstring aparentguid); void onseparatoradded(in print64 parent, in print32 index); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void onseparatorre...
...moved(in print64 parent, in print32 index); obsolete since gecko 1.9 methods onbeforeitemremoved() obsolete since gecko 21.0 (firefox 21.0 / thunderbird 21.0 / seamonkey 2.18) note: this method was removed in gecko 21.0 as part of bug 826409.
...And 7 more matches
Observer Notifications
if bookmarks will be restored into a specific folder, observers will be passed an nsisupportsprint64 through their subject parameters indicating the id of the folder.
...if bookmarks are restored into a specific folder, observers will be passed an nsisupportsprint64 through their subject parameters indicating the id of the folder.
...if bookmarks were restored into a specific folder, observers will be passed an nsisupportsprint64 through their subject parameters indicating the id of the folder.
...And 3 more matches
diskspaceavailable print64 the number of bytes available to non-superuser on the disk volume containing the nsifile.
... filesize print64 the value of this attribute is the number of bytes corresponding to the data represented by the file.
... filesizeoflink print64 this attribute exposes the size of the symbolic link referenced by this nsifile.
...And 2 more matches
print64 getasint64(); native code only!
...native code only!getasint64 print64 getasint64(); parameters none.
...if it is of a numeric type, it is cast directly to print64.
...And 2 more matches
Starting WebLock
the following code loads the contents of the file referenced by the nsifile object thefile into the buffer buf: nscomptr<nsilocalfile> localfile = do_queryinterface(thefile); if (!localfile) return -1; prbool exists; rv = thefile->exists(&exists); if (ns_failed(rv)) return -1; char *buf = null; if (exists) { // determine file size: pruint32 fs, numread; print64 filesize; rv = thefile->getfilesize(&filesize); if (ns_failed(rv)) return -1; // converting 64 bit value to unsigned int ll_l2ui(fs, filesize); file* openfile; rv = localfile->openansifiledesc("rw", &openfile); if (ns_failed(rv)) return -1; char *buf = (char *)malloc((fs+1) * sizeof(char)); if (!buf) return -1; numread = fread(buf, sizeof(char), fs, openfile); ...
...the type of this variable is print64, but this type is not represented as a primitive on all platforms.
... on some platforms, print64 is a struct with two fields - a high and a low 32-bit integer.
...on windows or linux, for example, it is possible to multiply a print64 by a long like this: print64 x = 1, y = 2; y = x * 2; however, this same snippet will not compile on a platform like macintosh os 9, where you need to use macros to perform the calculation: print64 x, y, two; ll_i2l(x, 1); ll_i2l(y, 2); ll_i2l(two, 2); ll_mul(y, x, two); a full listing of nspr's long long support can be found at
963 nsisupportsprint64 interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom, xpcom api reference, xpcom interface reference this methods returns a string valued representation of the object.
... 964 data this content is now available at nsisupportsprint64.attributes.
... 965 tostring this content is now available at nsisupportsprint64.tostring().
last changed in gecko 1.9.2 (firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) inherits from: nsicookie attributes attribute type description creationtime print64 the creation time of the cookie, in microseconds since midnight (00:00:00), january 1, 1970 utc.
... expiry print64 the actual expiry time of the cookie, in seconds since midnight (00:00:00), january 1, 1970 utc.
... lastaccessed print64 the last time the cookie was accessed, in microseconds since midnight (00:00:00) on january 1, 1970 utc.
last changed in gecko 16 (firefox 16 / thunderbird 16 / seamonkey 2.13) inherits from: nsisupports method overview void add(in nsiuri uri, in string type, in pruint32 permission, [optional] in pruint32 expiretype, [optional] in print64 expiretime); void addfromprincipal(in nsiprincipal principal, in string type, in pruint32 permission, [optional] in pruint32 expiretype, [optional] in print64 expiretime); void remove(in autf8string host, in string type); void removefromprincipal(in nsiprincipal principal, in string type); void removepermission(in nsipermission perm); ...
... void add( in nsiuri uri, in string type, in pruint32 permission, [optional] in pruint32 expiretype, [optional] in print64 expiretime ); parameters uri the uri to add the permission for.
... void addfromprincipal( in nsiprincipal principal, in string type, in pruint32 permission, [optional] in pruint32 expiretype, [optional] in print64 expiretime ); parameters principal the principal to add the permission for.
-service;1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiplacesimportexportservice); method overview void backupbookmarksfile(); void exporthtmltofile(in nsilocalfile afile); void importhtmlfromfile(in nsilocalfile afile, in boolean aisinitialimport); obsolete since gecko 14.0 void importhtmlfromfiletofolder(in nsilocalfile afile, in print64 afolder, in boolean aisinitialimport); obsolete since gecko 14.0 void importhtmlfromuri(in nsiuri auri, in boolean aisinitialimport); obsolete since gecko 14.0 methods backupbookmarksfile() backs up the bookmarks.html file.
...the observer subject will be an nsisupportsprint64 whose value is afolder.
... void importhtmlfromfiletofolder( in nsilocalfile afile, in print64 afolder, in boolean aisinitialimport ); parameters afile the file to import.
overview nsivariant get(in astring prop); acstring getpropertyasacstring(in astring prop); astring getpropertyasastring(in astring prop); autf8string getpropertyasautf8string(in astring prop); boolean getpropertyasbool(in astring prop); double getpropertyasdouble(in astring prop); print32 getpropertyasint32(in astring prop); print64 getpropertyasint64(in astring prop); void getpropertyasinterface(in astring prop, in nsiidref iid, [iid_is(iid), retval] out nsqiresult result); pruint32 getpropertyasuint32(in astring prop); pruint64 getpropertyasuint64(in astring prop); prbool haskey(in astring prop); methods get() this method returns null if the value does not exist, or exists but is ...
...getpropertyasint64() print64 getpropertyasint64( in astring prop ); parameters prop property to return the value of.
... return value the property value as a print64.
to create an object implementing this interface: components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/services.jsm"); var cookieservice = services.cookies; method overview void add(in autf8string ahost, in autf8string apath, in acstring aname, in acstring avalue, in boolean aissecure, in boolean aishttponly, in boolean aissession, in print64 aexpiry); boolean cookieexists(in nsicookie2 acookie); unsigned long countcookiesfromhost(in autf8string ahost); boolean findmatchingcookie(in nsicookie2 acookie, out unsigned long acountfromhost); obsolete since gecko 1.9 nsisimpleenumerator getcookiesfromhost(in autf8string ahost); void importcookies(in nsifile acookiefile); methods add()...
... void add( in autf8string ahost, in autf8string apath, in acstring aname, in acstring avalue, in boolean aissecure, in boolean aishttponly, in boolean aissession, in print64 aexpiry ); parameters ahost the host or domain for which the cookie is set.
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsisupports method overview nscookieaccess canaccess(in nsiuri auri, in nsichannel achannel); boolean cansetcookie(in nsiuri auri, in nsichannel achannel, in nsicookie2 acookie, inout boolean aissession, inout print64 aexpiry); nsiuri getoriginatinguri(in nsichannel achannel); void setaccess(in nsiuri auri, in nscookieaccess aaccess); constants constant value description access_default 0 nscookieaccess's access default value access_allow 1 nscookieaccess's access allow value access_deny 2 nscookieaccess's access deny value access_session 8 additional values for nscookieaccess, which are not ...
...boolean cansetcookie( in nsiuri auri, in nsichannel achannel, in nsicookie2 acookie, inout boolean aissession, inout print64 aexpiry ); parameters auri the uri trying to set the cookie.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 7.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 7.0 (firefox 7.0 / thunderbird 7.0 / seamonkey 2.4) method overview void callback(in acstring process, in autf8string path, in print32 kind, in print32 units, in print64 amount, in autf8string description, in nsisupports closure); methods callback() called to provide information from a multi-reporter.
...void callback( in acstring process, in autf8string path, in print32 kind, in print32 units, in print64 amount, in autf8string description, in nsisupports closure ); parameters process the value of the process attribute for the memory reporter.
void registermultireporter(in nsimemorymultireporter reporter); void registerreporter(in nsimemoryreporter reporter); void unregistermultireporter(in nsimemorymultireporter reporter); void unregisterreporter(in nsimemoryreporter reporter); attributes attribute type description explicit print64 gets the total size of explicit memory allocations, both at the operating system level (for example, via mmap, virtualalloc) and at the heap level (for example, via malloc(), calloc(), operator new).
... resident print64 gets the resident size (that is rss, physical memory used).
type_print64 13 corresponding to nsisupportsprint64.
...see also nsisupportscstring nsisupportschar nsisupportsdouble nsisupportsfloat nsisupportsid nsisupportsinterfacepointer nsisupportsprbool nsisupportsprint16 nsisupportsprint32 nsisupportsprint64 nsisupportsprtime nsisupportspruint16 nsisupportspruint32 nsisupportspruint64 nsisupportspruint8 nsisupportsstring nsisupportsvoid ...
void setpropertyasastring(in astring prop, in astring value); void setpropertyasautf8string(in astring prop, in autf8string value); void setpropertyasbool(in astring prop, in boolean value); void setpropertyasdouble(in astring prop, in double value); void setpropertyasint32(in astring prop, in print32 value); void setpropertyasint64(in astring prop, in print64 value); void setpropertyasinterface(in astring prop, in nsisupports value); void setpropertyasuint32(in astring prop, in pruint32 value); void setpropertyasuint64(in astring prop, in pruint64 value); methods setpropertyasacstring() void setpropertyasacstring( in astring prop, in acstring value ); parameters prop property to set the value of.
... setpropertyasint64() void setpropertyasint64( in astring prop, in print64 value ); parameters prop property to set the value of.
Optimizing Applications For NSPR
nspr functions returning floating point types and structs by value, including the derived types print64, are declared <tt>__pascal</tt>.
Long Long (64-bit) Integers
64-bit integer types nspr provides two types to represent 64-bit integers: print64 pruint64 64-bit integer functions the api defined for the 64-bit integer functions is consistent across all supported platforms.
NSPR Types
print64 pruint64 floating-point number type the nspr floating-point type is always 64 bits.
syntax #include <prtime.h> typedef print64 prtime; description this type is a 64-bit integer representing the number of microseconds since the nspr epoch, midnight (00:00:00) 1 january 1970 coordinated universal time (utc).
syntax #include <prio.h> print64 pr_available64(prfiledesc *fd); parameter the function has the following parameter: fd pointer to a prfiledesc object representing a file or socket.
syntax #include <prio.h> prfilemap* pr_createfilemap( prfiledesc *fd, print64 size, prfilemapprotect prot); parameters the function has the following parameters: fd a pointer to a prfiledesc object representing the file that is to be mapped to memory.
syntax #include <prio.h> void* pr_memmap( prfilemap *fmap, print64 offset, pruint32 len); parameters the function has the following parameters: fmap a pointer to the file-mapping object representing the file to be memory-mapped.
syntax #include <prio.h> print64 pr_seek64( prfiledesc *fd, print64 offset, prseekwhence whence); parameters the function has the following parameters: fd a pointer to a prfiledesc object.
appendwithconversion(const char*, print32) - source parameters char* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading prunichar* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator...
hconversion(const prunichar*, print32) - source parameters prunichar* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading char* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<char>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator<char>&) const - so...
appendwithconversion(const char*, print32) - source parameters char* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading prunichar* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator...
hconversion(const prunichar*, print32) - source parameters prunichar* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading char* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<char>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator<char>&) const - so...
hconversion(const prunichar*, print32) - source parameters prunichar* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading char* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<char>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator<char>&) const - so...
appendwithconversion(const char*, print32) - source parameters char* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading prunichar* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator...
appendwithconversion(const char*, print32) - source parameters char* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading prunichar* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator...
nt32) - source parameters prunichar* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading char* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<char>& beginreading(nsrea...
hconversion(const prunichar*, print32) - source parameters prunichar* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading char* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<char>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator<char>&) const - so...
hconversion(const prunichar*, print32) - source parameters prunichar* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading char* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<char>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator<char>&) const - so...
appendwithconversion(const char*, print32) - source parameters char* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading prunichar* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator...
hconversion(const prunichar*, print32) - source parameters prunichar* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading char* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<char>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator<char>&) const - so...
appendwithconversion(const char*, print32) - source parameters char* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading prunichar* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator...
hconversion(const prunichar*, print32) - source parameters prunichar* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading char* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<char>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator<char>&) const - so...
appendwithconversion(const char*, print32) - source parameters char* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading prunichar* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator...
appendwithconversion(const char*, print32) - source parameters char* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading prunichar* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator...
hconversion(const prunichar*, print32) - source parameters prunichar* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading char* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<char>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator<char>&) const - so...
appendwithconversion(const char*, print32) - source parameters char* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginreading prunichar* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator...
class standarddeviationfunc : public mozistorageaggregatefunction { public: ns_imethod onstep(mozistoragevaluearray *aarguments) { print32 value; nsresult rv = aarguments->getint32(&value); ns_ensure_success(rv, rv); mnumbers.appendelement(value); } ns_imethod onfinal(nsivariant **_result) { print64 total = 0; for (pruint32 i = 0; i < mnumbers.length(); i++) total += mnumbers[i]; print32 mean = total / mnumbers.length(); nstarray<print64> data(mnumbers); for (pruint32 i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) { print32 value = data[i] - mean; data[i] = value * value; } total = 0; for (pruint32 i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) total += data[i]; ns...
predicteddatasize print64 stores the content-length specified in the http header for this entry.
void reveal(); void setrelativedescriptor(in nsilocalfile fromfile, in acstring relativedesc); attributes attribute type description diskspaceavailable print64 the number of bytes available to non-superuser on the disk volume containing the nsilocalfile.
filesizewithresfork print64 returns the combined size of both the data fork and the resource fork (if present) rather than just the size of the data fork as returned by getfilesize() read only.
attributes attribute type description explicitnonheap print64 the sum of all of this multi-reporter's measurements that have a path that starts with "explicit" and are of the kind kind_nonheap.
attributes attribute type description amount print64 the numeric value reported by the memory reporter, specified in the units indicated by the units attribute.
expiretime print64 the expiration time of the permission measured in milliseconds since 1970 jan 1 0:00:00.
this content is now available at nsisupportsprint64.attributes.
this content is now available at nsisupportsprint64.tostring().
XPCOM Interface Reference
tackframensistandardurlnsistreamconverternsistreamlistenernsistringbundlensistringbundleoverridensistringbundleservicensistringenumeratornsistructuredclonecontainernsistylesheetservicensisupportsnsisupports proxiesnsisupportsarraynsisupportscstringnsisupportscharnsisupportsdoublensisupportsfloatnsisupportsidnsisupportsinterfacepointernsisupportsprboolnsisupportsprint16nsisupportsprint32nsisupportsprint64nsisupportsprtimensisupportspruint8nsisupportspruint16nsisupportspruint32nsisupportspruint64nsisupportsprimitivensisupportsprioritynsisupportsstringnsisupportsvoidnsisupportsweakreferencensisyncjpakensisyncmessagesendernsitxttohtmlconvnsitaggingservicensitaskbarpreviewnsitaskbarpreviewbuttonnsitaskbarpreviewcontrollernsitaskbarprogressnsitaskbartabpreviewnsitaskbarwindowpreviewnsitelemetrynsitexti...
XPCOM primitive
nt16;1 [scriptable, uuid(e30d94b0-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportsprint16 : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute print16 data; string tostring(); }; print32 nsisupportsprint32;1 [scriptable, uuid(e36c5250-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportsprint32 : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute print32 data; string tostring(); }; print64 nsisupportsprint64;1 [scriptable, uuid(e3cb0ff0-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportsprint64 : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute print64 data; string tostring(); }; float nsisupportsfloat;1 [scriptable, uuid(abeaa390-4ac0-11d3-baea-00805f8a5dd7)] interface nsisupportsfloat : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute float...
XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
vetldservice worker nsiabstractworker data nsiarray nsicategorymanager nsicollection nsidictionary nsimutablearray nsisimpleenumerator nsisupportschar nsisupportsdouble nsisupportsfloat nsisupportsid nsisupportsinterfacepointer nsisupportsprbool nsisupportsprimitive nsisupportsprint16 nsisupportsprint32 nsisupportsprint64 nsisupportspriority nsisupportsprtime nsisupportspruint16 nsisupportspruint32 nsisupportspruint64 nsisupportspruint8 nsisupportsstring nsisupportsvoid nsisupportsweakreference nsivariant do not use nsienumerator nsiinprocesscontentframemessagemanager nsiscriptableio nsixpcscriptable future nsixmlhttprequestupload obs...