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3 results for "CK_FLAGS":
PKCS #11 Module Specs
MozillaProjectsNSSPKCS11Module Specs
a new ck_c_initialize_args structure is defined as typedef struct ck_c_initialize_args { ck_createmutex createmutex; ck_destroymutex destroymutex; ck_lockmutex lockmutex; ck_unlockmutex unlockmutex; ck_flags flags; ck_void_ptr libraryparameters; ck_void_ptr preserved; } ck_c_initialize_args; applications/libraries must set libraryparameters to null if no parameter value is specified.
MozillaProjectsNSSReferenceFC OpenSession
syntax ck_rv fc_opensession( ck_slot_id slotid, ck_flags flags, ck_void_ptr papplication, ck_notify notify, ck_session_handle_ptr phsession ); parameters fc_opensession has the following parameters: slotid [in] the id of the token's slot.
MozillaProjectsNSSReferenceFC WaitForSlotEvent
syntax ck_rv fc_waitforslotevent(ck_flags flags, ck_slot_id_ptr pslot ck_void_ptr preserved); parameters fc_waitforslotevent takes three parameters: [input] flags [input] pslot.