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5 results for "NSS_reference":
JSS build instructions for OSX 10.6 - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaFirefoxJSS build instructions for Mac OS X 10.6
howto successfully compile jss and nss for 32 and 64 bits on osx 10.6 (10.6.7) useful links: <componente> /releases steps: export all this: build_opt="1" cvsroot="" java_home=$(/usr/libexec/java_home") no_mdupdate="1" nsdistmode="copy" ns_use_gcc="1" create working dir: mkdir nss-jss cd nss-jss obtain source: altought manual said nspr_4_6_4_rtm, nss_3_11_4_rtm, jss_4_2_5_rtm, they didnt ...
Migration to HG
MozillaProjectsNSSReferenceBuilding and installing NSSMigration to HG
updated instructions for building nss with nspr can be found at: /docs/nss_reference/building_and_installing_nss/build_instructions it's best to refer to the above document to learn about the various environment variables that you might have to set to build on your platform (this part hasn't changed).
NSS functions
MozillaProjectsNSSReferenceNSS functions
other sources of information: the nss_reference documents the functions most commonly used by applications to support ssl.
SSL functions
MozillaProjectsNSSSSL functions
other sources of information: the nss_reference documents the functions most commonly used by applications to support ssl.
MozillaProjectsNSSrelease notes.htmlNSS 3.12.3 release notes.html
the information in this table is excerpted from environment variable value type description nsrandcount integer (byte count) sets the maximum number of bytes to read from the file named in the environment variable nsrandfile (see below).