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5 results for "JSAutoRequest":
How to embed the JavaScript engine
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyHow to embed the JavaScript engine
propertystub, js_propertystub, js_strictpropertystub, js_enumeratestub, js_resolvestub, js_convertstub, }; int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { jsruntime *rt = js_newruntime(8l * 1024 * 1024, js_use_helper_threads); if (!rt) return 1; jscontext *cx = js_newcontext(rt, 8192); if (!cx) return 1; { // scope for our various stack objects (jsautorequest, rootedobject), so they all go // out of scope before we js_destroycontext.
... jsautorequest ar(cx); // in practice, you would want to exit this any // time you're spinning the event loop js::rootedobject global(cx, js_newglobalobject(cx, &global_class, nullptr)); if (!global) return 1; js::rootedvalue rval(cx); { // scope for jsautocompartment jsautocompartment ac(cx, global); js_initstandardclasses(cx, global); const char *script = "'hello'+'world, it is '+new date()"; const char *filename = "noname"; int lineno = 1; bool ok = js_evaluatescript(cx, global, script, strlen(script), filename, lineno, rval.address()); if (!ok) return 1; } jsstring *str = rval.tostring(); printf("%s\n", js_encodestring(cx, str)); } js...
...estub, js_convertstub, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, js_globalobjecttracehook }; int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { js_init(); jsruntime *rt = js_newruntime(8l * 1024 * 1024, js_use_helper_threads); if (!rt) return 1; jscontext *cx = js_newcontext(rt, 8192); if (!cx) return 1; { // scope for our various stack objects (jsautorequest, rootedobject), so they all go // out of scope before we js_destroycontext.
...And 7 more matches
JSAPI User Guide
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI User Guide
jsautorequest ar(cx); // create the global object and a new compartment.
JSAPI reference
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI reference
macros js_default_xml_namespace_id obsolete since jsapi 21 jsfun_bound_method obsolete since javascript 1.8.5 jsfun_getter obsolete since javascript 1.8.5 jsfun_setter obsolete since javascript 1.8.5 jsfun_global_parent obsolete since javascript 1.8.5 jsfun_heavyweight obsolete since jsapi 19 jsfun_lambda obsolete since jsapi 19 c++ features class jsautorequest class jsautolocalrootscope obsolete since javascript 1.8.5 class js::perfmeasurement (in jsperf.h) tracing and debugging js_setfunctioncallback added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 obsolete since jsapi 37 js_getfunctioncallback added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 obsolete since jsapi 37 ...
SpiderMonkey 1.8.5
jsautorequest jsautosuspendrequest jsautocheckrequest jsautoentercompartment js::anchor<> js::call obsolete apis js_clearnewbornroots js_enterlocalrootscope js_leavelocalrootscope js_leavelocalrootscopewithresult js_forgetlocalroot js_newgrowablestring deleted apis js_addnamedroot – use js_add*root js_addnamedrootrt – use js_add*root js_addroot – use js_add*root js_clearnewbornroots �...
SpiderMonkey 1.8.7
jsautorequest jsautosuspendrequest jsautocheckrequest jsautoentercompartment js::anchor<> js::call obsolete apis js_clearnewbornroots js_enterlocalrootscope js_leavelocalrootscope js_leavelocalrootscopewithresult js_forgetlocalroot js_newgrowablestring deleted apis js_getscopechain use js_getglobalforscopechain api changes operation callback js_setoperationcallback was introduced in js 1.8.0, ...