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4 results for "JSEqualityOp":
obsolete since gecko 2.0 void getxpcwrappednativejsclassinfo(out jsequalityop equality); nsixpconnectjsobjectholder holdobject(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in jsobjectptr aobject); void initclasses(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in jsobjectptr aglobaljsobj); nsixpconnectjsobjectholder initclasseswithnewwrappedglobal(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in nsisupports acomobj, in nsiidref aiid, in nsiprincipal aprincipal, in nsisupports aextraptr, in pruint3...
... return value missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description getxpcwrappednativejsclassinfo() get the jsequalityop pointer to use for identifying jsobjects that hold a pointer to an nsixpconnectwrappednative or to the native in their private date.
... void getxpcwrappednativejsclassinfo( out jsequalityop equality ); parameters equality missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description holdobject() creates a js object holder around aobject that will hold the object alive for as long as the holder stays alive.
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJSExtendedClass
syntax struct jsextendedclass { jsclass base; jsequalityop equality; jsobjectop outerobject; jsobjectop innerobject; jsiteratorop iteratorobject;// added in spidermonkey 1.8 jsobjectop wrappedobject; // added in spidermonkey 1.8 ...and additional reserved fields.
... equality jsequalityop optional.
JSAPI reference
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI reference
jsiteratorop obsolete since jsapi 26 jsequalityop obsolete since javascript 1.8.5 jsobjectop obsolete since javascript 1.8.5 jsobjectops method types: in js 1.8.5, jsobjectops has been made private.
SpiderMonkey 1.8.5
support for extended class methods (in particular, jsequalityop) has been removed.