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6 results for "JS_StackFramePrincipals":
JSAPI User Guide
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI User Guide
an access check callback function can use jsdbgapi.h functions such as js_frameiterator and js_stackframeprincipals to obtain the principals of the code that is trying to perform the checked operation.
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJSCheckAccessOp
jscheckaccessop implementations generally work by using jsdbgapi functions such as js_frameiterator and js_stackframeprincipals to obtain the principals of the code attempting the checked operation, then examining those principals and comparing them with the system's security policy.
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJSFastNative
it also means that applications that use spidermonkey's security features, particularly those that implement jscheckaccessop or jscheckaccessidop in terms of apis such as js_frameiterator and js_stackframeprincipals, must take extra care, as the native function's principals will be missing from the stack.
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJSNative
it also means that applications that implement jscheckaccessop or jscheckaccessidop in terms of apis such as js_frameiterator and js_stackframeprincipals, must take extra care, as the native function's principals will be missing from the stack.
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJSObjectPrincipalsFinder
the two debugger functions js_stackframeprincipals and js_evalframeprincipals also use this callback.
js_setinterrupt js_clearinterrupt watchpoints js_setwatchpoint js_clearwatchpoint js_clearwatchpointsforobject js_clearallwatchpoints inspecting the stack js_pctolinenumber js_linenumbertopc js_getfunctionscript js_getfunctionnative js_getfunctionfastnative js_getscriptprincipals typedef jsstackframe js_frameiterator js_getframescript js_getframepc js_getscriptedcaller js_stackframeprincipals js_evalframeprincipals js_getframeannotation js_setframeannotation js_getframeprincipalarray js_isnativeframe js_getframeobject js_getframescopechain js_getframecallobject js_getframethis js_getframefunction js_getframefunctionobject js_isconstructorframe js_isdebuggerframe js_getframereturnvalue js_setframereturnvalue js_getframecalleeobject js_getscriptfilename js_getscri...