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9 results for "NsIJSID":
method overview boolean equals(in nsijsid other); const nsid* getid(); violates the xpcom interface guidelines void initialize(in string idstring); string tostring(); attributes attribute type description id nsidptr read only.
... methods equals() this method determines if this nsijsid has the same nsid as another nsijsid.
... boolean equals( in nsijsid other ); parameters other the other nsijsid to compare to.
... return value true if the nsijsid's are valid and have the same nsid, otherwise false.
19 xpcom:language bindings, xpconnect is a constructor that creates native objects that conform to the nsijsid interface.
... 705 nsijsid interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom api reference, xpcom interface reference the following methods return objects that implement this interface: 706 nsijsiid interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, needscontent, xpcom, xpcom api reference, xpcom interface reference no summary!
MozillaTechXPCOMLanguage BindingsComponents.ID
summary is a constructor that creates native objects that conform to the nsijsid interface.
MozillaTechXPCOMLanguage BindingsComponents.classes
all of the properties and methods of the nsijscid and its ancestor interface nsijsid are available for use on the objects contained in this object.
Language bindings
MozillaTechXPCOMLanguage Bindings
these exception objects may be thrown when implementing xpcom interfaces in javascript, and they can provide better diagnostics in the error console if not caught than simply throwing an nsresult's value is a constructor that creates native objects that conform to the nsijsid interface.components.interfacescomponents.interfaces is a read-only object whose properties are interfaces indexed by their names.components.interfacesbyidcomponents.interfacesbyid is a read-only array of classes indexed by iid.components.issuccesscodedetermines whether a given xpcom return code (that is, an nsresult value) indicates the success or failure of an operation, returning true or false...
inherits from: nsijsid last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview nsisupports createinstance(); nsisupports getservice(); methods createinstance() nsisupports createinstance(); parameters none.
« xpcom api reference summary [scriptable, uuid(e08dcda0-d651-11d2-9843-006008962422)] interface nsijsiid : nsijsid {}; ...
XPCOM Interface Reference
XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
MozillaTechXPCOMReferenceReference by grouping
d nsithreadeventfilter nsithreadinternal nsithreadmanager nsithreadobserver nsithreadpool nsithreadpoollistener nsitoolkit util nsiversioncomparator nsiweakreference nsifactory nsiinterfacerequestor nsijscid nsijsid nsijsiid nsimodule nsiobserver nsiobserverservice nsiproperties nsiproperty nsipropertybag nsipropertybag2 nsipropertyelement nsiserversocket nsiserversocketlistener nsiservicemanager nsisocketprovider nsisocketproviderservice nsisockettransport nsisockettransportservice...