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6 results for "nsIContentPrefCallback":
see nsicontentprefcallback2 for more information about callbacks.
... method overview void addobserverforname(in astring name, in nsicontentprefobserver observer); void getbydomainandname(in astring domain, in astring name, in nsiloadcontext context, in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); void getbysubdomainandname(in astring domain, in astring name, in nsiloadcontext context, in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); nsicontentpref getcachedbydomainandname(in astring domain, in astring name, in nsiloadcontext context); void getcachedbysubdomainandname(in astring domain, in astring name, in nsiloadcontext context, out unsigned long len, [retval,array,size_is(len)] out nsicontentpref prefs); nsicontentpref getcachedglobal(in astring name, in nsiloadcontext context); void getg...
...lobal(in astring name, in nsiloadcontext context, in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); void removealldomains(in nsiloadcontext context, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); void removeallglobals(in nsiloadcontext context, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); void removebydomain(in astring domain, in nsiloadcontext context, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); void removebydomainandname(in astring domain, in astring name, in nsiloadcontext context, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); void removebyname(in astring name, in nsiloadcontext context, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); void removebysubdomain(in astring domain, in nsiloadcontext context, [optiona...
...And 14 more matches
to create an instance, use: var contentprefservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsicontentprefservice); method overview void addobserver(in astring aname, in nsicontentprefobserver aobserver); nsivariant getpref(in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback acallback); nsipropertybag2 getprefs(in nsivariant agroup); nsipropertybag2 getprefsbyname(in astring aname); boolean haspref(in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname); void removegroupedprefs(); void removeobserver(in astring aname, in nsicontentprefobserver aobserver); void removepref(in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname); void re...
... nsivariant getpref( in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname, in nsicontentprefcallback acallback optional ); parameters agroup the group for which to retrieve a preference; this may be specified as either a uri or as a string; in either case, the group consists of all sites matching the hostname portion of the specified uri.
... acallback an optional nsicontentprefcallback to receive the result.
435 nsicontentprefcallback2 preferences, xpcom, xpcom interface reference called when the method finishes.
see also nsicontentprefservice2 nsicontentprefcallback2 ...
XPCOM Interface Reference