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4 results for "nsIDBChangeAnnouncer":
unction(ahdrtochange, aprechange, astatus, ainstigator) {}, onevent: function(adb, aevent) {}, queryinterface: function(aiid) { if (!aiid.equals(components.interfaces.nsidbchangelistener) && !aiid.equals(components.interfaces.nsisupports)) throw components.results.ns_error_no_interface; return this; } }; and to attach it in thunderbird, we must call addlistener on a nsidbchangeannouncer, typically through a nsimsgdatabase.
...hdr ahdrchanged, in nsmsgkey aparentkey, in long aflags, in nsidbchangelistener ainstigator); void onhdradded(in nsimsgdbhdr ahdrchanged, in nsmsgkey aparentkey, in long aflags, in nsidbchangelistener ainstigator); void onparentchanged(in nsmsgkey akeychanged, in nsmsgkey oldparent, in nsmsgkey newparent, in nsidbchangelistener ainstigator); void onannouncergoingaway(in nsidbchangeannouncer instigator); void onreadchanged(in nsidbchangelistener ainstigator); void onjunkscorechanged(in nsidbchangelistener ainstigator); void onhdrpropertychanged(in nsimsgdbhdr ahdrtochange, in unsigned long aoldflags, in prbool aprechange, inout pruint32 astatus, in nsidbchangelistener ainstigator); void onevent(in nsimsgdatabase adb, in string aevent); metho...
... void onannouncergoingaway(in nsidbchangeannouncer ainstigator); parameters ainstigator the nsidbchangeannouncer that is being removed.
inherits from: nsisupports method overview void addchild(in nsimsgdbhdr child, in nsimsgdbhdr inreplyto, in boolean threadinthread, in nsidbchangeannouncer announcer); nsimsgdbhdr getchildat(in long index); nsmsgkey getchildkeyat(in long index); nsimsgdbhdr getchild(in nsmsgkey msgkey); nsimsgdbhdr getchildhdrat(in long index); nsimsgdbhdr getroothdr(out long index); void removechildat(in long index); void removechildhdr(in nsimsgdbhdr child, in nsidbchangeannouncer announcer); void markchildread(in boolean bread); nsimsgdbhdr getfirstunreadchild(); nsisimpleenumerator enumeratemessages(in nsmsgkey parent); attributes ...
... void addchild(in nsimsgdbhdr child, in nsimsgdbhdr inreplyto, in boolean threadinthread, in nsidbchangeannouncer announcer); parameters child the message to add inreplyto the message this should be in reply to threadinthread announcer an nsidbchangeannouncer to receive notification when the change is made.
... removechildat() void removechildat(in long index); parameters index the index to remove the message from removechildhdr() void removechildhdr(in nsimsgdbhdr child, in nsidbchangeannouncer announcer); parameters child the message to remove announcer an nsidbchangeannouncer to receive notification when the change is made.
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsidbchangeannouncer method overview void open(in nsilocalfile afoldername, in boolean acreate, in boolean aleaveinvaliddb); void forcefolderdbclosed(in nsimsgfolder afolder); void close(in boolean aforcecommit); void commit(in nsmsgdbcommit committype); void forceclosed(); void clearcachedhdrs; void resethdrcachesize(in unsigned long size); nsimsgdbhdr getmsghdrforkey(in nsmsgkey key); nsimsgdbhdr getmsghdrformessageid(in string messageid); boolean containskey(in nsmsgkey key); nsimsgdbhdr createnewhdr(in nsmsgkey key); void addne...
XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
MozillaTechXPCOMReferenceReference by grouping
nsiupdatechecker nsiupdatechecklistener nsiupdateitem nsiupdatemanager nsiupdatepatch nsiupdateprompt nsiupdatetimermanager nsiprogramminglanguage thunderbird credentials nsimsgaccountmanagerextension element nsieditormailsupport message nsidbchangeannouncer nsidbchangelistener nsimessenger nsimsgcompfields nsimsgcustomcolumnhandler nsimsgdatabase nsimsgdbhdr nsimsgdbview nsimsgdbviewcommandupdater nsimsgfolder nsimsgidentity nsimsgmessageservice nsimsgsendlater nsimsgthread nsimsgwindow nsimsgwindowcommands user history nsibrowserhistory...