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2 results for "nsIWindowDataSource":
XPCOM Examples - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXULTutorialXPCOM Examples
it implements the interface nsiwindowdatasource.
... the code below shows how to get a component which implements it: var wmdata = components.classes[";1?name=window-mediator"].getservice(); wmdata.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsiwindowdatasource); this code retrieves a window mediator data source component.
...the nsiwindowdatasource interface has a function getwindowforresource, which can be used to get the window given a resource.
..."nc:windowmediatorroot"> <template> <rule> <menuitem uri="rdf:*" label="rdf:"/> </rule> </template> </menupopup> </menu> </menubar> </toolbox> <script> function switchfocus(elem) { var mediator = components.classes[";1?name=window-mediator"].getservice(); mediator.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsiwindowdatasource); var resource = elem.getattribute('id'); switchwindow = mediator.getwindowforresource(resource); if (switchwindow){ switchwindow.focus(); } } </script> a command handler was added to the menu element which calls the function switchfocus() with a parameter of the element that was selected from the menu.
XULRunner tips - Archive of obsolete content
var windowds = components.classes[";1?name=window-mediator"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiwindowdatasource); var tmpnamespace = {}; var sl = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.mozijssubscriptloader); sl.loadsubscript("chrome://inspector/content/hooks.js", tmpnamespace); tmpnamespace.inspectdomdocument(document); } now create a hook in your application window to start dom inspector, like this one: <button label="start inpe...