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10 results for "nsMsgPriorityValue":
defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ public/ mailnewstypes2.idl typedef long nsmsgpriorityvalue; [scriptable, uuid(94c0d8d8-2045-11d3-8a8f-0060b0fc04d2)] interface nsmsgpriority { const nsmsgpriorityvalue notset = 0; const nsmsgpriorityvalue none = 1; const nsmsgpriorityvalue lowest = 2; const nsmsgpriorityvalue low = 3; const nsmsgpriorityvalue normal = 4; const nsmsgpriorityvalue high = 5; const nsmsgpriorityvalue highest = 6; // the default for a priority picker const nsmsgpriorityvalue default = 4; }; ...
d defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ public/ mailnewstypes2.idl 1126 nsmsgkey xpcom, xpcom interface reference, thunderbird defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ public/ mailnewstypes2.idl 1127 nsmsglabelvalue xpcom, xpcom interface reference, thunderbird defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ public/ mailnewstypes2.idl 1128 nsmsgpriorityvalue xpcom, xpcom interface reference, thunderbird defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ public/ mailnewstypes2.idl 1129 nsmsgruleactiontype interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom, xpcom interface reference, thunderbird defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsmsgfiltercore.idl 1130 nsmsgsearchattrib interfaces, interfaces:scriptab...
priority nsmsgpriorityvalue indicates the priority of this message.
throws an exception if the action is not priority attribute nsmsgpriorityvalue priority; targetfolderuri // target folder..
throws an exception if the action is not priority attribute nsmsgpriorityvalue priority; // target folder..
rouping; methods matchrfc822string boolean matchrfc822string(in string astring, in string charset, in boolean charsetoverride); matchrfc2047string boolean matchrfc2047string(in string astring, in string charset, in boolean charsetoverride); matchdate boolean matchdate(in prtime atime); matchstatus boolean matchstatus(in unsigned long astatus); matchpriority boolean matchpriority(in nsmsgpriorityvalue priority); matchage boolean matchage(in prtime days); matchsize boolean matchsize(in unsigned long size); matchlabel boolean matchlabel(in nsmsglabelvalue alabelvalue); matchjunkstatus boolean matchjunkstatus(in string ajunkscore); matchjunkpercent /* * test search term match for junkpercent * * @param ajunkpercent junkpercent for message (0-100, 100 is junk) * @return ...
attribute astring str; attribute nsmsgpriorityvalue priority; attribute prtime date; // see nsmsgmessageflags.idl and nsmsgfolderflags.idl attribute unsigned long status; attribute unsigned long size; attribute nsmsgkey msgkey; attribute long age; // in days attribute nsimsgfolder folder; attribute nsmsglabelvalue label; attribute nsmsgjunkstatus junkstatus; /* * junkpercent is set by the message filte...
defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsmsgsearchcore.idl use this to specify the value of a search term [ptr] native nsmsgsearchvalue(nsmsgsearchvalue); %{c++ typedef struct nsmsgsearchvalue { nsmsgsearchattribvalue attribute; union { nsmsgpriorityvalue priority; prtime date; pruint32 msgstatus; /* see msg_flag in msgcom.h */ pruint32 size; nsmsgkey key; print32 age; /* in days */ nsimsgfolder *folder; nsmsglabelvalue label; pruint32 junkstatus; pruint32 junkpercent; } u; char *string; } nsmsgsearchvalue; ...
XPCOM Interface Reference
ablensixpconnectnsixsltexceptionnsixsltprocessornsixsltprocessorobsoletensixulappinfonsixulbrowserwindownsixulbuilderlistenernsixulruntimensixulsortservicensixultemplatebuildernsixultemplatequeryprocessornsixultemplateresultnsixulwindownsixmlrpcclientnsixmlrpcfaultnsizipentrynsizipreadernsizipreadercachensizipwriternsmsgfilterfileattribvaluensmsgfolderflagtypensmsgjunkstatusnsmsgkeynsmsglabelvaluensmsgpriorityvaluensmsgruleactiontypensmsgsearchattribnsmsgsearchopnsmsgsearchscopensmsgsearchtermnsmsgsearchtypevaluensmsgsearchvaluensmsgsearchwidgetvaluenspipromptservice see also interfaces grouped by function ...
attribute astring str; attribute nsmsgpriorityvalue priority; attribute prtime date; // see nsmsgmessageflags.idl and nsmsgfolderflags.idl attribute unsigned long status; attribute unsigned long size; attribute nsmsgkey msgkey; attribute long age; // in days attribute nsimsgfolder folder; attribute nsmsglabelvalue label; attribute nsmsgjunkstatus junkstatus; /* * junkpercent is set by the message filte...