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syntax #include <prmem.h> void pr_freeif(_ptr); parameter _ptr the address of memory to be returned to the heap.
syntax #include <prmem.h> void pr_free(void *ptr); parameter ptr a pointer to the memory to be freed.
syntax #include <prlink.h> void pr_freelibraryname(char *mem); parameters the function has this parameter: mem a reference to a character array that was previously allocated by the dynamic library runtime.
Memory Management Operations
memory allocation functions are: pr_malloc pr_calloc pr_realloc pr_free pr_malloc(), pr_calloc(), pr_realloc(), and pr_free() have the same signatures as their libc equivalents malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), and free(), and have the same semantics.
... (note that the argument type size_t is replaced by pruint32.) memory allocated by pr_malloc(), pr_calloc(), or pr_realloc() must be freed by pr_free().
... memory allocation macros macro versions of the memory allocation functions are available, as well as additional macros that provide programming convenience: pr_malloc pr_new pr_realloc pr_calloc pr_newzap pr_delete pr_freeif ...
when you are finished with them, you should free all the returned values using pr_free.
...when the callback function is finished with the string returned, the string should be freed with a call to pr_free.
Choosing the right memory allocator
pr_alloc() (do not use, no users and only exists in /security/; use pr_malloc() instead) pr_malloc() == pr_malloc pr_calloc() == pr_calloc pr_realloc() == pr_realloc pr_free() pr_new (pass in a struct to allocate its size) pr_newzap (same as pr_new, but zeros memory) pr_delete (pr_free() and also clears the pointer) pr_freeif special cases pr_smprintf(), pr_sprintf_append(), pr_vsmprintf() and pr_vsprintf_append() must be freed with pr_smprintf_free() pl_strdup(), pl_strndup() must be freed with pl_strfree() nscrt::strdup/nscrt::strndup must be ...
Dynamic Library Linking
library linking types these data types are defined for dynamic library linking: prlibrary prstaticlinktable library linking functions the library linking functions are: pr_setlibrarypath pr_getlibrarypath pr_getlibraryname pr_freelibraryname pr_loadlibrary pr_unloadlibrary pr_findsymbol pr_findsymbolandlibrary finding symbols defined in the main executable program pr_loadlibrary cannot open a handle that references the main executable program.
Network Addresses
pr_initializenetaddr converting between a string and a network address pr_stringtonetaddr pr_netaddrtostring converting address formats pr_convertipv4addrtoipv6 getting host names and addresses pr_gethostbyname pr_gethostbyaddr pr_enumeratehostent pr_getaddrinfobyname pr_enumerateaddrinfo pr_getcanonnamefromaddrinfo pr_freeaddrinfo getting protocol entries pr_getprotobyname pr_getprotobynumber ...
typically, a praddrinfo object will be found via pr_getaddrinfobyname, iterated through using pr_enumerateaddrinfo, and finally freed with pr_freeaddrinfo.
PR GetAddrInfoByName
when no longer needed, this pointer must be destroyed with a call to pr_freeaddrinfo.
PR GetCanonNameFromAddrInfo
this pointer is invalidated once the praddrinfo structure is destroyed by a call to pr_freeaddrinfo.
when it is no longer used, free it using pr_freelibraryname.
when it is no longer used, free it using pr_freelibraryname.
NSPR API Reference
t macros pr_init_clist pr_init_static_clist pr_append_link pr_insert_link pr_next_link pr_prev_link pr_remove_link pr_remove_and_init_link pr_insert_before pr_insert_after dynamic library linking library linking types prlibrary prstaticlinktable library linking functions pr_setlibrarypath pr_getlibrarypath pr_getlibraryname pr_freelibraryname pr_loadlibrary pr_unloadlibrary pr_findsymbol pr_findsymbolandlibrary finding symbols defined in the main executable program platform notes dynamic library search path exporting symbols from the main executable program process management and interprocess communication process management types and constants prprocess prprocessattr ...
functions that can be used by both clients and servers during communication include the following: pr_send or pr_write pr_read or pr_recv pr_geterror pr_getpeername pr_sleep pr_malloc pr_free pr_poll pr_now pr_intervaltomilliseconds pr_millisecondstointerval pr_shutdown pr_close ssl_invalidatesession after establishing a connection, an application first calls pr_send, pr_recv, pr_read, pr_write, or ssl_forcehandshake to initiate the handshake.
pr_freelibrary(dll); return ns_ok; } native code only!