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7 results for "iterationStart":
EffectTiming.iterationStart - Web APIs
web animations api's effecttiming dictionary's iterationstart property specifies the repetition number which repetition the animation begins at and its progress through it.
... element.animate(), keyframeeffectreadonly.keyframeeffectreadonly(), and keyframeeffect.keyframeeffect() all accept an object of timing properties including iterationstart.
... the value of iterationstart corresponds directly to animationeffecttimingreadonly.iterationstart in timing objects returned by animationeffectreadonly, keyframeeffectreadonly, and keyframeeffect.
...And 4 more matches
Index - Web APIs
fill api, animation, effecttiming, experimental, keyframeeffect, property, reference, web animations, animate, fill, web animations api the web animations api's effecttiming dictionary's fill property specifies a fill mode, which defines how the element to which the animation is applied should look when the animation sequence is not actively running, such as before the time specified by iterationstart or after animation's end time.
... 1094 effecttiming.iterationstart api, animation, effecttiming, experimental, keyframeeffect, property, reference, web animations, animate, iterationstart, waapi, web animations api web animations api's effecttiming dictionary's iterationstart property specifies the repetition number which repetition the animation begins at and its progress through it.
EffectTiming.fill - Web APIs
the web animations api's effecttiming dictionary's fill property specifies a fill mode, which defines how the element to which the animation is applied should look when the animation sequence is not actively running, such as before the time specified by iterationstart or after animation's end time.
EffectTiming - Web APIs
iterationstart optional describes at what point in the iteration the animation should start.
Element.animate() - Web APIs
iterationstart optional describes at what point in the iteration the animation should start.
KeyframeEffect.KeyframeEffect() - Web APIs
iterationstart optional describes at what point in the iteration the animation should start.
KeyframeEffectOptions - Web APIs
iterationstart optional describes at what point in the iteration the animation should start.